Microsoft Research

330 тыс
50.3 млн
9 254
24 Окт 2008
06.09.16 23:44
VISP: Visualizing Information Search Processes
Microsoft Research – 6 сентября 2016, 16:48
06.09.16 1:21:22
Dynamics, Emergence and Simulation
Achieving complex results through engineering simplicity.
06.09.16 23:43
User Intention and Interaction for Improving Search Effectiveness
Microsoft Research – 6 сентября 2016, 16:47
06.09.16 1:20:45
Science Education in the 21st Century: Using the tools of science to teach science
We are excited to announce that the 2001 Noble Laureate Professor for Physics, Professor Carl Wieman, will be visiting campus next Thursday, November 15th and will share details of his current work
06.09.16 1:06:36
Generic Programming in the Parallel Boost Graph Library
We present a library of generic software components for parallel and distributed computations on graphs, based on the Boost Graph Library (BGL).
06.09.16 1:03:21
Candidate talk: On the Evaluation and Extraction of Thread-Level Parallelism in Ordinary Programs
Multi-core systems such as IBM's Cell, Intel's Core 2 Duo and AMD's Barcelona are becoming ubiquitous.
06.09.16 1:03:10
Developing the Best Life and Death Solver in Go
Computer Go is one of the ultimate challenges for games research.
06.09.16 1:06:29
No Ifs, Ands, or Buts: Uncovering the Simplicity of Conditionals
Schematic tables are a new representation for conditionals. Roughly a cross between decision tables and data flow graphs, they represent computation and decision-making orthogonally.
06.09.16 44:14
Refinement of Thread-Modular Verification
Thread-modular verification à la Flanagan and Qadeer is a promising approach for avoiding the state explosion during the verification of concurrent programs.
06.09.16 56:04
Dependable Software via Automated Verification
Despite their popularity and importance, pointer-based programs with linked data structures remain a major challenge for program verification.
06.09.16 10:24
Welcome - Overview of the day
Microsoft Research – 6 сентября 2016, 16:46
06.09.16 1:11:41
GENI - Global Environment for Network Innovations
This talk introduces GENI, the National Science Foundation's ambitious plan to build a national facility to enable research into clean
06.09.16 1:00:38
Mantis and JouleSort: Power Models and Metrics in Enterprise Computing
Improving the energy efficiency of enterprise computing requires new ways of designing systems and new policies for adaptively managing individual systems or data centers.
06.09.16 54:29
Explicit-Symbolic Modeling for Formal Verification
In this talk we present a model that combines explicit and symbolic representations in an explicit-symbolic model checking tool.
06.09.16 1:29:44
Wired Shut: Copyright and the Shape of Digital Culture
While the public and the media have been distracted by the story of Napster, warnings about the evils of ΓÇ£piracyΓÇ¥ and lawsuits by the recording and film industries, the enforcement of copyright
06.09.16 1:05:54
Accelerating Architectural-Level Full-System Multiprocessor Simulations using FPGAs
An architectural-level, full-system simulator such as Virtutech Simics is a powerful and versatile research enabler for both architectural exploration and advanced OS/compiler development.
06.09.16 1:08:45
Recurrence of weak graph limits
A result of Benjamini and Schramm states that the weak local limit (a.k.a. Benjamini-Schramm limit) of a sequence of planar graphs with uniformly bounded degrees is a.s. recurrent.
06.09.16 43:26
Power series, power serious
I will sing praises for the power of lazy languages, notably Haskell, to express operations on infinite data structures, and will use power-series algorithms as a prime example.
06.09.16 50:28
Acoustic Analysis and Modeling of Pathological Voices
Disorders in voice are common and presently have been increasing due to unhealthy habits and vocal abuse.
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06.09.16 54:06
Data Clustering and Stability of Finite Samples
Over the past few years, the notion of stability in data clustering algorithms has received growing attention among practitioners as a useful validation tool in a sample-based framework.
06.09.16 1:20:38
Bulldozers, Termites, and Chainsaws: Finding a Gradual Path to Parallelism
The transition to multicore is effectively a gamble that application programmers will start writing all of their code in parallel, or that workloads will change to make it simple to generate many
06.09.16 48:33
Gibbs Measures on Trees and Random Graphs
Understanding Gibbs measures on trees and their spatial mixing thresholds (uniqueness, strong spatial mixing, reconstruction) can give insight into the behavior of Gibbs measures on general graphs
06.09.16 54:32
Discovering Heap Anomalies in the Wild
Despite the best efforts of programmers, programs still ship with bugs.  Many of these bugs manifest as anomalies the heap.  This talk discusses two low-overhead synergistic techniques for
06.09.16 54:15
Giving Campaign lunch: Woodland Park Zoo
Microsoft Research – 6 сентября 2016, 16:43
06.09.16 46:27
oPtions: The Secret Life of Steve Jobs [1/92]
Welcome to the mind and world of Fake Steve Jobs: Fake Steve, the counter-intuitive management guru: Obviously
06.09.16 1:25:10
(Computational) Linguistics and the Web: Hot research questions
I've spent the last ten years trying to feed technologies and insights from Linguistics and Computational Linguistics into the infrastructure of the Web.
06.09.16 36:28
Education for a Brighter Future
Many students from developing countries dream about working for a place like Microsoft. Unfortunately, even basic education can be hard to attain when families are in poverty.
06.09.16 1:30:57
Compiler and Microarchitectural Techniques for Leakage Power Reduction
Leakage power has become an increasingly important issue in processor hardware and software design.
06.09.16 47:10
Robust Sensor Placements and Submodular Functions
In this talk, we tackle a fundamental problem that arises when using sensors to monitor the ecological condition of rivers and lakes, the network of pipes that bring water to our taps, or the
06.09.16 1:05:15
On Graph Kernels
We consider the following two problems: a) How can we best compare two graphs? and b) How can we compare two nodes in a given graph?
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