Microsoft Research

330 тыс
50.4 млн
9 254
24 Окт 2008
06.09.16 1:11:28
A Crowd of One: The Future of Individual Identity           
How do I know you are who you say you are? Why should I trust you? Where do we get our identities, our sense of who we are? What happens when our identities become digital?
06.09.16 48:50
Ubiquitous Reflective Technologies
I am constructing a deep understanding of people┬╣s emotional relationships with products, environments, and experience and using this understanding to inform better design, reflection, and teamwork
06.09.16 1:09:17
Customizing the Computational Capabilities of Processors
Consumers will always demand more performance from their computer systems.
06.09.16 1:12:50
Virgil: Objects on the Head of a Pin
Embedded microcontrollers are becoming increasingly prolific, serving as the primary or auxiliary processor in products and research systems from microwaves to sensor networks.
06.09.16 50:35
Video Synopsis: Making an Infinite Video Shorter
The power of video over still images is the ability to represent dynamic activities.
06.09.16 1:03:08
Linked Decompositions of Networks and Polya Urns with Choice
We propose a novel graph decomposition that enables a scalable form of internet routing with roughly sqrt(n) memory and logarithmic delay.
06.09.16 58:40
The Light Portal: 3D Reconstruction and Visualization over Space and Time
My research focuses on the problems of reconstruction and visualization of three-dimensional objects from images or video streams.
06.09.16 1:20:09
Distributed Speculative Execution: A Programming Model for Reliability and Increased Performance
Reliability and fault-tolerance are key issues in software design and development.
06.09.16 1:03:41
Director of MITΓÇÖs Auto-ID Laboratory and a professor of Information Engineering
This talk will focus on the problems of bringing real time visibility to physical objects by using active and passive RFID.
06.09.16 44:53
Path invariants
The success of software verification depends on the ability to find a suitable abstraction of a program automatically.  We propose a method for automated abstraction refinement which overcomes some
06.09.16 1:01:09
Records, sums, cases, and exceptions: Row-polymorphism at work [1/9]
I will present the design of a programming language (called MLPolyR) whose type system makes significant use of row polymorphism (Rémy, 1991). MLPolyR (Blume et al.
06.09.16 1:22:00
Internet 3.0: Ten Problems with Current Internet Architecture and Solutions for the Next Generation
Internet has changed the way we work and live and has contributed positively to the growth of business and industry. Nonetheless, many parts of the Internet architecture were developed 30+ years ago.
06.09.16 1:10:22
The Bilateral Grid and a Topological Approach to Image Segmentation
I will present our latest results on image and video processing. First, I will introduce the bilateral grid, a new image representation that enables fast edge-aware image processing.
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06.09.16 1:23:48
Software Development Practices and Knowledge Sharing: A Comparison of XP & Waterfall Team Behaviors
My dissertation research explores knowledge sharing behaviors among two teams of software developers, looking at how knowledge sharing may be effected by a team's choice of software development
06.09.16 1:13:14
How likely is BuffonΓÇÖs needle to meet a Cantor square?
Let C_n be the n’th generation in the construction of the middle-half Cantor set. The Cartesian square K_n of C_n consists of 4^n squares of side-length 1/(4^n).
06.09.16 36:17
Dense triangle-free digraphs
Given a directed tournament, the condition of being triangle-free (having no directed cycles of length at most three) forces the digraph to be acyclic.
06.09.16 1:07:24
MOP: A Generic and Efficient Runtime Verification Framework
We present a tool-supported formal software development framework in which runtime monitoring is a basic design principle, called monitoring-oriented programming (MOP).
06.09.16 44:44
An Examination of User Behaviour during Web Information Tasks
Since the inception of electronic environments, researchers have been interested in how to provide better support for the tasks people perform in these environments.
06.09.16 52:39
Modeling Science: Topic models of Scientific Journals and Other Large Document Collections
A surge of recent research in machine learning and statistics has developed new techniques for finding patterns of words in document collections using hierarchical probabilistic models.  These
06.09.16 1:13:54
Exhaustive Phase Order Search Space Exploration and Evaluation
Choosing the most appropriate optimization phase ordering has been a long standing problem in compiler optimizations.
06.09.16 1:07:22
Supervised Dimensionality Reduction with Principal Component Analysis
Principal component analysis (PCA) is widely applied for unsupervised dimensionality reduction.
06.09.16 1:02:11
Network Market Design for Efficient Resource Allocation
Many systems are characterized by complex (and often strategic) interactions between subsystems. Such systems occur in communication networks, power networks, wireless and sensor networks, etc.
06.09.16 1:32:05
Probabilistic Latent Variable Decompositions for Image and Audio Analysis
In this talk we present a model which can decompose probability densities into sets of shift invariant components.
06.09.16 1:25:11
Improving Software Security with Precise Static and Runtime Analysis
The landscape of security vulnerabilities has changes dramatically in the last several years.
06.09.16 1:12:39
What Analytical Performance Modeling Teaches Us About Computer Systems Design
Computer systems design is based on many commonly-held beliefs and heuristics, many of which have never been challenged: * Thousands of server farm load
1 990
06.09.16 59:55
A search engine for the real world, or, a top-down approach to vision
We consider the problem of finding instances of visual object categories (such as a cup or a pen) in cluttered, real-world environments.  We propose a hierarchical approach, whereby we first
06.09.16 1:04:03
Approximate Inference Techniques for Identity Uncertainty
Many interesting tasks, such as vehicle tracking, data association, and mapping, involve reasoning about the objects present in a domain.
06.09.16 1:31:53
Edgenet 2006 - Issues in Enterprise Networks
Operator View Points - discussion of enterprise/campus networks from the people that run them.
06.09.16 1:16:50
Towards a Memory Model for C++
Many C and C++ programs use threads interfaces such as pthreads or the win32 threads API, either for program structuring, or to take advantage of multiprocessors.
06.09.16 1:10:38
Edgenet 2006 - Keynote - Model-Based Management of Distributed Services
This talk was presented as a part of the MSR EdgeNet Summit 2006 ( ) on issues in campus and enterprise networks. More information available on that site.
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