Microsoft Research

330 тыс
50.4 млн
9 254
24 Окт 2008
06.09.16 1:05:55
Adaptation=Vulnerability under RoQ Attacks [1/2]
Over the past few years, Denial of Service (DoS) attacks have emerged as a serious vulnerability for almost every Internet service.
06.09.16 53:48
End-User Control in the Smart Home
In recent years, there has been a lot of interest in applying ubiquitous computing technology in the home, looking at improving the lives of the home occupants.
06.09.16 41:25
Exiting the cleanroom: on ecological validity and ubiquitous computing
Over the past decade and a half, considerable time and money has been invested in the realization of ubiquitous computing.
06.09.16 1:10:41
Memory Model = Instruction Reordering + Store Atomicity
We present a novel framework for defining memory models in terms of two properties: thread-local Instruction Reordering axioms and Store Atomicity (SA), which describes inter-thread communication
06.09.16 55:13
From Wayback Machine to WebLab: New Opportunities for Social Research
The Cornell project is creating tools for research on social and information networks based on a largely untapped dataset: the Internet Archive's 40-billion page collection of Web pages.
06.09.16 12:03
Remarks by Senator Obama
Microsoft Research – 6 сентября 2016, 6:26
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06.09.16 58:28
Automating the Construction of Compiler Heuristics using Machine Learning
Designing optimizing compilers is a black art. Compiler writers are expected to create effective and inexpensive solutions to NP-hard problems such as instruction scheduling and register allocation.
06.09.16 1:02:53
Capacity and Fairness Issues in Enterprise-class Wireless Mesh Networks
Today's wireless LAN deployments are limited to providing communication between mobile clients and access points.
06.09.16 1:22:26
Towards Accurate Internet Distance Prediction
Internet distance prediction provides proximity information without extensive network probings.
06.09.16 49:44
Guanxi (The Art of Relationships) : Microsoft, China, and Bill Gates's Plan to Win the Road Ahead
Bob and Greg will be at Microsoft discussing their new book on Microsoft Research's Asia Lab.
06.09.16 57:56
Increasing Concurrency using EDGE Architectures
For the past 15 years microprocessor performance has largely been driven by improvements in clock frequency, which has doubled every two years.
06.09.16 1:11:37
Decision Procedures for Recursive Data Structures with Integer Arithmetic
Decision procedures exists for many specialized logical domains as well as for many data structures frequently appearing in programs.
06.09.16 1:09:29
Supporting Construction, Analysis, and Understanding of Software Models.
Software systems of today are pervasive, increasingly complex, and error prone.
06.09.16 1:16:10
Program Verification via Three-Valued Logic Analysis
Software errors cost the US economy billions of dollars each year. According to reasonable estimates, a third of the cost can be saved through the use of enhanced tools for software quality.
06.09.16 57:32
Efficient Data Dissemination in Bandwidth-Asymmetric P2P Networks
As broadband Internet becomes widely available, Peer-to-Peer (P2P) applications over the Internet become increasingly popular.
06.09.16 1:14:26
Tractable Learning of Structured Prediction Models
Structured prediction is a fundamental machine learning task involving classification or regression in which the output variables are mutually dependent or constrained.
06.09.16 54:33
Future Hype: The Myths of Technology Change
The PC and Internet are not that big a deal.  The truth is that a new technology is not inevitable, technology change is not exponential, and the PC and Internet are no more important to society
06.09.16 1:04:58
Improving Packet Delivery Efficiency Using Multi-Radio Diversity in Wireless LANs
Data transmissions in Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) often suffer from corruptions that arise from the notoriously complex and time-varying signal propagation characteristics of the wireless
06.09.16 1:09:17
Algorithmic Foundations of P2P and Wireless Networks
Many of today's most exciting distributed systems are large-scale and highly decentralized networks, such as peer-to-peer networks, wireless ad hoc networks, or the Internet.
06.09.16 1:01:08
Semi-unsupervised learning of taxonomic and non-taxonomic relationships from the web
Due to the size of the World Wide Web, it is necessary to develop tools for automatic or semi-automatic analyses of web data, such as finding patterns and implicit information in the web, a task
06.09.16 1:07:33
The Weather Makers: How Man is Changing the Climate and What it Means for Life on Earth
Sometime this century the day will arrive when the human influence on the climate will overwhelm all other natural factors.
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06.09.16 1:11:40
Touched with Light: Scanned beams display or capture information at video rates
People like to look at images and interact with them.
06.09.16 1:22:20
Internet Background Radiation
Monitoring any portion of the Internet address space reveals incessant activity.
06.09.16 1:05:27
Understanding and Improving Wireless Networks
The ubiquity of wireless networks has led to massive efforts to understand and improve wireless network performance, and to leverage wireless technology to provide exciting new applications to users.
06.09.16 1:17:19
SAFECode: A Platform for Developing Reliable Software in Unsafe Languages
A vast majority of current software is written in weakly typed languages such as C and C++.
06.09.16 1:04:19
Enabling Internet Malware Investigation and Defense Using Virtualization
Internet malware remains a top threat to the Internet today, as clearly demonstrated by the recent large-scale Internet worm outbreaks (e.g., the MSBlaster worm in 2003 and the Sasser worm in 2004).
06.09.16 1:09:33
Cohomology in Grothendieck Topologies and Lower Bounds in Boolean Complexity
Cohomology, in particular counting Betti numbers, was a known technique in algebraic complexity theory in the late 1970's and early 1980's.
06.09.16 1:35:02
Approximate inference techniques for optimal design in self-assembly and automated programming
In this talk I will describe two design problems in areas of chemistry and computer science which yield themselves to machine learning techniques.
06.09.16 1:18:14
Machine Learning Methods for Structured and Collective Classification
Structured classification deals with a family of problems where a response variable possessing meaningful internal structure has to be predicted from a set of input variables.
06.09.16 1:12:09
Communication Technology: Interruption and Overload
Over the last 50 years there have been dramatic changes in the way we communicate at work. Information and other people are easier to access than ever before.
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