Microsoft Research

331 тыс
50.4 млн
9 254
24 Окт 2008
17.08.16 1:19:39
The Brand New World of Lying
Deception is a significant and pervasive social phenomenon. At the same time, technologies have suffused almost all aspects of human communication.
17.08.16 59:06
The Checklist Manifesto
We live in a world of great and increasing complexity, where even the most expert professionals struggle to master the tasks they face.
93 789
17.08.16 1:16:46
Supporting Collaborative Work: A Tale of Two Projects
A substantial amount of work today is accomplished through collaborative activities, which may be open-ended and opportunistic or structured and well defined, with participants with similar skills
17.08.16 58:25
Searching for Answers (in Source Code)
Source code search can be seen as part of a larger process in which a programmer uses a range of development tools to help answer questions about a code base.
9 616
17.08.16 1:17:24
Adverse Selection and Switching Costs in Health Insurance Markets: When Nudging Hurts
This paper investigates consumer switching costs in the context of health insurance markets, where adverse selection is a potential concern.
17.08.16 48:21
Scalable Abstractions for the Paradigm-Agnostic Web
Scalability of todayΓÇÖs Web technologies is limited by their dependence on the client-server paradigm: content and services reside on servers in data centers, and the end usersΓÇÖ client computers
17.08.16 1:14:18
Urban-Scale Networking in the TV White Spaces
Recent research advances have demonstrated that WiFi-like wireless networks can be built in television-band white spaces (TVWS).
17.08.16 56:21
Limiting shapes for a nonabelian sandpile growth model
We introduce the splitting model as a nonabelian variant of the abelian sandpile growth model (ASGM).
17.08.16 1:22:20
The Politics of Online Media Platforms
If the character of public discourse, long chaperoned by the broadcast networks and major publishers, is now increasingly in the hands of online media platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and Flickr
17.08.16 1:04:03
The Unique Games Conjecture and Graph Expansion
The Unique Games Conjecture (Khot, 2002) is a central open question about hardness of approximation.
17.08.16 1:15:38
Approximate Inference in Graphical Models using LP Relaxations
Graphical models such as Markov random fields have been successfully applied to a wide variety of fields, from computer vision and natural language processing, to computational biology.
17.08.16 44:57
Multiparty Computation for Dishonest Majority: from Passive to Active Security at Low Cost
Multiparty computation protocols have been known for more than twenty years now, but due to their lack of efficiency their use is still limited in real-world applications.
17.08.16 1:09:02
Virtual Machine Introspection for Program Understanding and Debugging
Modern managed languages, such as Java and C#, derive many software engineering benefits from the use of virtual machines.
17.08.16 1:29:32
Riemannian Manifold Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
The talk will present a Riemannian Manifold Hamiltonian Monte Carlo sampler that resolves the shortcomings of existing Monte Carlo algorithms when sampling from target densities that may be high
2 119
17.08.16 1:09:29
Visual Spatial Cognition in Neurodegenerative Disease
Visual spatial impairment is often an early symptom of neurodegenerative diseases including AlzheimerΓÇÖs and ParkinsonΓÇÖs diseases.
3 663
17.08.16 1:05:01
Understanding the Limitations of Linear and Semidefinite Programming
Linear and Semidefinite programs provide the best approximation algorithms for many NP-hard combinatorial optimization problems.
1 063
17.08.16 58:36
Side Channels and Clouds: New Challenges in Cryptography
Emerging trends in computation such as cloud computing, virtualization, and trusted computing require that computation be carried out in remote and hostile environments, where attackers have
17.08.16 59:20
Local entropy averages and projections of fractal measures
By a classical theorem of Marstrand, if X is a set in the plane then almost every linear projection of X onto a line has the largest possible dimension, i.e. min{1,dim(X)}.
17.08.16 1:25:24
Energy Efficient Computing
In this talk I give an overview of the algorithms we have developed at UCSD to significantly lower the energy consumption in computing systems.
1 013
17.08.16 52:15
Rational decisions in non-probabilistic settings
The knowledge-based rational decision model (KBR-model) is built on explicit epistemic reading of standard game-theoretical assumptions, e.g., HarsanyiΓÇÖs Maximin Postulate, in a non-probabilistic
17.08.16 1:19:23
Modeling The Heap: A Practical Approach
At the heart of most software engineering and optimization applications is some model of runtime program behavior.
17.08.16 1:02:52
Inferring Signaling Pathway Topologies from Multiple Perturbation Measurements
The specification of biological decisions by signaling pathways is encoded by the interplay between activation dynamics and network topologies.
17.08.16 53:15
Mathematical Logic of Justification
Since Plato, the notion of justification has been an essential component of epistemic studies.
1 537
17.08.16 52:19
Threshold Functions: Approximation, Pseudorandomness and Learning
Abstract: A degree-d threshold function is a boolean function of the form f(x) = sign(p(x)), where p(x) is a degree-d polynomial over the reals.
17.08.16 1:15:54
Computational Perspectives on Social Phenomena in On-Line Networks
With an increasing amount of social interaction taking place in the digital domain, and often in public on-line settings, we are accumulating enormous amounts of data about phenomena that were once
17.08.16 1:10:58
Which Networks Are Least Susceptible to Cascading Failures?
The spread of a cascading failure through a network is an issue that comes up in many domains: in the contagious failures that spread among financial institutions during a financial crisis, through
17.08.16 1:36:29
Open Data for Open Science - An Environmental Informatics Workshop (part 2)
Yan Xu chairs this session at eScience Workshop 2011, which includes the following presentations: - Using the OData protocol in eScience-Chris Robinson, Microsoft - On the Processing of Sensing Data
17.08.16 1:07:56
The Name is Science, d-Science
Having passed through the empirical/observational, the theoretical/experimental, and the computational paradigms, science is now conducted predominantly following the data exploration paradigm.
17.08.16 1:41:36
Digital Humanities 2: TextGrid / Large-Scale Music Analysis
Alex Wade chairs this session at eScience Workshop 2011, which includes the following presentations: - TextGrid - An Architecture to Store, Access and Manage Diverse Humanities Data-Andreas Witt
17.08.16 1:30:12
Is NUI 'Natural' for Scientists?
Kenji Takeda and Stewart Tansley chair this session at eScience Workshop 2011, which includes the following speakers: - Mark Abbott, Oregon State University; Hans-Christian Jetter, Univeristy of
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