Microsoft Research

331 тыс
50.4 млн
9 254
24 Окт 2008
17.08.16 34:21
Failure is a Four-Letter Word ΓÇô A Parody in Empirical Research
Background: The past years have seen a surge of techniques predicting failure-prone locations based on more or less complex metrics. Few of these metrics are actionable, though.
17.08.16 1:04:13
Program Transformations for Holistic Query Optimization
Joint work with: Ravindra Guravannavar, Karthik Ramachandra, and Mahendra Chavan Synchronous execution of database queries forces the calling application to block until the query/request is satisfied.
17.08.16 1:15:00
3D Surface Reconstruction Using a Generalized Distance Function
I will define a new distance function on an unoriented 3D point set and describe how it may be used to reconstruct a surface approximating these points.
7 176
17.08.16 1:00:14
Secure Biometric Computation and Outsourcing
Recent advances in biometric recognition and the increasing use of biometric data prompt significant privacy challenges associated with the possible misuse, loss, or theft of biometric data.
17.08.16 1:14:05
Strong Eventual Consistency and Conflict-free Replicated Data Types
The Eventual Consistency (EC) approach, which does not restrict concurrent updates to replicas of an object, is essential to scalability of cloud computing.
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17.08.16 1:34:13
Solving Hard Problems in Science and Education with Game-based Symbiosis of Humans and Computers
Solving Hard Problems in Science and Education with Game-based Symbiosis of Humans and Computers This talk will demonstrate the surprising problem-solving power of the game-based, human-computer
17.08.16 56:14
Personalized Services in a Privacy-Preserving Datacenter
Privacy is a growing concern for users and regulators, but collecting personal information enables companies to deliver a better user experience.
17.08.16 1:06:29
Blame for All
Several programming languages now integrate static and dynamic typing, including C#4.0, Perl 6, and Racket (formerly PLT Scheme), and the research languages Sage and Thorn.
17.08.16 1:08:46
Coupled dynamics of traits and populations in response to environmental change
A major goal in population ecology is to predict how populations will respond to environmental change.
17.08.16 1:18:37
Geometry and Theoretical Computer Science
Yes, there are many (and growing) connections between this very ancient branch of mathematics and that very new one!
17.08.16 35:33
On the Preimage Resistance of SHA-1
We show that preimages of SHA-1 can be computed at the cost of 2^159.3 compression function computations.
17.08.16 1:17:22
Automated FPGA Verification and Debugging
Hardware simulations on FPGAs run more than three orders of magnitude faster than software simulations, but with much lower visibility into the circuit under test.
2 412
17.08.16 58:15
Mechanism Design without Money via Stable Matching
Mechanism design without money has a rich history in social choice literature.
17.08.16 40:26
SpecNet: Spectrum Sensing Sans Fronti`eres
While the under-utilization of licensed spectrum based on measurement studies conducted in a few developed countries has spurred lots of interest in opportunistic spectrum access, there exists no
17.08.16 49:46
Non-Visual Mainstream Smartphone and Camera Interactions for Blind and Low-Vision Users
Mainstream smartphones, their on-board sensors and increasing computational power, and remote human and automated web services show immense promise for improved independence and daily accessibility
17.08.16 1:04:56
Laws of Concurrent Programming
A simple but complete set of algebraic laws is given for a basic language (e.g., at the level of boogie).
3 761
17.08.16 48:04
DieHarder: Securing the Heap
Heap-based attacks depend on a combination of memory management errors and an exploitable memory allocator.
17.08.16 1:14:31
Scalable, Consistent, and Elastic Database Systems for Cloud Platforms
Cloud computing has emerged as a multi-billion dollar industry and as a successful paradigm for web application deployment.
17.08.16 46:35
Strategies for scaling up data mining algorithms
In todayΓÇÖs world, data is generated by and collected from a myriad of disciplines such as mechanical systems, sensor network-based Earth science systems, hardware infrastructures, and information
17.08.16 1:09:23
Applications of Grammatical Inference in Security and Program Analysis
Grammatical inference is a form of machine learning focusing on induction of formal grammars.
17.08.16 1:20:01
User-Tailored Privacy for Internationally Operating Personalized Websites
Personalization at websites can be at odds with privacy since personalization necessitates the collection of considerable amounts of personal data.
17.08.16 1:16:20
Theories, Solvers and Static Analysis by Abstract Interpretation
The algebraic/model theoretic design of static analyzers uses abstract domains based on representations of properties and pre-calculated property transformers. It is very efficient.
4 438
17.08.16 1:16:31
Opinion Dynamics and Influence in Social Networks
Almost all important social decisions are taken by individuals on the basis of their opinions, which are formed and updated as a result of their experiences, observations of othersΓÇÖ actions, and
17.08.16 37:20
Understanding Visual Scenes: Where are We?
Human visual scene understanding is remarkable: with only a brief glance at an image, an abundance of information is available, including scene category, 3D spatial structure, and the identity of
1 533
17.08.16 57:26
Energy Functionals: Choices and Consequences For Medical Image Segmentation
Medical imaging continues to permeate the practice of medicine, but automated yet accurate segmentation and labeling of anatomical structures continues to be a major obstacle to computerized medical
17.08.16 52:15
Abelian Sandpiles and the Harmonic Model
There exists an entropy-preserving equivariant surjective map from the d-dimensional critical sandpile model to a certain closed, shift-invariant subgroup of the Cartesian product of infinitely many
1 362
17.08.16 1:24:19
Full-rank Gaussian Modeling of Convolutive Audio Mixtures Applied to Source Separation
We address the modeling of reverberant recording environments in the context of under-determined convolutive blind source separation, that is the extraction of the signal of each source from a
17.08.16 1:21:02
MADDER and Self-Tuning Data Analytics on Hadoop with Starfish
Timely and cost-effective analytics over 'big data' is now a key ingredient for success in businesses and scientific disciplines.
17.08.16 1:03:22
Approximation Algorithms for Correlated Knapsacks and Non-Martingale Bandits
In the stochastic knapsack problem, we are given a knapsack with size B, and a set of jobs whose sizes and rewards are drawn from a known probability distribution.
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