Microsoft Research

331 тыс
50.4 млн
9 256
24 Окт 2008
12.08.16 1:00:40
Your Abstractions are Worth^H^H^H^H^HPowerless!
Did you hear the one about how many batteries it takes to turn on a Turing machine? None! It's outside the model of computation. Yet it's extremely difficult to compute without power.
12.08.16 1:01:47
Sequential Decision Making in Experimental Design and Sustainability via Adaptive Submodularity
Solving sequential decision problems under partial observability is a fundamental but notoriously difficult challenge.
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12.08.16 53:26
Algebraic Foundations to Effect-Dependent Optimisations
We present a general theory of Gifford-style type and effect annotations, where effect annotations are sets of effects.
12.08.16 1:02:22
Trains of Thought: Generating Information Maps
As data becomes increasingly prevalent, people can be easily overwhelmed by the flood of available information.
12.08.16 57:30
ORCHID: Human-agent collectives for disaster response and the smart grid
The ORCHID project at the Universities of Southampton, Oxford and Nottingham is addressing the challenge of building computational systems in which software agents and people interact.
12.08.16 1:12:04
FestSchrift Session 5: Rick Rashid - Renaissance Man
In recognition of the leadership and achievements of Rick Rashid for his 60th birthday, this Festschrift colloquium celebrates his past and future contributions to our research.
12.08.16 1:23:27
Classification of 2D Homological Stabilizer Codes
The discovery of quantum error correction and fault-tolerance were major theoretical breakthroughs on the road towards building a full-fledged quantum computer.
12.08.16 59:30
FestSchrift Session 4: More Microsoft Research
Microsoft Research – 12 августа 2016, 0:03
12.08.16 1:19:23
PACNW Workshop - USER CASE-STUDIES Part 2 and Summing Up/Next Steps
4:10 to 4:25 Case Study Example ΓÇô Coastal Engineering Hans R.
12.08.16 1:28:45
FestSchrift Session 1: CMU Faculty and Staff
In recognition of the leadership and achievements of Rick Rashid for his 60th birthday, this Festschrift colloquium celebrates his past and future contributions to our research.
12.08.16 1:14:25
FestSchrift Session 3: Founding Microsoft Research
In recognition of the leadership and achievements of Rick Rashid for his 60th birthday, this Festschrift colloquium celebrates his past and future contributions to our research.
12.08.16 1:43:17
Pacnw Workshop - User Case-Studies Part 1
2:05 to 2:45 Case Study Example ΓÇô Fisheries Peter Lawson, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration Joe Schumacker, Quinault Indian Nation This case study will detail the local fisheries use
12.08.16 50:05
Efficient Range Querying in Distributed Games
In the last few years Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMOGs) have become a popular class of distributed applications with millions of users.
12.08.16 1:35:44
Ioos/Nanoos Event
8:30 to 10:30 New Collaborations At this meeting Microsoft Research will present details of projects they are undertaking which have relevance to the Integrated Ocean Observing System.
12.08.16 27:30
MSR Vision Faculty Summit - Machine Learning for Visual Recognition
This talk begins with a quick overview of machine learning techniques we study for visual recognition.
12.08.16 1:19:39
FestSchrift Session 2: CMU Students
In recognition of the leadership and achievements of Rick Rashid for his 60th birthday, this Festschrift colloquium celebrates his past and future contributions to our research.
12.08.16 32:34
MSR Vision Faculty Summit - Artistic Stylization of Consumer Media Collections
Recent years have seen an explosive growth in personal digital media collections, yet post-capture this content frequently lies dormant on usersΓÇÖ PCs.
12.08.16 29:44
MSR Vision Faculty Summit - Visual learning @ CALVIN
The dream of computer vision is to create a machine capable of human-level visual analysis.
12.08.16 1:03:50
Mechanism Design via Multi- to Single-agent Reduction
Mechanism design can be described as designing algorithms for optimization problems where the input is privately known to selfish agents (i.e., the type of each agent); thus, to obtain an optimal
12.08.16 28:03
MSR Vision Faculty Summit - Adventures in the world of 3d Computer Vision
The unifying theme of my research is using visual data to extract mathematical representations of the 3d world.
11.08.16 58:39
Operating System Scheduler Design for Multicore Architectures
A fundamental change to the requirements of operating system architecture is taking place as hardware designers move from speeding up individual processors to including ever more processing cores on
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11.08.16 56:42
Cryptanalysis of AES and SHA-2: how far we are from compromising worldwide encryption
Modern cryptanalysis typically deal with basic cryptographic primitives where a vulnerability might imply an unavoidable threat to a full cryptosystem.
11.08.16 1:24:54
Pacnw Workshop - Setting The Stage
10:45 to 11:00 Why We Are Here David Martin, NANOOS Board Chair, Applied Physics Laboratory-University of Washington This presentation will provide an introduction to the importance of measurements
11.08.16 53:14
Finding Dense Subgraphs
A basic primitive in graph optimization is that of finding small induced subgraphs of a given graph with ``many'' edges.
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11.08.16 59:49
Approximation Techniques for Stochastic Optimization Problems
In this talk we will present approximation algorithms (and general techniques) for some basic problems in the field of stochastic optimization.
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11.08.16 50:54
A generalization of the birthday problem
The birthday problem states that there is at least half a chance that some two out of twenty-three randomly chosen people will share the same birth date.
11.08.16 1:04:59
Computational Trade-Offs in Statistical Learning: An Optimization Perspective
The past decade has seen the emergence of datasets of an unprecedented scale, with both large sample sizes and dimensionality.
11.08.16 1:04:16
Continuous Methods for Submodular Maximization
The study of combinatorial problems with a submodular objective function has attracted much attention in recent years, and is partly motivated by the importance of such problems to economics
11.08.16 55:03
PACNW Workshop - Welcome and Keynote Addresses
Microsoft Research – 11 августа 2016, 23:49
11.08.16 58:53
Improving Christofides' Algorithm for the s-t Path TSP
We present a deterministic (1+sqrt(5))/2-approximation algorithm for the s-t path TSP for an arbitrary metric.
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