Microsoft Research

331 тыс
50.5 млн
9 256
24 Окт 2008
27.07.16 1:14:45
Automatically enhancing locality in irregular applications
Over the past several decades of compiler research, there have been great successes in automatically enhancing locality for regular programs, which operate over dense matrices and arrays.
27.07.16 1:11:58
Type Inference for Dynamically-Typed Languages
Types play an important role in programming languages, by encoding contracts and invariants that enable modular programming and efficient code generation.
27.07.16 1:04:44
The Path to Mobile HD-Audio Communication
Voice telephony will remain a key service in mobile communication networks.
27.07.16 1:00:21
The Emergence of Conventions in Twitter
Although social conventions are a powerful guide for behavior, the way they emerge in communities is not well understood.
27.07.16 1:11:12
The Incredible Shrinking Quantum Circuit
This is a story of breakthroughs in quantum circuit synthesis, that brought down the cost of the resulting circuits by 5 orders of magnitude in short 9 months of 2012, and provided specific
27.07.16 1:28:02
The �Moral Imperative� of Treating People with Chronic Pain
The �Moral Imperative� of Treating People with Chronic Pain �Challenges, Impediments, & Opportunities Chronic pain is a prevalent problem with significant costs to individuals and society.
27.07.16 1:05:54
Zerocoin: Anonymous Distributed E-Cash from Bitcoin
Bitcoin is the first e-cash system to see widespread adoption. While Bitcoin offers the potential for new types of financial interaction, it has significant limitations regarding privacy.
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27.07.16 1:08:20
Sound JavaScript Analysis for Securing Browser Addons
JavaScript is a ubiquitous language on the Web; it is used not only to enhance web pages, but also to enhance the functionality of web browsers themselves in the form of browser addons.
27.07.16 1:02:35
Securing RFID Systems Using Lightweight Stream Cipher
Radio frequency identification (RFID) is a technology for the automated identification of physical entities using radio frequency transmissions.
27.07.16 1:45:50
Vroom, the interesting world of racing game sound design
A deep dive into the interesting, diverse and sometimes dangerous world of sound design for racing games. What makes a car sound the way it does, and how can we recreate that in real-time?
2 551
27.07.16 53:17
Strongly polynomial algorithm for a class of minimum-cost flow problems
Strongly polynomial algorithm for a class of minimum-cost flow problems with separable convex objectives A well-studied nonlinear extension of the minimum-cost flow problem is that given a convex
27.07.16 1:11:27
The 29th UW/MS Symposium in Computational Linguistics
Title: Learning with Weak Supervision in Grounded Language Acquisition Speaker: Hannaneh Hajishirzi A central problem in grounded language acquisition is to learn the correspondences between a rich
27.07.16 1:08:41
Collaborative Computing and the Physical World
For the past 20 years, many groups, including our own, have been developing methods for time-series analysis of video data with applications to both robotic guidance and for human-machine interaction.
27.07.16 50:49
WebAppBooster: Give Web Apps access to an Android Smartphone
HTML5 is quickly gaining traction for developing mobile apps. New W3C standards such as WebRTC, WebNFC, WebSockets or WebWorkers elevate HTML5 to a first class citizen for mobile development.
27.07.16 52:32
The 2012 Nobel Prize in Economics
The 2012 Nobel Prize in economics was awarded to Alvin E. Roth and Lloyd S. Shapley for the theory of stable allocations and the practice of market design.
27.07.16 1:21:22
Program Analysis and Symbol Elimination
In this talk we describe how the combination of automated reasoning and symbolic computation methods can be used to automatically generate statements expressing arbitrarily complex computer program
27.07.16 1:21:32
Supporting Sensemaking in Science
Scientists collect data, and write stories about what the data tells them.
27.07.16 1:30:06
Crowdsourcing Change: The Role of Computing in Tackling Major
Many of the pressing challenges facing contemporary society concern sustainability and public health.
27.07.16 54:26
Graph Multi-partitioning and Higher Order Cheeger Inequalities; Anand Louis - Georgia Tech
Cheeger's fundamental inequality states that any edge-weighted graph has a vertex subsetS such that its expansion (a.k.a.
1 853
27.07.16 1:11:33
Mobile Gesture-Based User Interfaces for People with Disabilities
Using touch screens presents a number of usability and accessibility challenges for people with disabilities.
1 128
27.07.16 53:45
Belief Propagation Algorithms for Crowdsourcing
Crowdsourcing on platforms like Amazon's Mechanical Turk have become a popular paradigm for labeling large datasets.
27.07.16 57:36
Connecting Citizens and their Government
Society shapes technology but, equally, its use is determined by the conditions in which a society lives. In Mexico, Twitter is a tool for alerting citizens of daily drug-violence related risks.
27.07.16 1:22:14
Development of Speech Perception and Vocalization of Robots
One of the big issues of human cognitive development is language acquisition process, and constructive approaches have been attacking the issue to understand this process by building vocal robots.
27.07.16 1:09:55
Modeling Complex Data with Deep Gaussian Processes
This talk will discuss a newly introduced family of Bayesian approaches aiming at combining the structural advantages of deep models with the expressive power of Gaussian processes.
6 610
27.07.16 49:37
Mining Software Repository Made Easy - Boa Language and its Data Store
Software repositories, e.g. SourceForge, GitHub, etc. contain an enormous corpus of software and information about software.
1 373
27.07.16 53:44
The Social Network model
At time 0 start several independent lazy simple random walks on a ?nite or in?nite connected graph (for instance, start with 1 walker at each vertex).
27.07.16 1:07:54
Performance of Serializable Snapshot Isolation on Multicore Servers
Snapshot isolation (SI) is a widely studied concurrency control approach, with great impact in practice within platforms such as Oracle DB.
2 311
26.07.16 57:39
How to Write a Great Research Paper
Writing papers and giving talks are key skills for any researcher, but they aren’t easy.
131 147
26.07.16 58:41
How to Give a Great Research Talk
Writing papers and giving talks are key skills for any researcher, but they aren’t easy.
86 267
26.07.16 2:57
Microsoft Research Cambridge Student Experience Day 2016
At Microsoft Research Cambridge we are committed to inspiring and supporting the next generation of computer scientists, and were delighted to be able to offer a one-day exclusive experience to
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