Microsoft Research

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24 Окт 2008
12.07.16 50:33
Botness 2016 - Day 1, Part 3: Unconference Session Report Backs and Audience Choice Talks
1. 'Unconference Session Report Back: The Need for and Strategy for Building Shared Resources for Bot Developers' by Ben Brown,, 0:01 2.
08.07.16 19:29
08.07.16 7:23
Social Computing Symposium 2015: Consequences of Crowdsourcing
Microsoft Research – 8 июля 2016, 20:41
08.07.16 58:58
Long-Range Planning with Time-Inconsistency
"Long-Range Planning with Time-Inconsistency: A Class of Computational Problems in Behavioral Economics There are many settings where people set long-range goals and make plans to achieve them.
08.07.16 1:03:12
Preference Reasoning and Aggregation
Preference reasoning and aggregation are the main ingredients of a very active area of research which brings together multi-agent systems, knowledge representation, combinatorial optimisation, and
08.07.16 1:08:41
Machine Learning Class (Session #17)
October 5: Modeling Day 9:30am-10:30am Model Based Machine Learning 1: A Gentle Introduction Chris Bishop In the traditional approach to problem solving with machine learning, the developer
21 335
08.07.16 55:46
Scaling up Extraction Over Entities (and Relations)
Entity relationship search at the Web scale or even at the Enterprise level depends on adding dozens of entity annotations to each of billions of crawled pages and indexing the annotations at rates
08.07.16 1:16:23
Candidate Multilinear Maps
I will describe plausible lattice-based constructions with properties that approximate the sought-after multilinear maps in hard-discrete-logarithm groups.
08.07.16 1:04:10
A Crash Course on Model Checking - session 1
Title: A Crash Course on Model Checking Date: Three Sessions: 10/28/99, 11/4/99, 11/11/99 Description: In recent years, model checking has been widely successful in finding bugs in hardware design
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08.07.16 1:04:11
Frameworks for Distributed Machine Learning
This talk is in three parts. The first deals with an aspect of the Weka project that has received little attention, namely the use of machine learning in agricultural applications.
08.07.16 1:10:46
Lattice Signatures Schemes
Recent work has solidly established lattice-based signatures as a viable replacement for number-theoretic schemes should quantum computing come into fruition.
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08.07.16 1:05:21
Machine Learning Course - Lecture 11
S V N Vishwanathan (Vishy) and Prateek Jain will offer a 10 week Machine Learning course. It will be an exciting mix between theory and application talks by various guest lecturers.
08.07.16 54:44
Fast Online Tensor Method for Overlapping Community Detection
Microsoft Research – 8 июля 2016, 1:03
08.07.16 59:47
Approximate Common Divisors via Lattices
Coppersmith's technique using lattices to find small roots of polynomial equations (and Howgrave-Graham's extension to solving equations modulo divisors) have produced many fascinating results
08.07.16 18:42
Social Computing Symposium 2016: Post Screen Personas and Listening Machines
Social Computing Symposium 2016: Post Screen Personas and Listening Machines, Apparent Agency & Invisible Agendas Software agents and social robots are designed so that we imbue them with
08.07.16 1:07:27
Solving Global Challenges Through Diverse Perspectives
Chair: Hernan Chaimovich, Brazilian Academy of Sciences Speakers: Marina Hirota, Federal University of Santa Catarina Agma Traina, University of São Paulo at São Carlos Rosiane de Freitas, Federal
08.07.16 24:46
Computational Discovery of Directional Pioneer Factors
Microsoft Research – 8 июля 2016, 1:00
08.07.16 57:51
The Learning with Rounding Problem: Reductions and Applications
In this talk I will survey a recently introduced cryptographic problem called Learning with Rounding (LWR).
08.07.16 31:54
Perceptual Annotation: from Biologically Inspired, to Biologically Informed Machine Learning
ML Day 2014 - "Perceptual Annotation": from Biologically Inspired, to Biologically Informed Machine Learning Many machine learning applications, explicitly or implicitly, attempt to mimic natural
08.07.16 1:00:20
Distributed Newton Methods for CTR (Click Through Rate) Prediction
CTR (Click Through Rate) prediction is extremely important for Internet advertisements. Data of users' impression and click logs possess two major challenges.
08.07.16 12:26
Social Computing Symposium 2016: Architectural Intelligence in the Age Of Social Computing
Social Computing Symposium 2016: Harassment, Threats, and Trolling Online, Architectural Intelligence in the Age Of Social Computing
08.07.16 1:01:11
An Overview of Lattice Reduction Algorithms
The best generic tool currently known for attacking lattice-based cryptographic primitives is lattice reduction.
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08.07.16 1:06:24
Divide & Conquer Methods for Big Data Analytics
Data is being generated at a tremendous rate in modern applications as diverse as internet applications, genomics, health care, energy management and social network analysis.
08.07.16 1:03:05
Machine Learning Class (Session #1)
October 1: Beginning Day 9:30am-10:45am Intro to Machine Learning: Part I John Langford and Vijay Narayanan I’ll discuss what machine learning is at a high level and provide a short overview of the
2 972
08.07.16 27:52
Analysis of Cell-Cell Communication Networks in Inflammatory Pathologies
This talk asks the question of how we can intervene, in a predictive manner, in complex multi-cellular, multi-cytokine/chemokine, multi-pathway system.
08.07.16 31:26
Instrumenting the Healthcare Enterprise
Isaac (Zak) Kohane Embracing noise and heterogeneity In clinical medicine, the gold standard for evidence is the randomized controlled trial.
08.07.16 29:39
Interpreting Cancer Copy-Number Alterations
Copy-number alterations are among the most common alterations in cancer, and affect more of the genome than any other alteration.
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08.07.16 32:25
08.07.16 1:54:46
Tutorial Session B - Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC)
Approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) algorithms are a class of Monte Carlo methods for doing inference when the likelihood function can be simulated from, but not explicitly evaluated.
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08.07.16 54:17
Achieving the Full Potential of State Machine Replication
Achieving the Full Potential of State Machine Replication: High Throughput, Low Latency, Constant Availability Redundancy through state replication is the primary mechanism for achieving fault
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