Microsoft Research

332 тыс
50.5 млн
9 256
24 Окт 2008
27.06.16 1:39:17
Analytics-Analysis-Simulation Moderator: Wenming Ye, Microsoft Research Comparing Big Data and Simulation Applications and implications for software environments Geoffrey Fox, Indiana University
27.06.16 1:29:18
Communities in the Cloud
Communities in the Cloud Moderator: Kenji Takeda, Microsoft Research Collaborative Genomic Data Analyses in the Cloud Steven Roberts, University of Washington CodaLab—Learn, Share and Collaborate
27.06.16 1:06:11
Correctness Checking Concepts and Tools for HPC: Call for Action
Today's high performance computing story is one where problems of ever-increasing scale in science and engineering are required to be solved under strict power budgets.
27.06.16 42:05
Measuring Gait and Balance Workshop: Session 2
Quantifying post-stroke impairment with Kinect Current methods for assessing post-stroke motor impairment rely on subjective measurements by physical therapists.
27.06.16 1:27:04
3rd Pacific Northwest Regional NLP Workshop: Keynote & Afternoon Talks 1
Keynote Talk: Chris Burges (MSR). Do we really need machines to comprehend?
1 304
27.06.16 1:09:45
Tracing the constellation of actors in the peer economy
Americans’ normative understanding of work is imploding. Throughout most of the twentieth century Americans equated landing a job to a lifetime of smooth sailing.
27.06.16 1:13:46
User Interfaces for Spatial Augmented Reality
This talk explores the current research in Spatial Augmented Reality (SAR).
1 281
27.06.16 1:01:06
Principled Approaches for Learning Latent Variable Models
In any learning task, it is natural to incorporate latent or hidden variables which are not directly observed.
27.06.16 1:20:01
Dealing with the Performance and Power Budgeting Challenges of Datacenters
Energy consumption is a major challenge for datacenters as it represents one of the larger components of ownership costs.
27.06.16 55:13
Mechanism design for Cloud Computing and Crowdsourcing
The Internet gives us access to many agents that can help us complete tasks. These agents can come either in the form of machines (cloud computing) or people (crowdsourcing).
27.06.16 43:14
MSR NYC Data Science Seminar Series
Duncan Watts - Opening Remarks Yann LeCun - Demo Mor Naaman - Data and People in Connective Media In five minutes or less, I will talk about how we use methods from social science, people-centered
27.06.16 54:23
Remote Patient Monitoring: Crafting the Future Landscape of Healthcare
US healthcare is at a cross road, with ever rising costs and mediocre delivery of care. The aging population and the increase in chronic health conditions will further add to this problem.
1 893
27.06.16 1:27:22
Garbled Circuits
FleXOR: Flexible garbling for XOR gates that beats free-XOR Mike Rosulek, Oregon State University Zero-Knowledge Using Garbled Circuits: How To Prove Non-Algebraic Statements Efficiently Claudio
1 154
27.06.16 50:53
The Aha! Moment: From Data to Insight
The amount of data in the world is increasing at incredible rates.
27.06.16 1:28:09
Osv - The OS designed for the Cloud
A lot of the cloud discussion centers around which are the best hypervisors, and which management tools will simplify one's life the most. But is it the whole story?
27.06.16 55:55
Dynamic Searchable Encryption via Blind Storage
Dynamic Searchable Symmetric Encryption allows a client to store a dynamic collection of encrypted documents with a server, and later quickly carry out keyword searches on these encrypted documents
1 364
27.06.16 1:04:23
Meta-Interpretive Learning and Program Induction
This talk will review work at Imperial College on the development of Meta-Interpretive Learning (MIL), a technique which supports efficient predicate invention and learning of recursive logic
27.06.16 1:07:40
Universal Schema for Knowledge Representation from Text and Structured Data
Entities and the relations among them are central for representing our knowledge about the world.
1 437
27.06.16 1:06:17
LampsonFest - Welcome; The Alto Architecture; Snobol through Bravo
LampsonFest - Welcome; The Alto Architecture; Snobol through Bravo
27.06.16 1:00:07
Invited Talk: Efficient Two-Party Secure Computation for Semi-Honest and Malicious Adversaries
Invited Talk: Efficient Two-Party Secure Computation for Semi-Honest and Malicious Adversaries
27.06.16 1:03:08
Candidate Indistinguishability Obfuscation and Functional Encryption for all circuits
In this work, we study indistinguishability obfuscation and functional encryption for general circuits: Indistinguishability obfuscation requires that given any two equivalent circuits C 0 and C 1
1 982
27.06.16 15:13
Random Functions for Dependence and Component Analysis
Random Functions for Dependence and Component Analysis
27.06.16 1:25:29
Towards Robust Conversational Speech Recognition and Understanding
While significant progress has been made in automatic speech recognition (ASR) during the last few decades, recognizing and understanding unconstrained conversational speech remains a challenging
27.06.16 1:19:00
On The Algorithmic and System Interface of BIG LEARNING
In many modern applications built on massive data and using high-dimensional models, such as web-scale content extraction via topic models, genome-wide association mapping via sparse regression, and
27.06.16 1:22:55
Democracy2: The Future of Collective Decisions
Standard democratic institutions fail to account for the intensity of preference, leading to classic flaws like the tyranny of the majority and Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem.
27.06.16 1:11:26
Creating Research and Scientific Documents Using Microsoft Word
The talk presents the new book “Creating Research and Scientific Documents Using Microsoft Word” by Alexander Mamishev and Murray Sargent.
3 178
27.06.16 1:14:45
Information-Rich Programming in F# with Semantic Data
Programming with rich data frequently implies that one needs to search for, understand, integrate and program with new data - with each of these steps constituting a major obstacle to successful
27.06.16 1:39:52
How To Beat Cancer
Every year 1.6 million Americans are diagnosed with cancer and nearly half of those cases are considered incurable.
27.06.16 1:13:30
Algorithms for Strategic Agents
In traditional algorithm design, no incentives come into play: the input is given, and your algorithm must produce a correct output.
27.06.16 1:07:47
Visiting Artist Series (studio99); Anouk Wipprecht
What does fashion lack? “Microcontrollers” according to Dutch based fashion-tech designer and innovator Anouk Wipprecht.
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