Microsoft Research

332 тыс
50.5 млн
9 256
24 Окт 2008
21.06.16 1:05:07
Local Low-Rank Matrix Approximation
Matrix approximation is a common tool in recommendation systems, text mining, and computer vision.
5 639
21.06.16 17:56
Gaussian Process Conditional Copulas with Applications to Financial Time Series
Gaussian Process Conditional Copulas with Applications to Financial Time Series
1 637
21.06.16 1:06:40
CodaLab for Data-Driven Research - Theme Roundtables
CodaLab for Data-Driven Research - Theme Roundtables
21.06.16 31:06
ML Day 2014 - Learning to Act in Multiagent Sequential Environments
From routing to online auctions, many decision-making tasks for learning agents are carried out in the presence of other decision makers.
1 846
21.06.16 45:52
Big Data & Its Discontents
Big Data & Its Discontents
21.06.16 57:15
Systems, Science and FreeBSD
What makes a platform suitable to both research and development?
13 110
21.06.16 41:57
Efficient Preconditioning of Laplacian Matrices for Computer Graphics
We present a new multi-level preconditioning scheme for discrete Poisson equations that arise in various computer graphics applications such as image colorization, edge-preserving decomposition, and
21.06.16 1:30:53
Data Storage and Processing in Parallel Array Engines
Scientists today are able to generate data at unprecedented scale and rate.
21.06.16 1:23:26
Specification Mining: New Formalisms, Algorithms and Applications
Specification is the first and arguably the most important step for formal verification and correct-by-construction synthesis.
21.06.16 1:03:40
The Holy Grail of Transactions: Scalability & Instruction Locality
Traditional online transaction processing (OLTP) systems face two major challenges while trying to utilize modern hardware: (1) exploiting the abundant thread-level parallelism given by multicores
21.06.16 55:59
Compositional Proof Automation for Multi-level Abstractions
Reasoning about large systems requires reasoning about many different abstractions.
21.06.16 35:57
Real-Time Audience Polling Using Computer Vision
How can teachers, executives, and other public speakers make an interactive presentation to a large audience?
21.06.16 57:50
Meet the Crowd: Political Economies and Cultural Meanings of Digital Labor
This presentation draws together experts in the field to discuss the technical and social challenges posed by crowdsourcing's global workflows.
21.06.16 58:19
Publish/Subscribe for Large-Scale Social Interaction: Design, Analysis and Resource Provisioning
Publish/subscribe (pub/sub) is a popular communication paradigm in the design of large-scale distributed systems.
21.06.16 1:00:11
There is No China Button
There's never been a better time to build hardware. Consumers want to connect everything to their phone. Prototyping is "solved". Kickstarter will provide you with the upfront funds. But...
21.06.16 1:23:22
Impossibly Small Devices
Over the years, we have been successful making computing devices smaller, more efficient, and cheaper.
21.06.16 1:09:32
Frontiers in Speech and Language
The last few years have witnessed a renaissance in multiple areas of speech and language processing.
21.06.16 1:08:17
All roads lead to the mound
Like the Roman Empire at its peak, a successful ant colony relies on an effective network of roads that facilitate the movement of its powerful army and industrious population across a vast territory.
21.06.16 1:14:59
Scaling Camera Networks One View at a Time: How Many Are Enough?
Multi-Camera systems have enabled a plethora of novel applications spanning entertainment, remote monitoring, and telecommuting.
21.06.16 53:24
Social Hardware Startups
Social Hardware Startups
21.06.16 1:10:59
Nerves and Synapses - A General Preview
My talk is a brief preview of neuroscience (pre-101..). I will share with you some of the brain’s mysteries and will illustrate the capacity of neurons to rewire and thus to learn (and forget).
21.06.16 42:14
Pixel perfect - Using Image Processing to Improve Outcomes for Cancer Patients
Radiation therapy is an extremely effective cancer treatment, and is used in the treatment of around 40% of patients who are cured of cancer.
21.06.16 1:12:07
Antennas: Near and Far - Part 1
In this short course, we will take a closer look at antennas and their diverse methods of use in wireless networks.
21.06.16 1:04:27
Natural Language Applications from Fact to Fiction
Much research in the natural language field has been carried out on news, given the large amount of annotated data now available for this genre.
21.06.16 1:18:53
Antennas: Near and Far - Part 2
In this short course, we will take a closer look at antennas and their diverse methods of use in wireless networks.
21.06.16 1:26:31
The Future of Crowdsourcing and the Sharing Economy: Part I
From Airbnb, to Kickstarter, to Mechanical Turk, the on-demand provisioning of workforce, services, and goods is changing the nature of work and play.
21.06.16 1:06:31
FaRM: Fast Remote Memory
I will talk about the design and implementation of FaRM, a new main memory distributed computing platform that exploits RDMA communication to improve both latency and throughput by an order of
1 068
21.06.16 1:22:42
The Future of Crowdsourcing and the Sharing Economy - Part II
From Airbnb, to Kickstarter, to Mechanical Turk, the on-demand provisioning of workforce, services, and goods is changing the nature of work and play.
21.06.16 1:31:02
The 33rd UW/MS Symposium in Computational Linguistics
Domain adaptation via effective feature engineering across domains Yan Song and Fei Xia Domain adaptation aims at bridging the performance gap when training and test data come from different domains.
21.06.16 47:30
Beyond Mindless Labeling: *Really* Leveraging Humans to Build Intelligent Machines
Human ability to understand natural images far exceeds machines today. One reason for this gap is an artificially restrictive learning set up – humans today teach machines via Morse code (e.g.
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