Microsoft Research

330 тыс
50.3 млн
9 254
24 Окт 2008
13.03.19 30:50
Academic Research Summit 2019 on Data Science and AI - Welcome Session
Academic Research Summit 2019 introduction and welcome. See more at
1 634
13.03.19 34:21
2 612
28.02.19 1:49
Microsoft boosts NSF’s Big Data Regional Innovation Hubs with $3M in cloud computing credits
Microsoft Research is proud to support the US-wide National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Big Data Regional Innovation Hubs (BD Hubs) program by awarding $3M in Microsoft Azure cloud computing credits.
27.02.19 32:59
Securing the vote with Dr. Josh Benaloh
Episode 65 | February 27, 2019 If you’ve ever wondered why, in the age of the internet, we still don’t hold our elections online, you need to spend more time with Dr.
1 135
25.02.19 1:24:47
Lessons From the Fifty-Year Quest to Turn Programmers into Software Engineers
The term “software engineering” was first used in the title of a 1968 conference organized by NATO, at which academics and industry professionals met and agreed that software needed more engineering
6 715
25.02.19 1:20:51
Crowds, Computation, and the Future of Work
Can computation amplify our ability to achieve complex collective goals?
1 264
25.02.19 1:09:46
Towards Generalization and Efficiency in Reinforcement Learning
In classic supervised machine learning, a learning agent behaves as a passive observer: it receives examples from some external environment which it has no control over and then makes predictions.
3 685
22.02.19 57:24
Chasing convex bodies, from 1817 to 2018
A selector maps a set (in some set system) to an element in that set.
1 867
22.02.19 51:26
Learning Challenges in Natural Language Processing
As the availability of data for language learning grows, the role of linguistic structure is under scrutiny.
2 729
22.02.19 57:58
Tail Latency Meets Caching - An Unusual Alliance
In today’s world of interactive computing, web services need to achieve low latency for almost all user requests (e.g., low 99-th percentile latency).
1 603
22.02.19 1:20:04
3 217
22.02.19 35:25
Talking with machines with Dr. Layla El Asri
Episode 64 | February 20, 2019 Humans are unique in their ability to learn from, understand the world through and communicate with language… Or are they? Perhaps not for long, if Dr.
1 089
22.02.19 35:13
07.02.19 2:02
EmpowerMD: Medical conversations to medical intelligence
The Intelligent Scribe captures doctor patient conversations and creates medical intelligence to generate a medical note.
10 588
31.01.19 1:37:27
Advances in AI and the Future of Work: Perspectives and Discussion
Please join us for this special Microsoft event brought to you by Microsoft Research, CELA, and the Microsoft Aether Committee.
3 573
23.01.19 34:05
Empowering people with AI with Dr. Cecily Morrison
Episode 60 | January 23, 2019 You never know how an incident in your own life might inspire a breakthrough in science, but Dr.
1 117
14.01.19 3:24
The Microsoft Research intern experience with Robyn McMillan
Hear from Robyn, a previous intern at Microsoft Research Cambridge, about her experience during their 12-week program, and find out first-hand what it’s like to work in an industrial research lab
1 457
14.01.19 2:38
The Microsoft Research intern experience with David George Robertson
Hear from David, a previous intern at Microsoft Research Cambridge, about his experience during their 12-week program, and find out first-hand what it’s like to work in an industrial research lab
1 944
09.01.19 34:18
1 005
07.01.19 4:45
Canetroller: Navigating virtual reality with haptic and auditory cane stimulation
Traditional virtual reality (VR) mainly focuses on visual feedback, which is not accessible for people with visual impairments.
1 848
02.01.19 1:03:20
Social and Emotional Artificial Intelligence
Given that emotion is a key element of human interaction, enabling artificial agents with the ability to reason about affect is a key stepping stone towards a future in which technological agents
5 349
13.12.18 31:48
13.12.18 35:50
Chasing convex bodies and other random topics with Dr. Sébastien Bubeck
Episode 53 | December 5, 2018 Dr. Sébastien Bubeck explains the difficulty of the multi-armed bandit problem in the context of a parameter- and data-rich online world.
1 588
06.12.18 1:02:44
Automated Reasoning of Database Queries
From booking air tickets to analyzing astronomy datasets, database queries are pervasive in people’s work and life. However, reasoning database queries automatically is not easy.
1 491
06.12.18 55:52
How to Obtain and Run Light and Efficient Deep Learning Networks
Fast growth of the computation cost associated with training and testing of deep neural networks (DNNs) inspired various acceleration techniques.
1 683
06.12.18 5:21
Machine Teaching Demo
Watch a demonstration of the Machine Teaching tool Platform for Interactive Concept Learning (PICL).
4 909
06.12.18 1:02:31
Advanced Machine Learning Day 3: Neural Program Synthesis
How do you learn programs? View presentation slides and more at
6 469
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