Microsoft Research

330 тыс
50.3 млн
9 254
24 Окт 2008
09.02.17 4:02
Clustered Principal Components for Precomputed Radiance Transfer
We compress storage and accelerate performance of precomputed radiance transfer (PRT), which captures the way an object shadows, scatters, and reflects light.
09.02.17 4:29
Iso-charts: Stretch-driven Mesh Parameterization Using Spectral Analysis
We describe a fully automatic method, called iso-charts, to create texture atlases on arbitrary meshes.
1 536
09.02.17 4:20
Large Mesh Deformation Using the Volumetric Graph Laplacian
We present a novel technique for large deformations on 3D meshes using the volumetric graph Laplacian. We first construct a graph representing the volume inside the input mesh.
3 560
09.02.17 4:55
Local, Deformable Precomputed Radiance Transfer
Precomputed radiance transfer (PRT) captures realistic lighting effects from distant, low-frequency environmental lighting but has been limited to static models or precomputed sequences.
09.02.17 3:17
Capturing and Rendering Geometric Details for BTF-mapped Surfaces
Bidirectional texture functions, or BTFs, accurately model reflectance variation at a fine (meso-) scale as a function of lighting and viewing direction.
09.02.17 5:10
Real-Time Soft Shadows in Dynamic Scenes using Spherical Harmonic Exponentiation
Previous methods for soft shadows numerically integrate over many light directions at each receiver point, testing blocker visibility in each direction.
5 684
09.02.17 3:18
Fast Soft Self-Shadowing on Dynamic Height Fields
We present a new, real-time method for rendering soft shadows from large light sources or lighting environments on dynamic height fields.
09.02.17 4:54
Modeling Anisotropic Surface Reflectance with Example-Based Microfacet Synthesis
We present a new technique for the visual modeling of spatiallyvarying anisotropic reflectance using data captured from a single view.
09.02.17 4:38
Pocket Reflectometry
We present a simple, fast solution for reflectance acquisition using tools that fit into a pocket.
09.02.17 5:00
All-Frequency Rendering of Dynamic, Spatially-Varying Reflectance
We describe a technique for real-time rendering of dynamic, spatially-varying BRDFs in static scenes with all-frequency shadows from environmental and point lights.
1 193
09.02.17 3:36
Fast Global Illumination on Dynamic Height Fields
We present a real-time method for rendering global illumination effects from large area and environmental lights on dynamic height fields.
09.02.17 5:14
Freeform Vector Graphics
Recent work defines vector graphics using diffusion between colored curves. We explore higher-order fairing to enable more natural interpolation and greater expressive control.
09.02.17 4:01
Motion-Guided Mechanical Toy Modeling
We introduce a new method to synthesize mechanical toys solely from the motion of their features.
5 826
08.02.17 2:45:14
New Year: New VREality - Community Workshop and Meet Up 2017
Introductions 0:00:00 – Henry Honig – MSR Media Producer 00:14:02 - Jessie Hooper and Budi Mulyo - Welcome and Introductions Speakers 17:35 – Jerry Carleton – Immix Law Group 38:11 - Matt Hooper –
08.02.17 1:14:13
Improving Programmability and Performance for Mobile/Cloud Applications
The proliferation of datacenters, smartphones, personal sensing and tracking devices, and home automation products is fundamentally changing the applications we interact with daily.
08.02.17 1:15:42
Leveraging Privacy in Data Analysis
My research focuses on applying differential privacy to problems in economics, statistical hypothesis testing, and adaptive data analysis in machine learning.
08.02.17 1:02:05
Scalable Semantic Code Search for High-Quality Program Repair
Bugs in programs remain a pernicious problem.
07.02.17 2:27
Microsoft & Prism Skylabs: Using AI to help organizations search visual data
Prism Skylabs is using Microsoft Cognitive Services to help businesses search, analyze and categorize their videos automatically with artificial intelligence.
12 044
07.02.17 2:26
Microsoft & Human Interact: Players control the narrative in Starship Commander
Human Interact is using Microsoft Cognitive Services for Starship Commander, an interactive virtual reality science fiction game that gives players control over the narrative using real conversation.
56 732
06.02.17 5:02
Flash Fill and FlashExtract
99% of computer users do not know programming and struggle with repetitive tasks.
4 287
03.02.17 1:12:14
Dave Wecker: Software Demo: Microsoft LIQUiD
LIQUi|> provides a modular software architecture for the simulation of quantum algorithms. It provides a high level interface and is independent of a specific quantum architecture.
2 503
03.02.17 1:01:14
Dr. TLA+ Series - Byzantine Paxos
In this lecture we will discuss how to tolerate Byzantine faults in achieving consensus. We illustrate through refining Paxos step by step.
1 964
03.02.17 49:42
Lídia del Rio: Quantum thermodynamics (II)
How much heat is dissipated in a quantum computer? Just how small can thermal engines be? When can we model a device’s environment as a heat bath?
03.02.17 31:24
Héctor Bombín: Time-correlated noise in quantum computation
Fault-tolerant quantum computation techniques rely on weakly correlated noise. Here I show that it is enough to assume weak spatial correlations: time correlations can take any form.
03.02.17 33:01
Jean-Francois Biasse: A polynomial time quantum algorithm for computing class groups
"This paper presents a polynomial time quantum algorithms for computing the ideal class group and solving the principal ideal problem (PIP) in arbitrary classes of number fields under the
1 004
03.02.17 31:59
Speakers: Elizabeth Crosson, Michael Jarret
1. Simulated quantum annealing can be exponentially faster than classical simulated annealing 2. Adiabatic optimization versus diffusion Monte Carlo "1.
03.02.17 28:00
Eric Chitambar: Round complexity in the local transformations of quantum and classical state
A natural operational paradigm for distributed quantum and classical information processing involves local operations coordinated by multiple rounds of public communication.
03.02.17 41:54
Sergio Boixo: Characterizing quantum supremacy in near-term devices
A critical question for the field of quantum computing in the near future is whether quantum devices without error correction can perform a well-defined computational task beyond the capabilities of
1 850
03.02.17 55:29
Chaoyang Lu: Racing classical computers with quantum boson-sampling machines
In this talk, I will report two routes towards experimental BosonSampling with many photons.
1 271
03.02.17 48:37
Dave Touchette: Information-theoretic tools for interactive quantum protocols, and applications
"This submission merges two related papers, which develop new tools to obtain fresh insight into the notion of quantum information complexity (QIC), and its link to quantum communication complexity.
9 276 видеоназад70далее