Microsoft Research

330 тыс
50.3 млн
9 254
24 Окт 2008
01.02.17 36:22
A parallel repetition theorem for all entangled games
"The behavior of games repeated in parallel, when played with quantumly entangled players, has received much attention in recent years.
01.02.17 37:45
Dominic Williamson: Anyons and matrix product operator algebras
Quantum tensor network states provide a natural framework for the representation of ground states of gapped, topologically ordered systems.
1 872
01.02.17 34:58
Guillaume Dauphinais: Fault-tolerant error correction for non-abelian anyons
While topological quantum computation is intrinsically fault-tolerant at zero temperature, it looses its topological protection at any finite temperature.
01.02.17 55:59
Jonathan Oppenheim: From quantum thermodynamical identities to a second law equality
"We investigate the connection between recent results in quantum thermodynamics and fluctuation relations by adopting a fully quantum mechanical description of thermodynamics.
1 369
01.02.17 34:18
Operator scaling and applications
"We study operator scaling, a quantum generalization of Sinkhorn's matrix scaling.
01.02.17 30:10
Xin Wang: Asymptotic entanglement manipulation under PPT operations: new SDP bounds&irreversibility
We study various aspects of asymptotic entanglement manipulation of general bipartite states under operations that completely preserve positivity of partial transpose (PPT).
01.02.17 31:55
Srinivasan Arunachalam: Optimal quantum sample complexity of learning algorithms
We tightly determine the minimal sample complexity of learning algorithms that try to learn a target concept from quantum examples, which are the superposition-version of classical random examples.
01.02.17 37:23
A complete characterization of unitary quantum space
"We give two complete characterizations of unitary quantum space-bounded classes. The first is based on the Matrix Inversion problem for well-conditioned matrices.
01.02.17 33:29
David Reutter: Biunitary constructions in quantum information
We present an infinite number of construction schemes involving unitary error bases, Hadamard matrices, quantum Latin squares and controlled families, many of which have not previously been described.
01.02.17 34:17
Fernando Brandao: Quantum speed-ups for semidefinite programming
"We give a quantum algorithm for solving semidenite programs (SDPs).
1 005
01.02.17 35:48
Joseph M. Renes: Belief propagation decoding of quantum channels by passing quantum messages
Belief propagation is a powerful tool in statistical physics, machine learning, and modern coding theory.
01.02.17 1:04:33
Garnet Chan: Simulating quantum systems on classical computers
I will describe the landscape of classical simulations of the quantum mechanics of materials, chemistry, and biology and the role that quantum information theory has played.
1 661
01.02.17 27:02
Anupam Prakash: Quantum recommendation systems
"A recommendation system uses the past purchases or ratings of $n$ products by a group of $m$ users, in order to provide personalized recommendations to individual users.
1 844
01.02.17 55:39
Rigetti Computing Software Demo: Forest
Recent progress on quantum computing hardware, especially in superconducting qubit systems, highlights the need for practical programming models and tools for these first devices.
17 553
01.02.17 53:03
Frank Verstraete: The entanglement of distillation for gauge theories
We study the entanglement structure of lattice gauge theories from the local operational point of view, and we show that the usual entanglement entropy for a spatial bipartition can be written as
01.02.17 41:11
Aram Harrow: Sequential measurements, disturbance and property testing
"We describe two procedures which, given access to one copy of a quantum state and a sequence of two-outcome measurements, can distinguish between the case that at least one of the measurements
01.02.17 35:14
Carlo Sparaciari: A resource theory for work and heat
Several recent results in the field of quantum thermodynamics have been obtained using the tools of quantum information theory and resource theories.
01.02.17 36:02
Mark Howard: Application of a resource theory for magic states to fault-tolerant quantum computing
Motivated by their necessity for most fault-tolerant quantum computation schemes, we formulate a resource theory for magic states.
1 270
01.02.17 1:07:37
John Preskill: Quantum information and spacetime (II)
I will review how tools from quantum information theory are providing a fresh perspective on some of the deepest problems in particle physics and gravitation.
3 871
01.02.17 24:46
Anurag Anshu: Separations in communication complexity using cheat sheets and information complexity
"While exponential separations are known between quantum and randomized communication complexity for partial functions (Raz, STOC 1999), the best known separation between these measures for a total
1 140
01.02.17 53:54
Florian Speelman: Quantum homomorphic encryption for polynomial-sized circuits (Best Student Paper)
"We present a new scheme for quantum homomorphic encryption which is compact and allows for efficient evaluation of arbitrary polynomial-sized quantum circuits.
01.02.17 1:04:46
John Preskill: Quantum information and spacetime (I)
I will review how tools from quantum information theory are providing a fresh perspective on some of the deepest problems in particle physics and gravitation.
13 732
01.02.17 37:30
Earl Campbell: Unifying gate-synthesis and magic state distillation
We introduce a unified framework that implements one round of magic state distillation and multi-qubit gate synthesis in a single step.
01.02.17 30:55
Zhengfeng Ji: Compression of quantum multi-prover interactive proofs
"We present a protocol that transforms any quantum multi-prover interactive proof into a nonlocal game in which questions consist of logarithmic number of bits and answers of constant number of bits.
01.02.17 31:38
Fang Song: Zero-knowledge proof systems for QMA
"Prior work has established that all problems in NP admit classical zero-knowledge proof systems, and under reasonable hardness assumptions for quantum computations, these proof systems can be made
1 111
01.02.17 1:04:53
Norbert Schuch: Matrix product states and tensor networks (I)
Interacting systems of many quantum particles exhibit rich physics due to their underlying entanglement, and are a topic of major interest in several areas of physics.
4 763
01.02.17 1:04:34
Norbert Schuch: Matrix product states and tensor networks (II)
Interacting systems of many quantum particles exhibit rich physics due to their underlying entanglement, and are a topic of major interest in several areas of physics.
1 294
01.02.17 59:31
Steve Flammia: Debugging the next generation of quantum devices (I)
Recent years have witnessed tremendous progress in laboratory experiments for quantum computing.
1 550
01.02.17 59:05
Steve Flammia: Debugging the next generation of quantum devices (II)
Recent years have witnessed tremendous progress in laboratory experiments for quantum computing.
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