Linus+50 Shades Of Grey! - Wan Show Feb 17, 2017

390 765
Linus Tech Tips16.1 млн
18.02.17 – 1 391 6417:43
Trash Can PC on a BUDGET - HP Wave
Опубликовано 18 февраля 2017, 2:36
Dollar Shave Club : Get your one dollar trial at

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Timestamps courtesy of JJMC89.

00:03:16 - The art of jingles
00:07:15 - PewDiePie dropped by Disney after anti-Semitic stunt
00:18:17 - Porn, sex ed, and parenting
00:34:44 - Sponsor: Dollar Shave Club
00:37:45 - Samsung heir arrested as part of South Korea's government scandal
00:39:14 - Ryzen specs and prices leaked
00:42:51 - Buzzfeed and Facebook try to break readers out of their social media bubbles
00:48:12 - Dad who live-streamed his son's birth on Facebook loses in court
00:48:43 - YouTube will kill unskippable 30-second ads next year
00:49:18 - Bill Gates says robots that take your job should pay taxes
00:54:57 - Star Wars: The Last Jedi is officially plural