End Of The GPU Shortage! - WAN Show April 01, 2022

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Linus Tech Tips16.2 млн
Опубликовано 2 апреля 2022, 2:32
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Timestamps: (Courtesy of NoKi1119)
0:00 Chapters
1:37 Intro
2:00 Topic #1 - GPUs availabe, MSRP dropped!
3:38 Issues with creating content of tech
7:01 Linus's neighbor bought a GPUless PC
8:06 Snow VS EVs in Canada, vehicle shortage & scalping
15:48 GM's Volt might've been before its' time
20:26 Would GPU prices stay down, or would companies exploit it?
23:48 Silicon wafers price to increase to 25% by 2025
26:51 Sold wafers, foundry issues
28:26 "F you Putin" - Linus 2k22
29:09 Topic #2 - April fools jokes
29:28 Corsair's 1% keyboard
31:50 Lab project update, will NOT include TTP
33:20 New hire experience
35:40 Topic #3 - Companies tricked to giving "lawyers" data
39:54 De-Google-ify your life, should we trust companies with our data?
41:46 Linus's experience with wire fraud
49:55 2FA spam requests, WiFi encryption
55:40 LTT's April Fools joke
57:00 Topic #4 - LTTSTORE.C*M on r/place
58:32 Sponsor - Squarespace
59:07 Shouting out the team's hard work & mistake
59:46 Sponsor - Extra
1:03:26 Sponsor - Wealthfront
1:04:28 Topic #5 - NCIX Linus's previous e-mails
1:09:28 Merch Messages #1 ft. Jake
1:10:06 Predictions on CPU tech
1:11:48 Favorite retro tech outside of gaming
1:16:16 How to decide who hosts in videos
1:23:16 Topic #6 - Samsung partners with iFixIt
1:24:30 Apple policy, "How to Build a PC" guide
1:24:58 Topic #7 - Mome Boys - Still Beat ft. LTT
1:29:02 Kanye West Linus cover
1:29:45 Topic #8 - LTT's April Fool's video
1:31:02 Sponsors were real
1:33:12 JRE's knife was not in the sponsors
1:34:14 FP-exclusive LTTStore screwdriver preorders
1:37:36 LTTStore backpack stock & interest
1:39:16 Merch Messages #2
1:40:01 NAS & PC unraid
1:40:28 Most played game by Linus & Luke
1:42:58 LTTStore elemental t-shirt
1:45:54 Game engines as a part of benchmarking
1:46:18 Most talented gamers Linus & Luke played with
1:47:14 Would valve entice developers with Proton
1:47:42 Current Android VS iOS tablets market
1:48:11 Ecosystem to smartify your house
1:48:54 Booting images on LAN PC
1:49:12 Cool storage tech
1:49:44 On-board GPUs like on-board sound card
1:50:38 Linus on not censoring swears on FP
1:52:16 Outro