
6.91 млн
1.63 млрд
7 117
8 Мар 2010
26 дней 7:01
How to Paint Historical Artifacts Safely (at @metmuseum)
At @metmuseum, the object conservation department is always working with archival materials. How do they know which, such as paint, are safe to use on or around the artifacts?
50 691
27 дней 9:15
Why Weren't There More "Try This at Home" MythBusters Episodes?
Were there any "at home" myths Adam Savage would have liked to try, and why weren't there more? Were there any procurement orders that broke the brains of MythBusters' producers?
133 440
28 дней 8:57
Why Adam Savage Hates Elevator Icons
What's Adam Savage's advice for moving on from a breakup? Why does he hate elevator door symbols so much? Does Adam have any tips to avoid burnout in a new career?
85 927
28 дней 8:57
Tips on Managing Stress
NOTE: No, that's not Jamie on Adam's shirt.
76 003
29 дней 1:05:10
Adam's Live Streams: MythBusters "Pinch Me" Moments and More
In this live stream, Adam answered MythBusters-related questions! During live streams, Tested memberships are gifted.
29 дней 53:18
Adam Savage Makes a Breakthrough With His Thumb Guard!
Under the guidance and instruction of master metal sculptor Douglas Pryor, Adam begins to wrap his head around the annealing and hammering techniques needed to shape the brass components of his
76 562
30 дней 13:22
Framework Desktop Mini PC: Why Does This Exist?
We've been fans of Framework computer's modular laptop design philosophy, and went to their 2nd Gen launch event to check out updates to their Framework 13 laptop as well as the newly announced
87 965
31 день 1:11:36
Adam Savage Gets Schooled By a Metal Master!
Adam has reached a point of his Infinity Gauntlet build where he needs some help, so he invites master metal sculptor ​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠@douglaspryor to the cave to spend the day instructing him on techniques
112 301
32 дня 10:59
The Breastplate Armor With a Cannonball Hole!
While visiting the specialty costume fabricators at FBFX, Adam is stopped in his tracks to find one of his favorite pieces of real historical armor: a French cuirass brestplate with a
199 659
33 дня 24:30
The Mind-Blowing Art of Metal Sculpting!
Note: The export of this video cut off the last few minutes of the conversation. We'll be uploading a corrected version and linking here as soon as possible. Apologies for the error!
81 827
34 дня 11:34
Would Homer Simpson Have Survived the Wrecking Ball Incident?
Does Adam Savage think Homer Simpsons would have survived his wrecking ball incident? Were there any myths that Adam wanted to do earlier in the series but couldn't until later in MythBusters' run?
109 086
35 дней 9:31
Is Adam Savage's Kitchen Organized Like His Shop?
"If you were to make a first order retrievability cart for your kitchen today, what would it look like and what would be on or in it?" "Do you know where I can learn more about stop motion (besides
51 718
35 дней 13:52
How to Transition from 9-to-5 to Freelance
What are the essential colors and paint types every small shop should have? Does Adam Savage have advice for someone who wants to transition from 9-to-5 to freelance work?
42 923
36 дней 9:43
Destroying THIS Car Made Adam Savage Sad
Was there a car Adam Savage felt sad about destroying on MythBusters? Did Adam lean on the lessons he learned from Terry English while making his Infinity Gauntlet?
102 984
36 дней 10:22
Adam Savage Fixes His Deteriorated Spacesuit Gloves
With the urethane lining inside his Apollo A7L spacesuit glove replicas deterioated over time, Adam finds a way to restore them by combining them with an excellent pair of replica glove interiors
42 653
37 дней 23:40
Adam Savage Experiences Serious Tool Envy at @metmuseum
Tested viewers and cave visitors often "complain" that Adam Savage costs them a lot of money via exposure to his extensive tool collection.
165 717
38 дней 21:23
Repairing Adam Savage's Hellboy Samaritan Prop
It's been over four years since Adam completed his Hellboy Samaritan replica build, and the prop has been well handled by guests since.
134 671
39 дней 59:15
Adam Savage's Live Streams: All About Communication
During live streams, Tested memberships are gifted. Join us for the next live stream and be sure you're signed into your YouTube account and you've opted to receive gifted memberships!
39 дней 11:57
The "Cassette Futurism" of Blade Runner 2049's Prop Design
In our final video examining props from Blade Runner 2049 ahead of their auction, Adam chooses four props with uniquely retrofuturistic design, all created for the film's LAPD characters.
354 673
40 дней 12:45
Adam Savage's Favorite FIRE-Making Tools!
Adam answers a question about tools that he's never been asked: what are the tools he always needs but never has?
68 231
41 день 10:34
Why It's Good to Start Over
What can Adam Savage say about the value of starting over? How has Leonardo da Vinci impacted Adam? Does Adam have any thoughts on building museum-style supports for his props?
150 290
42 дня 8:36
What Was MythBusters' Most Powerful Explosion?
Was "cement truck" the most powerful explosion Adam Savage ever felt? With MythBusters run by folks in Australia and the UK, did Adam feel the series had more autonomy than similar shows?
132 164
43 дня 12:39
Adam Savage Examines Leonardo Da Vinci's War Machines!
Adam opens up a new addition to his collection of Leonardo da Vinci replica illustrations: the artists' many ideas and designs for weapons of war.
83 382
44 дня 13:23
The High-Tech Props of Blade Runner 2049!
One of the reasons we find the alternate future of Blade Runner 2049 so compelling is the incredible attention to detail put into its worldbuilding.
176 717
45 дней 9:48
News Making You Anxious? Here's How Adam Savage Stays Positive
How does Adam Savage stay positive and focused when the world gets chaotic?
169 266
45 дней 19:10
Adam Savage's Life-Size Infinity Gauntlet Build! (Part 3)
Adam's ambitions grow as he moves to the next part of his life-size Infinity Gauntlet build: the four Infinity Gem mounts on the top of the knuckles of this massive glove.
66 297
46 дней 12:54
Adam Savage's Favorite Tools: Rotary Cutter!
Immediately following up on his unboxing of a miniature machinists toolchest, Adam realizes a quick and easy way to upgrade the cabinet by lining its drawers with felt.
96 618
47 дней 15:12
Mailbox Unboxing: Adam Savage Smitten by These Gifted Tools!
Adam unboxes two mailbag packages from viewers--both containing useful additions to organizing and protecting the tools in Adam's shop.
83 800
48 дней 11:19
Are People Intimidated by Adam Savage?
Does Adam Savage find that people are so intimidated by him that they don't want to work with him?
84 186
49 дней 8:02
Fired From Your Job? Adam Savage Has Some Advice
Has Adam Savage ever been fired, and if so, how did that impact his confidence? Does Adam have thoughts about how game developers cross over with filmmakers?
71 945
6 945 видеоназад2далее