Divide and conquer: How Microsoft researchers used AI to master Ms. Pac-Man
Read more at Next at Microsoft: aka.ms/999990 Microsoft researchers have created an artificial intelligence-based system that learned how to get the maximum score on the addictive 1980s video game
286 707
Microsoft Research Street Slide View
Street Slide is a novel browsing interface for street-level imagery that combines the best aspects of the immersive nature of "bubbles" with the overview provided by multiperspective strip
269 239
Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking
How do we make decisions -- good and bad -- and why are some people so much better at it than others?
264 692
Skype Translator demo from WPC 2014
Watch a live demonstration of speech to speech translation using Skype Translator at WPC 2014.
248 899
Seen at Microsoft Research's TechFest 2012, IllumiShare enables remote people to share any physical or digital object on any surface.
227 679
PhD: How to write a great research paper
Writing papers and giving talks are key skills for any researcher, but they arenΓÇÖt easy.
210 240
David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits & the Art of Battling Giants
Malcolm Gladwell, the #1 bestselling author of The Tipping Point, Blink, Outliers, and What the Dog Saw, offers his most provocative---and dazzling---book yet.
210 074
The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything
So what is "the element" and how can you find yours? To truly be in your element, both passion and skill need to come together.
209 682
Augmenting Indoor Spaces Using Interactive Environment-aware Handheld Projectors
This video shows handheld projector systems have the potential to enable users to dynamically augment environments with digital graphics.
193 102
Holoflector is a unique, interactive augmented-reality mirror. Graphics are superimposed correctly on your own reflection to enable a novel augmented-reality experience.
169 633
Your Money or Your Life: Nine Steps to Transforming Your Relationship with Money
Most thinking about money assumes your financial life is separate from the rest of your life, but it is time to put those things back together.
162 357
Discover the new Microsoft Translator
What if you could talk to anyone, regardless of the language they spoke?
158 345
Cliplets: Juxtaposing Still and Dynamic Imagery
A still photograph is a limited format for capturing moments that span an interval of time.
157 013
Microsoft Translator: License to Translate
Introducing Microsoft Translator’s new conversation feature for iOS and Android-- translate face to face conversations in a more natural way by simultaneously using your smartwatch and phone!
153 559
SoundWave: Using the Doppler Effect to Sense Gestures
Gestures are becoming an increasingly popular means of interacting with computers. However, it is still relatively costly to deploy robust gesture-recognition sensors in existing mobile platforms.
150 123
Wearable Multitouch Projector
This project is a depth-sensing and projection system that enables interactive multitouch applications on everyday surfaces.
145 547
Automatic Speech Recognition - An Overview
An overview of how Automatic Speech Recognition systems work and some of the challenges.
143 659
Mathematical Trading Strategies
Many trading strategies are based on perceived relationships between the prices of different assets. Some of these relationships are based on fundamental relationships e.g.
138 980
Shape-Writing Enhancements for Windows Phone
On January 16, 2014, Microsoft researchers and Windows Phone engineers set out to challenge the Guinness World Records fastest text message using a touch-screen mobile phone record.
138 626
MirageTable: Freehand Interaction on a Projected Augmented Reality Tabletop
In MirageTable, a 3-D stereoscopic projector projects content directly on top of the curved screen. The information is captured by the Kinect camera, which also tracks the user's gaze.
134 902
The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business
What habit do you want to change?
134 187
Antifragile: Things that Gain from Disorder
Author and philosopher Nassim Nicholas Taleb offers a definitive solution for how to gain from disorder and chaos, while being protected from fragilities and adverse events.
133 774
How to Write a Great Research Paper
Writing papers and giving talks are key skills for any researcher, but they aren’t easy.
132 782
How To Use the Translation Features of Microsoft PowerPoint
Make your presentation slides available to a worldwide audience by using the translation features of Microsoft PowerPoint!
130 967
Handpose: Fully Articulated Hand Tracking
Introducing a new real-time articulated hand tracker which can enable new possibilities for human-computer interaction (HCI).
130 394
War, Power, Strategy
War is seemingly everywhere around us, and not just the war in Iraq. There are culture wars, internet wars, business wars, nasty political wars.
124 860
Holographic Near-Eye Displays for Virtual and Augmented Reality
We present novel designs for virtual and augmented reality near-eye displays based on phase-only holographic projection.
121 596
Microsoft and UW demonstrate first fully automated DNA data storage
Researchers from Microsoft and the University of Washington have demonstrated the first fully automated system to store and retrieve data in manufactured DNA — a key step in moving the technology
121 023
Teaching Kinect for Windows to Read Your Hands
One promising direction in the evolution of Kinect for Windows is enabling hand-gesture recognition.
117 981
Efficient and Precise Interactive Hand Tracking
See an example of 3D hand tracking research from Microsoft, in proceedings at SIGGRAPH 2016.
117 077