Air Bag Light Flashing, How to diagnose and fix

2 635 451
ChrisFix10.6 млн
Опубликовано 21 января 2014, 23:23
Airbag light on or airbag light flashing? This video will show you how to diagnose and fix a flashing airbag light. The flashing means that there is a fault with the system. You can read the number of flashes and it will give you a code (codes listed below for ford ranger and Mazda B3000). If your code is not listed, just google the year, make and model of your car along with "airbag light code" (ex. 2001 Mazda B3000 airbag light code).
In this case it was code 4-6 which is the drivers side seat-belt pretensioner circuit which is cause by the wire/clip under the seat coming loose or getting moisture in it. Just separate the clip and spray some wd40 or electric cleaner in there and reconnect.

Ford Ranger, Ford Explorer, Mazda B3000 Airbag codes (2000-2005)

15- drivers side air bag circuit shorted
16- passenger side air bag circuit shorted
19- restraint control module (RCM) memory full
24- restraint control module (RCM) internal fault
25- passenger air bag deactivation (PAD) switch fault
27- passenger air bag deactivation (PAD) warning lamp inoperative
29- Incorrect Vehicle Identification Code
32- driver air bag circuit resistance high
33- passenger air bag circuit resistance high
34- driver air bag circuit resistance low
35- passenger air bag circuit resistance low
43- front impact sensor
46- drivers side seat-belt pretensioner
47- passenger side seat-belt pretensioner

Radio Shack Light Part #: 272-334

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