Turbo Exhaust Whistles Vs. 841Hp Corvette!

14 396 543
05.12.16 – 190 2525:31
Reindeer Antlers Vs. 850Hp Corvette!
204 дня – 1 766 19521:54
We Bought the World's Cheapest Private Jet!
Опубликовано 2 декабря 2016, 19:24
Cleetus "Twin Turbskies" T-Shirts - goo.gl/TYBLcV

Welp... all videos don't come out perfect, and that's exactly what happened here :/ Check out the video and you'll see what happened. We were just out there doing it for Dale, had a good time none the less!

P.S. - Waiting on parts for my RAM, and the shifter kart will be in a video next week :)

Cooper's YouTube - goo.gl/3rojt2