Canibeat's First Class Fitment 2012

49 118
Krispy Media533 тыс
26.10.12 – 13 9642:46
Chris Guerci's 2011 WRX Limited
262 дня – 5 0950:23
Lamborghini CRASHES into wall!
Опубликовано 20 октября 2012, 0:56
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My first time attending FCF and man was I blown away from the quailty cars and the enviorment. Great DJ's, nice people, good food, and a FREKIN AIRPORT! If you interested in a private photo or video shoot drop me line and we'll work it out! (Prints avaible upon request!)

Music Used (No copyright intended, please support the original artists)
AlunaGeorge - Put Your Hands Up (N55 Hi Emotions Remix)
Daybreak (GoPro HERO3 Edit)