2015 ETCG 'Meet Up' -EricTheCarGuy

56 856
EricTheCarGuy1.81 млн
Опубликовано 29 июля 2015, 10:07
On July 18, 2015 the 4th annual ETCG 'Meet Up' was held in Mason, OH. It was the biggest one to date. Attendance had doubled from the previous year. Honestly, I'm not sure what I'm going to do for next year if it continued to grow at this rate.

Despite the heat, and the shop being filled almost to capacity, everyone had a great time. We had some special guests this year:

ScannerDanner: youtube.com/user/ScannerDanner

TheHumbleMechanic: youtube.com/user/HumbleMechani...

And also Jeff Whisenand, inventor of the Power Probe: powerprobe.com

And I can't forget a surprise guest, RedneckRickem: youtube.com/channel/UClhz_V05l...

Most special of all, my dad.

My dad also brought with him a metal sign that my brother Mark had made for me. It's an awesome sign and Charles treated to liberate it from my shop. Glad he didn't follow through with that. I really like my new sign.

Let's not ignore the elephant, or in this case, the shop equipment in the room. Yes, in support of the Fixing it Forward project BendPak/Ranger has once again outfitted my shop with some of the latest equipment. My compressor is so new it doesn't even have a page on their website yet. Here's more info on those.

Air Compressor: (Product Page NA at this time): bendpak.com/compressors/air-co...

Tire Changer: bendpak.com/wheel-service/tire...

Tire Balancer: bendpak.com/wheel-service/whee...

Brake Lathe: bendpak.com/wheel-service/brak...

This new equipment has really taken my shop to the next level and I was glad to share it with the 2015 'Meet Up' attendees for the first time. In fact, they even got to use it for the first time. Both Matt and Lee Ann helped break in the new tire equipment.

I'd like to thank each and every person that made the trip. I appreciate each and every one of you.

Camera: Brian Kast

Editing: Brian Kast, Eric Cook

Thanks for watching!

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Special thanks to our ETCG 'Meet Up' 2015 sponsors

Zep: zepautomotive.com
Sylvania: sylvania.com/en-us/Pages/defau...
Power Probe: powerprobe.com
Powerbuilt/AllTrade Tools: alltradeasia.com
Grip Tools: gripontools.net
Avak: avaktools.com
J&B Tool Sales: jbtoolsales.com
Identifix: identifix.com
Motorfiend: motorfiend.com
BendPak: bendpak.com
Ranger: bendpak.com/Shop-Equipment
Skyleap: skyleapllc.com

Like the new ETCG Swag? Get yours here: cafepress.com/ericthecarguysho...

See what it was like to set up for this years 'Meet Up': youtube.com/watch?v=MJ9fBvdYZ7...

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