1998 Chevy Tahoe 5.7L Water Pump Replacement (Part 1) -EricTheCarGuy

370 707
EricTheCarGuy1.82 млн
22.01.21 – 33 59630:24
Factory Five Tear Down (Episode 2)
Опубликовано 8 марта 2013, 12:02
Visit me at: ericthecarguy.com

This video is part 1 of the replacement of a water pump on a 5.7L Chevy V8. This video will apply to many other makes that use this engine such as GMC as the engine in this video has been used for many years by GM. I feel it's a job that just about any DIY could do with the right set of tools. The video also covers the diagnosis of the faulty water pump as well as purging the air out of the cooling system when you're done. One last thing. I know the Check engine light is on, it's a catalytic converter code.

This video can be seen in it's entirety with bonus footage such as how I dealt with the speed clip that wouldn't come out as well as the thermostat replacement. You can see this footage by signing up for a Premium Membership at EricTheCarGuy.com. More information can be found here.


Here are some helpful links mentioned in the video that you may find useful.

Part 2: youtube.com/watch?v=6kElUsAPko...

Replacing a Serpentine Belt: youtube.com/watch?v=Wg1AX77xEB...

Belts and Pulleys: youtube.com/watch?v=ZSTZdTAB_A...

Diagnosing an Overheat: youtube.com/watch?v=hUzOTnsWIm...

Bleeding a Cooling System: youtube.com/watch?v=zUpXgAJ1gj...

Discussion about this video: ericthecarguy.com/kunena/18-Th...

Stay dirty


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