460HP Chevy SS Review! The Failed American Sleeper

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ThatDudeinBlue1.29 млн
13 дней – 345 93517:03
Car Culture Has Changed: 2014 vs 2024
Опубликовано 25 января 2022, 23:24
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The Chevy SS or Holden depending on who you ask is an awesome car. With an LS V8 powertrain, manual transmission option, and so much more to love why did this car fail in the US? The Holden Commodore SS clone might have had an issue most wouldn't think about. In my opinion the answer might be as simple as this - maybe the Chevy SS was too good of a sleeper for anybody to notice. Let's go for a drive and find out!
#chevy #LS #holden

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0:00 Intro
0:49 Sponsor
1:57 What is the Chevy SS? It's a Holden Really
2:47 They offered this in MANUAL?!
3:10 It's too good of a sleeper to sell
4:10 What was it up against?
4:48 It Checks every Box
5:06 everything is chrome in the future
5:59 I wanna go fast (HP)
7:47 Showing off the power of the Chevy SS
9:30 The manual makes it way better
10:47 Gnarly driving
11:26 Final Thoughts