3000hp Camaro goes 198mph, CHROME Milk Truck + More! | Race Week 2.0 Day 3

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Опубликовано 7 сентября 2022, 16:06
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Race Week 2.0 Day 3 starts off with a grueling drive to Tulsa Raceway Park in Tulsa Oklahoma. While we thankfully did not see a ton of carnage on the road, the track wasn't so kind to many others! This is what Race Week is all about. Many people in the lowest of lows while others on the opposite end of the spectrum! The event is shaping up to be exactly what we hoped for.

Day 1: youtu.be/ajiYsFQWmBE
Day 2: youtu.be/wSn3veGERqQ
Day 3: youtu.be/7fJE3AV4N3A
Day 4: youtu.be/owOo1b9Ln_c
Day 5: youtu.be/t6IClBeGRSg
Day 6: youtu.be/e_Z-leQFwvw

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