Electric Summer Tires – Can You Really Have It All?

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Опубликовано 14 июля 2023, 14:00
Why Everyone Should Run Summer Tires - Even Electric Cars!
Thank you to Hankook for sponsoring this video! hankooktire.com/us/en/tire/ion...
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Summer tires are the performance option for enthusiasts who want the most out of their cars. These tires offer more grip, better steering feel, and better handling – not to mention better stopping distance rain or shine. But does all that grip come at a compromise? Electric vehicles need tires with low rolling resistance to maximize range, and often, rolling resistance is at odds with grip. In this video we’ll deep dive into Hankook’s iON evo tire, a summer tire offered for both electric cars and electric SUVs, to maximize warm weather performance without a big loss in rolling resistance or noise levels.

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