Microsoft Research

330 тыс
50.3 млн
9 254
24 Окт 2008
06.09.16 1:08:52
Constraint-Based Analysis in the Presence of Uncertainty and Imprecision
In all sound program analysis systems there is some mechanism for modeling non-deterministic choice, which is typically used to correctly capture effects of the program's environment (Did malloc
06.09.16 58:43
The Invention of Air: A Story of Science, Faith, Revolution and the Birth of America
Joseph Priestly was a British scientist and theologian, a protégé’ of Benjamin Franklin, friend of Thomas Jefferson and an 18th century radical thinker who played pivotal roles in the invention
06.09.16 1:13:53
Candidate Talk
In the recent past, anti-P2P companies have successfully curtailed the distribution of targeted content over a number of P2P file-sharing systems, including Kazaa and eDonkey.
06.09.16 47:22
Efficient Data-Parallel Computing on Small Heterogeneous Clusters
Cluster-based data-parallel frameworks such as MapReduce, Hadoop, and Dryad are increasingly popular for a large class of compute-intensive tasks.
06.09.16 41:29
Towards more Practical Secure Computation: Efficient Protocols for Secure Linear Algebra [1/2]
Secure Computation has been a classic and central question in modern cryptography with a large set of potential applications.
06.09.16 1:06:55
Faster Symmetry Discovery using Sparsity of Symmetries
Many computational tools have recently begun to benefit from the use of the symmetry inherent in the tasks they solve, and use general-purpose graph symmetry tools to uncover this symmetry.
06.09.16 1:17:50
A filesystem for next-generation flash disks
Flash memory has found wide application in military, aerospace, and consumer electronics.
06.09.16 1:08:00
The Sage Mathematical Software Project [1/5]
Sage is a large mathematical software project based at the University of Washington that is funded by Microsoft, the National Science Foundation, and other organizations.
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06.09.16 1:02:55
Remix: Making Art and Commerce Thrive in the Hybrid Economy
AmericaΓÇÖs copyright laws have ceased to perform their original, beneficial role: protecting artistsΓÇÖ creations while allowing them to build on previous creative works.
06.09.16 1:28:00
From Disasters to WoW: Enabling Knowledge Networks in the 21st century
Recent advances in digital technologies invite consideration of organizing as a process that is accomplished by global, flexible, adaptive, and ad hoc networks that can be created, maintained
06.09.16 1:10:42
Panta Rhei: Database Evolution
Panta Rhei---everything is in a state of flux. Evolution impacts Information Systems (IS) at many different levels, we focus on the problem of evolving the data management core of an IS.
06.09.16 1:09:06
From Company Man, Family Dinners & Affluence to Home Office, Blackberry Moms and Economic Anxiety
Welcome to Elsewhere, USA where the American individual has become extinct.
06.09.16 1:05:33
Iterative Methods in Combinatorial Optimization
In this talk we will demonstrate iterative methods as a general technique to analyze linear programming formulations of combinatorial optimization problems.
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06.09.16 1:05:51
Inventing the Future: Humanity's Future in Space
We have the tools to open the space frontier for humanity, now. Let us discuss what we need to do to get there, and what is holding us back.
06.09.16 1:00:21
Mixing in Time and Space
For Markov random fields temporal mixing, the time it takes for the Glauber dynamics to approach it's stationary distribution, is closely related to the spatial mixing properties of the measure such
06.09.16 1:04:41
Abstraction-Guided Hybrid Symbolic Execution for Testing Concurrent Systems
The paradigm shift from inherently sequential to highly concurrent and multi-threaded applications is creating new challenges for testers and verification engineers.
06.09.16 1:20:48
The Church-Turing Thesis: Story and Recent Progress
The Church-Turing thesis is one of the foundations of computer science.
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06.09.16 1:07:04
Investigating the Fundamental Network Burden of Distributed Cooperation
Technology continues to move in the direction of parallel computation, whether it be in a computer or across the internet.
06.09.16 52:01
Techniques for combinatorial optimization: Spectral Graph Theory and Semidefinite Programming
The talk focuses on expander graphs in conjunction with the combined use of SDPs and eigenvalue techniques for approximating optimal solutions to combinatorial optimization problems.
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06.09.16 1:04:20
Visual Search for an Object in a 3D Environment using a Mobile Robot
Consider the problem of visually finding an object in a mostly unknown space with a mobile robot. It is clear that all possible views and images cannot be examined in a practical system.
06.09.16 1:18:40
Deterministic Parallel Java: Towards Deterministic-by-default Parallel Programming
One important feature of a parallel programming model is deterministic semantics: that is, a program produces the same output on every execution with a given input, regardless of the parallel
06.09.16 1:11:06
A Calculus of Atomic Actions
Concurrency-related bugs are notoriously difficult to discover by code review and testing.
06.09.16 1:21:24
The Edge of Medicine: The Technology that will Change Our Lives
There is a future of medicine where a brain surgeon in Stockholm will remove a brain tumor from a patient in Brazil, using remote robotic surgical hands.
06.09.16 48:37
Approximating the optimum: Efficient algorithms and their limits
Most combinatorial optimization problems of interest are NP-hard to solve exactly.
06.09.16 1:01:13
Modeling and Enacting Electronic Contracts
Contracts play a major role in establishing binding relationships between various business units and also between businesses and their customers.
06.09.16 52:15
06.09.16 1:02:04
eScience: Plenary, Keynote - Digital Repositories, Archives and Infrastructures
Microsoft Research – 6 сентября 2016, 18:24
06.09.16 39:34
06.09.16 1:54:55
eScience: Birds of a Feather Session - eScience Inspired Education
Microsoft Research – 6 сентября 2016, 18:22
06.09.16 1:19:24
eScience: Panel What [1/9]
Microsoft Research – 6 сентября 2016, 18:22
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