Remix: Making Art and Commerce Thrive in the Hybrid Economy

01.02.23 – 3 8394:51
Seeing AI app - World Channel
Опубликовано 6 сентября 2016, 18:32
AmericaΓÇÖs copyright laws have ceased to perform their original, beneficial role: protecting artistsΓÇÖ creations while allowing them to build on previous creative works. In fact, our system now criminalizes those very actions. For many, new technologies have made it irresistible to flout these unreasonable and ultimately untenable laws. Criminalizing our children and our artists is exactly what our society should not do, and we can end this conflict by embracing a new kind of hybrid economy. This new ΓÇ£read-write cultureΓÇ¥ would allow users to create art as readily as they consume it, while simultaneously ensuring that creators get the support-artistic, commercial and ethical-that they need to succeed.