Microsoft Research

330 тыс
50.3 млн
9 254
24 Окт 2008
06.09.16 1:13:30
The Unfinished Game: Pascal, Fermat & the 17th Century Letter that Made the World Modern
Before the mid-seventeenth century, scholars generally agreed that it was impossible to predict something by calculating mathematical outcomes.
8 063
06.09.16 1:03:47
Cryptography: From Theory to Practice
You use cryptography every time you make a credit card-based Internet purchase or use an ATM machine. But what is it? How does it work and how do we know when it is secure?
06.09.16 58:36
A Cryptographic Compiler for Information-Flow Security
Joint work with Tamara Rezk and Gurvan le Guernic (MSR-INRIA Joint Centre We relate two notions of security: one simple and abstract, based on information
06.09.16 1:00:48
STAIR: The STanford Artificial Intelligence Robot project
This talk will describe the STAIR home assistant robot project, and several satellite projects that led to key STAIR components such as (i) robotic grasping of previously unknown objects, (ii) depth
06.09.16 1:17:56
Deniable Authentication on the Internet
We revisit the question of deniable cryptographic primitives, where, intuitively, a malicious party observing the interaction, cannot later prove to a third party that the interaction took place.
06.09.16 1:15:45
Scalable Virtual Machine Multiplexing
Recent years have seen a significant surge in the interest and use of virtualization, driven by better hardware support, increasing power costs and low resource utilizations.
06.09.16 1:06:19
Graph approximation and local clustering
We discuss several fascinating concepts and algorithms in graph theory that arose in the design of a nearly-linear time algorithm for solving diagonally-dominant linear systems.
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06.09.16 1:11:09
The Subprime Solution: How Today's Global Financial Crisis Happened, and What to do about It
The subprime mortgage crisis has already wreaked havoc on the lives of millions of people and now it threatens to derail the U.S. economy and economies around the world.
06.09.16 1:09:41
Real-Time Visual Localisation and Mapping with a Single Camera
In my work over the past five years I have generalised the Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping (SLAM) methodology of sequential probabilistic mapping, developed to enable mobile robots to navigate
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06.09.16 56:57
Keeping Fit with the Jetsons
Meet George Jetson… Remember the orange-haired techno-savvy character we grew up watching at the breakfast table?
06.09.16 50:07
Linguistic Visualization for Fun and Profit
information visualization is an emerging and powerful technique for understanding language. Online text visualization tools are immensely popular online for collaboration, analysis, and entertainment.
06.09.16 1:08:22
Rapid Language Portability for Speech Processing Systems
With the growing demand for speech processing systems in many different languages, there is still a significant bottleneck in building recognition and synthesis support for new languages.
06.09.16 1:13:32
Context-Aware Scheduler: Avoiding Unfavorable Scheduling to Improve Virtual Machine Performance
Modern Virtual Machines (VMs) generate rich runtime information that can often be used to perform self-optimization such as adaptive compilation.
06.09.16 58:04
The Bulk Multicore Architecture for Programmability
One of the biggest challenges facing us today is how to design parallel architectures that efficiently support a highly-programmable environment.
06.09.16 1:01:48
Part I: Improved mixing time bounds for the Thorp shuffle and L-reversal chain
This is a two-part talk. In the first part, we prove a theorem that reduces bounding the mixing time of a card shuffle to verifying a condition that involves only pairs of cards.
06.09.16 1:01:53
The Lightness of Being: Mass, Ether and the Unification of Forces
Grand unification theories have long been a holy grail in science, and in our search for an elegant theory of the universe we must consider everything from quarks to black holes.
2 028
06.09.16 56:58
Bilinear Complexity of the Multiplication in a Finite Extention of a Finite Field
Let $q=p^r$ be a prime power and $\F_q$ be the finite field with $q$ elements.
06.09.16 48:42
Part II:Improved mixing time bounds for the Thorp shuffle and L-reversal chain
This is a two-part talk. In the first part, we prove a theorem that reduces bounding the mixing time of a card shuffle to verifying a condition that involves only pairs of cards.
06.09.16 57:22
Word Sense Induction and Disambiguation at Powerset [1/2]
This talk summarizes Powerset's endeavor to set up a flexible and data driven approach to handling word senses.
06.09.16 59:16
Matching and 3D reconstruction in urban environments
Indoor and outdoor urban environments possess many regularities which can be efficiently exploited and used for general image parsing tasks, matching, or 3D dense reconstruction from multiple widely
06.09.16 1:04:09
Robust Multiview Reconstruction
I will speak about my past and current research in automatic 3D reconstruction from images.
2 051
06.09.16 1:07:15
Transparency: How Leaders Create a Culture of Candor
In todayΓÇÖs world, transparency-acting with candor, disclosure, integrity and honesty-is increasingly linked to both survival and success.
06.09.16 1:20:51
Game-theoretic probability and its applications
The game-theoretic framework, introduced by Vovk and myself in 2001 (, uses game theory instead of measure theory as a mathematical framework for probability.
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06.09.16 1:25:15
Born Digital: Understanding the First Generation of Digital Natives
The most enduring change wrought by the digital revolution is neither the new business models nor the new search algorithms, but rather the massive generation gap between those who were born digital
06.09.16 1:28:33
Video denoising
It is well known that noise can be introduced into video during capturing, storage and transmission. It is especially bad in dark regions in the video where the signal-to-noise ratio is low.
06.09.16 1:14:44
The Myths of Innovation
How do you know whether a hot technology will succeed or fail? Or where the next big idea will come from?
06.09.16 1:35:36
Innovation Challenges KeyNote Kickoff
Microsoft Research – 6 сентября 2016, 17:45
06.09.16 1:19:49
06.09.16 1:13:13
A Component Language for Structured Concurrent Programming
In this talk, I present a new programming language designed for structured concurrency. The language is based on components which are organized in hierarchical and ΓÇ£pointer-freeΓÇ¥ structures.
06.09.16 1:26:47
First-Order Probabilistic Inference
Many Artificial Intelligence (AI) tasks, such as natural language processing, commonsense reasoning and vision, could be naturally modeled by a language and associated inference engine using both
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