Microsoft Research

330 тыс
50.3 млн
9 254
24 Окт 2008
06.09.16 1:20:15
Globally Optimized Robust System Design
Future system design methodologies must accept the fact that the underlying hardware will be imperfect, and enable design of robust systems that are resilient to such imperfections.
06.09.16 59:46
Tools and Strategies for Building the Semantic Desktop
A Semantic Desktop is a means to manage all personal information across application borders based on Semantic Web standards.
06.09.16 58:56
Behind the Code with Rebecca Norlander
In the often male dominated world of computers, Rebecca Norlander has made a name for herself by taking on big challenges, and proving she has what it takes to deliver results.
06.09.16 41:22
City at the End of Time
Do you dream of a city at the end of time? In a time like the present, in a world that may or may not be our own, three young people dream of a fabulous, decadent city in the distant future.
06.09.16 1:23:14
Research challenges in P2P networking
In recent years, P2P content distribution (e.g. live streaming or VoD) has received increased adoption, as well as research interest.
06.09.16 1:15:30
On the Automatic Verification of Dynamic/Parametrized Systems
We give an overview on automatic verification of infinite-state systems in general and in particular of dynamic/parametrized networks of processes.
06.09.16 1:04:47
Warp Processing -- Dramatically Speeding up Programs by Dynamically Moving them to FPGAs
In the amazing new world of billion-transistor chips, computers can achieve a form of self-improvement scarcely imagined before.
06.09.16 46:50
Distant Speech Recognition: No Black Boxes Allowed
A complete system for distant speech recognition (DSR) typically consists of several distinct components.
06.09.16 1:16:34
Acoustic Signal Processing for Next-Generation Multichannel Human/Machine
The acoustic interface for future multimedia and communication terminals should be hands-free and as natural as possible, which implies that the user should be free to move and and should not need
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06.09.16 58:53
Semantic Coding [1/10]
Shannon wrote in 1948: The
06.09.16 1:17:17
Monitoring Atomicity in Concurrent Programs
A relatively new technique for finding errors in concurrent programs proceeds by identifying *generic* properties that capture correct concurrent interaction patterns, and by identifying errors by
06.09.16 1:12:32
Two-dimensional mod p Galois representations attached to modular forms
Classical newforms are cusp forms on congruence subgroups of SL(2,Z) that are eigenvectors for the Hecke operators.
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06.09.16 1:02:08
Pervasive Technologies for Health: a Focus on the Human
In recent years, pervasive technologies for health, or Pervasive Healthcare, has emerged as a vital discipline in its own right.
06.09.16 1:27:52
Web 3.0, Linked Data, and the Semantic Web: What's this all about?
There are currently several different approaches to semantics, semantic technologies, and the Semantic Web floating around.
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06.09.16 51:54
Model Checking Transactional Memories
With the inherent problems in writing correct and efficient concurrent code, a recent concurrent programming paradigm called 'software transactional memory' has gained popularity.
06.09.16 59:21
Traffic: Why We Drive the Way We Do and what it says About Us
Most of us do it every day. Get in the car, put the key in the ignition and pray the traffic gods will smile on us.
06.09.16 1:11:12
Short Messages
This talk has three purposes.
06.09.16 1:25:28
Liquid Types
We present Logically Qualified Data Types, abbreviated to Liquid Types, a new static verification technique which combines the complementary strengths of automated deduction (SMT solvers), model
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06.09.16 59:20
Non-spherical microphone arrays for spherical harmonic analysis of 3D spatial sound fields
Array of microphone structures are capable of processing acoustic signals to extract useful spatial information of three-dimensional surroundings, and are important in a plethora of applications
06.09.16 1:13:29
The Future of the Internet and How to Stop It
Can we save the Internet from ourselves? The Internet and PCs that connect to it are ΓÇ£generativeΓÇ¥: they can be changed by anyone, anywhere.
06.09.16 1:13:47
Buying In: The Secret Dialogue between What We Buy and Who We Are
Brands are dead. Advertising no longer works. Weaned on TiVo, the Internet and other emerging technologies, the short-attention-span generation has become immune to marketing.
06.09.16 1:04:59
Deterministic Encryption: Theory and Applications
The focus of the talk is deterministic public-key encryption schemes.
06.09.16 1:29:20
3D Object Localization and Shape Matching
This talk consists of two short talks. Localization of 3D Audio-Visual Objects Using Unsupervised Clustering We address the problem of localizing objects that can be both seen and heard.
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06.09.16 1:04:19
More Data Less Work: SVM Training in Time Decreasing with Larger Data Sets
Traditional runtime analysis of training Support Vector Machines, and indeed most learning methods, shows how the training runtime increases as more training examples are available.
06.09.16 1:21:10
Music Technology for Enhancing Creative Expression and Education [1/3]
Music is perhaps the richest medium for the expression of human emotions, but the computational analysis and synthesis of emotion through music is still in its infancy.
06.09.16 1:02:52
Real-time Approaches for Dynamic Structure and Electronic Excitations in Condensed Matter
Real-time approaches are becoming increasingly important in understanding dynamical properties and excitations in condensed matter due to the increasing availability of high performance
06.09.16 1:21:23
Network Data Streaming - A Computer Scientist's Journey in Signal Processing
Accurate traffic measurement and monitoring is critical for network management and operation.
06.09.16 1:07:47
Exa-Scale Volunteer Computing
Peta-scale, the Holy Grail of high-performance computing, is now reality. Sustained PetaFLOPS throughput was first achieved not by supercomputers, clusters, grids, or clouds, but by volunteers.
06.09.16 1:11:24
On Evaluating Language Technologies
The Text REtrieval Conference (TREC) is an on-going series of evaluation workshops that has standardized and validated the use of test collections as a research tool for improving document retrieval.
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