Globally Optimized Robust System Design

06.09.16 – 1 1481:26:47
First-Order Probabilistic Inference
Опубликовано 6 сентября 2016, 17:44
Future system design methodologies must accept the fact that the underlying hardware will be imperfect, and enable design of robust systems that are resilient to such imperfections. This talk will describe enabling tools and technologies for building such systems. Three techniques that can enable a sea change in robust system design are: 1. Built-In Soft Error Resilience (BISER), 2. Circuit Failure Prediction, and 3. Concurrent Autonomous Self-Test and Self-Diagnosis. These techniques span multiple abstraction layers (circuit, architecture, virtualization and application), and enable global optimization across these layers. The applicability of such techniques in overcoming the growing challenge of post-Silicon validation will also be discussed.