Migrate App Engine Users service to Cloud Identity Platform (Module 21)

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Serverless Migration Station is a Serverless Expeditions miniseries focused on helping developers modernize their applications running on a Google Cloud serverless compute platform. Module 21 is the second video focused on migrating from the App Engine Users service to Cloud Identity Platform. In this video, Google engineers Martin and Wesley show viewers how to replace usage of the Users API, a server-side thin wrapper around the Google Sign-In service, with Cloud Identity Platform, a client-side federated identity solution based on Firebase Auth.

0:00 - Introduction
2:41- Identity Platform vs. App Engine Users service
6:32 - Enabling new Cloud services
8:04 - Migrating to Identity Platform
15:12 - Summary and references

Module 21 references:
Module 20 codelab → goo.gle/3uOkC2X
Module 20 post+video → goo.gle/3QlGCfG
Module 21 codelab → goo.gle/3BNzItE
Python 2 START ("mod20") code → goo.gle/3VY0ckl
Python 2 FINISH ("mod21a") code → goo.gle/3PGsVb2
Python 3 FINISH ("mod21b") code → goo.gle/3G3FPwp

Cloud Identity Platform and Cloud Marketplace:
Identity Platform product page → goo.gle/3ZHhvbk
Firebase Authentication → goo.gle/3VabpwH
Identity Platform and Firebase Auth product comparison page → goo.gle/3wabw1j
Identity Platform pricing information → goo.gle/3CVD0vz
Identity Platform Quotas (and instrumentless usage) → goo.gle/3WjUQzd
Identity Platform providers setup → goo.gle/3PFAX3H
Cloud Marketplace home page → goo.gle/3CYyADZ
Identity Platform product page in Cloud Marketplace → goo.gle/3jhiIWp

Cloud Resource Manager, Cloud IAM, Firebase Admin SDK:
Cloud Resource Manager product page → goo.gle/3iH7ESu
Resource Manager pricing information → goo.gle/3GPnMJo
Resource Manager client library → goo.gle/3YxdWnI
Cloud IAM overview → goo.gle/3iLorUh
Firebase Admin SDK → goo.gle/3G0vX6D

App Engine Users, App Engine NDB, Cloud NDB, Cloud Datastore:
App Engine Users overview → goo.gle/3iLARvq
App Engine NDB docs → goo.gle/3iN7JnA
App Engine NDB repo → goo.gle/3YbXUPN
Cloud NDB client library → goo.gle/3ykHkPU
Cloud NDB repo → goo.gle/3W9MScy
Cloud Datastore product page → goo.gle/3WiqnRY
Cloud Datastore pricing information → goo.gle/3Xz9TpC

Other Migration Module references:
Migration Module introduction → goo.gle/3jfry6X
All "Serverless Migration Station" resources → goo.gle/3EINuh6
Migrating to Python 3 documentation → goo.gle/3w8xpOw
Overview of migrating bundled App Engine services → goo.gle/3CUTqnG

App Engine migration:
Using 3rd-party libraries in Python 2 apps → goo.gle/3ZKNRBY
Changes to app.yaml in 2nd-gen runtimes → goo.gle/3XAENOr
Cloud NDB migration guide → goo.gle/3XFF56r
Cloud NDB migration content → goo.gle/3YMp0xx

App Engine platform:
App Engine documentation → goo.gle/3kseFqQ
Python 2 App Engine (standard environment) runtime → goo.gle/3GMqSy4
Using App Engine built-in libraries on Python 2 App Engine → goo.gle/3HbMEwl
Python 3 App Engine (standard environment) runtime → goo.gle/3QKeLGj
Differences between Python 2 & 3 App Engine (standard environment) runtimes → goo.gle/3HcJLeP
Python 2 to 3 App Engine (standard environment) migration guide → goo.gle/3w8xpOw
App Engine pricing → goo.gle/3J0EU1P
App Engine quotas → goo.gle/3GLkUNP
Second generation App Engine platform launch → goo.gle/3w8Lrjl
Comparing first & second generation platforms → goo.gle/3CWQmrb
Long-term support for legacy runtimes → goo.gle/3krnq47
Documentation migration samples → goo.gle/3FFqIcj
Community-contributed migration samples → goo.gle/3UJLCvk

Cloud SDK:
Google Cloud SDK → goo.gle/3QTTvOs
Cloud SDK gcloud command-line tool → goo.gle/3ZLKefa
Enabling (and disabling) Google APIs → goo.gle/3kqKaS9
Cloud console API manager → goo.gle/3Wb3iS2
Enabling Google APIs with gcloud → goo.gle/3WdC6kR
Listing Google APIs with gcloud → goo.gle/3kcJoI3

Other Cloud information:
Python on Google Cloud Platform → goo.gle/3kkBlcm
Google Cloud Python client libraries → goo.gle/3EaKLNU
Google Cloud "Always Free" tier → goo.gle/3QOkLhc
Google Auth library documentation → goo.gle/3FGgw1T
All Google Cloud documentation → goo.gle/3QOkScC

Check out more episodes of Serverless Migration Station → goo.gle/ServerlessMigrationSta...
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