Microsoft Research

330 тыс
50.4 млн
9 254
24 Окт 2008
06.09.16 1:13:09
The SDSC Notebook: a data management, collaboration and application development environment
The wealth of information and data freely available to researchers over the Internet is breathtaking, and has led to fundamental changes in the ways in which information is accessed and used by
06.09.16 51:06
Clustering Algorithms for Perceptual Image Hashing
A perceptual image hash function maps an image to a short binary string based on an image's appearance to the human eye.
1 657
06.09.16 56:12
Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking
How do we make decisions -- good and bad -- and why are some people so much better at it than others?
259 196
06.09.16 1:10:41
Human-Level Performance on Word Analogy Questions by Latent Relational Analysis
This talk introduces Latent Relational Analysis (LRA), a method for measuring relational similarity.
06.09.16 57:30
Common Sense Reasoning for Interactive Applications
Things fall down, not up. Weddings have a bride and a groom (sometimes). If people yell at you, they're probably angry.
06.09.16 39:01
Self-Migration by Self-Inflation
When live-migrating an operating system from one virtual machine to another, what it the least amount of privileges needed?
06.09.16 1:00:51
A Systemic Approach to Appraisal: Identifying Opinion and Sentiment in Text
Sentiment analysis aims to identify the subjective content of text: what kinds of opinions are being expressed, and how?
3 391
06.09.16 1:11:42
Structure and stability of complex networks.
Many studies in recent years have shown that many network, such as the Internet and the WWW, as well as other technological, bilogical, and social networks are scale free networks.
06.09.16 39:15
Confronting Reality: Doing What Matters to Get Things Done Right
Can you realistically make the money you hope to in the game you're playing? The fundamentals of how a business makes money are being rapidly and permanently altered by sweeping structural changes.
06.09.16 37:24
Recent Developments in Linguistics -- And in the UW Department of Linguistics
The field of linguistics has seen a remarkable broadening of interests on the part of grammatical theorists in recent years.
06.09.16 1:27:54
Dartmouth Digital Dorm          
A new project at Dartmouth College is being developed to take advantage of its unique position as a living lab for advances in mobile computing.
06.09.16 1:15:50
A CLP Approach to Modelling Systems
We present a formal method for modelling the operational behavior of various kinds of systems of concurrent processes. A first objective is that the method be broadly applicable.
06.09.16 53:46
Dynamosaics: Dynamic Mosaics with Non-Chronological Time
With the limited field of view of human vision, our perception of most scenes is built over time while our eyes are scanning the scenes.
06.09.16 1:00:49
Automatic Failure Diagnosis in Large-Scale Systems
As modern computer systems grow in both size and complexity, so has the need for automatic analysis and computer-aided administration of these systems.
06.09.16 1:31:31
The Economics of Software Dependability
In most software applications, investments in software dependability compete with investments in such alternate capabilities as functionality, response time, adaptability, and speed of development.
06.09.16 1:27:22
An Overview of Recent CMU Research on Model-Based Face Processing
A face model is a mapping from a set of parameters to an image of a face. The most well-known face models are Active Appearance Models and 3D Morphable Models.
06.09.16 26:44
Resource acquisition via an unsupervised WSD system
In the field of WSD, it has been established that supervised systems (systems that rely on sense labeled data) perform significantly better than unsupervised WSD systems.
06.09.16 1:17:58
Fast Infinite-State Model Checking in Integer-Based Systems
In this talk we discuss the use of logic for reachability analysis for infinite-state systems. Infinite-state systems are formalised using transition systems over a first-order structure.
06.09.16 1:25:10
WeΓÇÖre Friends, Right?: Inside KidsΓÇÖ Culture [1/4]
How do we know what the next generation of software users cares about? Sociologists often study exotic cultures by immersing themselves in an environment until they become accepted as insiders.
1 520
06.09.16 1:21:46
Accelerated Democracy: How technology might change voting How might campaigns and government change if voters received personalized electronic updates when politicians fulfilled or violated their campaign promises?
06.09.16 1:04:31
When Can Formal Methods Make a Real Difference?
This talk will consider a few cases from the ACM Risks Forum archives ( for which the sensible use of formal methods could have made a decisive difference in avoiding serious
06.09.16 33:24
Dynamic Semantics of Programming Languages and Applications to Testing
In my talk I will report on the work in progress. The initial idea of the project was to test available compilers of C-like languages. Our plan is the following: 1.
1 353
06.09.16 1:04:08
Type-Safe, Generative, Binding Macros
Macros are powerful tools that can facilitate resuse. But, with few exceptions, macros have traditionally been viewed as operations on syntax trees or even on plain strings.
06.09.16 1:12:15
Error Detection using Shape Analysis with Local Reasoning
Shape analyses are static analyses aimed at extracting invariants that describe the shapes of dynamically allocated recursive structures.
06.09.16 1:27:15
Social Network Analysis meets the Semantic Web: What FOAF Reveals About LiveJournal
The Friend-of-a-Friend (FOAF) project was begun in 1999 to explore the application of semantic web technologies (RDF/XML) to people's personal details, such as their interests, occupations and
06.09.16 1:13:43
Distributed Multi-robot Exploration and Mapping
Efficient exploration of unknown environments is a fundamental problem in multi-robot coordination.
06.09.16 1:20:39
1.Vision: Extraordinary Computing Experiences & 2. Robots for the Masses: Fiction or Reality
Part I: Vision:  Extraordinary Computing Experiences Imagine walking into a room with your camera phone, seeing a book you like, and in one snap of the camera the book is yours.  This and many
06.09.16 1:27:01
Modeling and Facilitating Human Communication [1/5]
At the Interactive Systems Laboratories, our efforts have centered on human communications and on how computer systems can mediate or facilitate human communication.  We have recently launched the
06.09.16 1:15:57
Reducing Errors in Computer Recognition of Handwritten Material
Research activities at our research centre will be described, including handwriting recognition, OCR and legibility of printfonts.
06.09.16 41:41
Information wants to be free (but is everywhere in chains)
Half of my title comes of course from Stewart Brand; the other half from Rousseau.
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