Dynamic Semantics of Programming Languages and Applications to Testing

1 347
Опубликовано 6 сентября 2016, 5:10
In my talk I will report on the work in progress. The initial idea of the project was to test available compilers of C-like languages. Our plan is the following: 1. Choose a reasonable subset of the language to be tested. 2. Formalize the semantics of the sub-language in AsmL. 3. Produce tons of different programs. 4. Using the AsmL Test tool, build test sequences for all these programs to check the correctness of the executable binary produced by the compiler. We started with a very simple fragment of the language (if, while, break, goto, simple function call). The next reasonable step is to add exceptions handling, arithmetical expressions, classes. (Joint work with Andrey Novikov.)
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