Microsoft Research

330 тыс
50.4 млн
9 254
24 Окт 2008
06.09.16 1:20:01
Some New Directions in Energy Minimization with Graph Cuts
Algorithms based on graph cuts have had a major impact on an important class of vision problems.  In these problems, which arise in applications such as stereo, every pixel must be assigned a label
06.09.16 1:14:31
The Personal Rover Project: Robotics for the Masses
The Personal Rover Project is a comprehensive effort to develop and deploy a low-cost rover platform for diverse environments, including the home.
06.09.16 1:06:20
How can we apply the most powerful tools of our time to the search for an effective HIV Vaccine?
Human leukocyte antigens (HLA) are the most polymorphic human proteins, with over 1300 distinct alleles (varieties) defined to date.
06.09.16 1:19:54
The Location Stack: Design, Implementation, and Use of Probabilistic Multi-sensor Location Systems
Many emerging mobile computing applications need to know the physical location of things so that they can record them and report them to us: Where did I take these photographs?
06.09.16 1:25:04
Content Delivery in the Modern Internet
In recent years, the Internet has experienced an astronomical increase in the use of specialized content delivery systems, such as peer-to-peer file-sharing systems (e.g., Kazaa, Gnutella, or
06.09.16 54:38
Random walk and random aggregation, derandomized
This talk will describe a general recipe for replacing discrete stochastic processes by deterministic analogues that satisfy the same first-order limit laws but have smaller fluctuations.
06.09.16 50:22
Enabling NASA's New Vision for Space Exploration through Human-Centered Intelligent Systems
Over the past few months, NASA has been in the news numerous times both for the exciting discoveries of the pair of Mars Rovers as well as the country's Vision for Space Exploration.
06.09.16 55:10
Maximizing the Spread of Influence in a Social Network
A social network - the graph of relationships and interactions within a group of individuals ΓÇô plays a fundamental role as a medium for the spread of information, ideas, and influence among its
06.09.16 1:07:42
Fixing the String Kernel - A Semi-Definite Programming Approach
Kernel-based learning methods revolve around the notion of a Gram matrix between data points.
06.09.16 54:16
Stable Marriage of Poisson and Lebesgue
Given a point process M of intensity one in the plane, the well-known Voronoi tesselation assigns a polygon (of different area) to each point of M.
01.09.16 6:15
Computer-Assisted Audiovisual Language Learning
Computer-Assisted Audiovisual Language Learning
1 651
01.09.16 3:05
Room2Room: Life-Size Telepresence in a Projected Augmented Reality Environment
Room2Room is a life-size telepresence system that leverages projected augmented reality to enable co-present interaction between two remote participants.
7 067
01.09.16 0:38
Vitruvian Manifold
The first time we knew Vitruvian Manifold would work, Jon Taylor's internship, 2011.
31.08.16 1:39
How interns impact research at Microsoft (short version)
Top Microsoft Research executives and interns comment on the contributions interns make and the opportunities they have to work with some of the world's top researchers.
2 950
31.08.16 35:52
System Design for Cloud Services - 3 Minute Madness
Microsoft Research – 31 августа 2016, 22:23
31.08.16 1:05:46
Skrybe: Designing Features to Improve Real-Time Captioning for Deaf & Hard of Hearing Students
Today, real-time captioning services enable deaf and hard of hearing (DHH) students to participate in classes with hearing students and teachers.
31.08.16 1:05:41
Near-Optimal Robust Matrix Completion via Non-convex Optimization
Several important applications require completion a low-rank matrix in presence of gross outliers.
31.08.16 1:04:53
Ultrasound-Based Gesture Recognition
Sensing technologies have been steadily gaining popularity since they can provide useful and complementary data in Human Computer Interaction (HCI) algorithms.
1 509
31.08.16 55:28
Differential Computation Analysis: Hiding Your White-Box Designs is Not Enough
Although all current scientific white-box approaches of standardized cryptographic primitives are broken, there is still a large number of companies which sell "secure" white-box products.
1 399
31.08.16 16:26
System Design for Cloud Services - Part 2
Intelligent Personal Assistant and its Implication on Future Warehouse Scale Computers Lingjia Tang, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
31.08.16 1:33:10
System Design for Cloud Services - Afternoon Session
1:00pm Rethinking Systems Management with Game Theory Benjamin Lee, Duke University Data Markets in the Cloud: Pricing, Privacy, and Versioning Adam Wierman, California Institute of Technology How
31.08.16 1:09:47
The Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem
We consider the asymmetric traveling salesman problem for costs satisfying the triangle inequality.
1 835
31.08.16 1:06:41
Reconstruction and clustering for a class of constraint satisfaction problem
Random instances of a huge class of Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSP's) appear to be hard for all known algorithms, when the number of constraints per variable lies in a certain interval.
29.08.16 0:13
Locus Car
Microsoft Research – 29 августа 2016, 22:49
29.08.16 0:13
LOCUS car rear
Microsoft Research – 29 августа 2016, 22:49
29.08.16 0:13
Locus Horse
Microsoft Research – 29 августа 2016, 22:49
29.08.16 3:32
Object and gesture recognition
Microsoft Research – 29 августа 2016, 22:49
29.08.16 3:14
Object Class Recognition at a Glance
Microsoft Research – 29 августа 2016, 22:48
29.08.16 2:26
Interactive Object Class Recognition
Microsoft Research – 29 августа 2016, 22:47
9 276 видеоназад149далее