Microsoft Research

330 тыс
50.4 млн
9 254
24 Окт 2008
29.08.16 1:32
Epitomic Location Recognition
Microsoft Research – 29 августа 2016, 22:47
26.08.16 53:48
2 588
26.08.16 1:07:29
UW/MS symposium
Announcing the fifteenth Symposium in Computational Linguistics sponsored by the UW Departments of Linguistics, Electrical Engineering, and Computer Science, Microsoft Research, and UW alumni at
26.08.16 48:28
Social and Temporal Structures in Everyday Collaboration
Everyday work frequently involves coordinating and collaborating with others, but the structure of collaboration is largely invisible to conventional desktop applications.
26.08.16 3:02
ResearchWave: an ambient visualization for providing awareness of research activities
Demonstrates the ResearchWave prototype, which shows groups and projects at Microsoft Research.
26.08.16 3:00
Demonstration of Logan: Event Sequence Exploration
Logan is a visualization tool for visually building queries against sequences of events, phrased as visual regular expressions. The tool finds all sequences of events that match the expression.
26.08.16 1:14:40
Type-Driven Program Synthesis
A promising approach to improving software quality is to enhance programming languages with declarative constructs, such as logical specifications or examples of desired behavior, and to use program
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26.08.16 58:38
Simit: A Language for Computing on Sparse Systems when Performance Matters
It is hard to write fast code. From the early days of computing at Los Alamos, many researchers have spent their lifetime getting performance out of critical simulation codes.
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25.08.16 56:04
A Crash Course on Vision Based Modeling
The ubiquity of digital cameras and the ease of collecting video data opens the possibility of modeling 3D scenes and actions from images and video.
25.08.16 58:54
A Crash Course on Model Checking - session 2
Title: A Crash Course on Model Checking Date: Three Sessions: 10/28/99, 11/4/99, 11/11/99 Description: In recent years, model checking has been widely successful in finding bugs in hardware design
19.08.16 2:14:44
Visualization on Touch Enabled Platforms - Demos and Discussions Part 1
9:30 - 12:00 Demos and discussion: 20 min demo + 10 min discussion - Andruid/Andrew Webb/Alyssa Valdez, Texas A&M - John Stasko, Georgia Tech - Sebastian Gunther, Darmstadt University - Andy van
19.08.16 50:44
Faculty Summit 2016 - Personalized Computing with Interconnected Wearables
Today's wearable devices are rapidly shrinking in size. The next frontier of personalized computing is the interaction of these wearables with other proximal devices.
19.08.16 1:09:53
Towards Better User Interfaces for 3D
Three-dimensional (3D) user interfaces are popular in movies. Moreover, there are now many systems that enable people to interact with 3D content, including computer games.
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19.08.16 1:21:47
Complexity Theory for MapReduce Algorithms
For many problems, algorithms implemented in MapReduce or similar two-ranks-of-parallel-tasks systems exhibit a tradeoff between memory size and communication.
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18.08.16 0:47
Distribution Modeller 2: FetchClimate -- chart
Preview clip of the prototype 'Distribution Modeller' tool under development at the Computational Ecology and Environmental Science group (CEES) at Microsoft Research Cambridge, UK.
18.08.16 4:44
The A-Brain Project
Joint genetic and neuroimaging data analysis on large cohorts of subjects is a new approach used to assess and understand the variability that exists between individuals.
18.08.16 0:30
Distribution Modeller 1: import data -- chart
Preview clip of the prototype 'Distribution Modeller' tool under development at the Computational Ecology and Environmental Science group (CEES) at Microsoft Research Cambridge, UK.
18.08.16 52:19
Width and height of conditioned Galton-Watson trees
Consider a random Galton-Watson tree conditioned to have size n. We assume that the offspring distribution has mean 1 and finite variance, but no further moment conditions.
18.08.16 52:57
UpSizeR: Synthetically Scaling Up a Given Database State
E-commerce and social networking services must ensure that their systems are scalable. Engineering for rapid growth requires intensive testing with scaled-up datasets.
18.08.16 1:20:41
Femtocells, Interference Coordination & Next-Generation Wireless Systems
Recent years, have witnessed an explosive demand for cellular wireless data -- a trend that is not abating. Cisco, for example, estimates that wireless data may grow by as much as 38 fold by 2013.
18.08.16 1:10:19
Twice-Ramanujan Sparsifiers
We prove that every graph has a spectral sparsifier with a number of edges linear in its number of vertices.
18.08.16 57:39
First passage percolation on random graphs
We study the structure of minimal-weight paths in the configuration model with i.i.d. degrees with a fixed degree distribution.
18.08.16 1:12:39
3D User Interface Techniques for Interactive Content
Good media content has the power to enrich our lives.
18.08.16 52:40
Twice-Ramanujan Sparsifiers
We prove that every graph has a spectral sparsifier with a number of edges linear in its number of vertices.
18.08.16 59:23
2010 Microsoft Research eScience Workshop - Session MA8 Health & Wellbeing II
BL!P: A Tool to Automate NCBI BLAST Searches and Customize the Results for Exploration in Live Labs Pivot Vince Forgetta, McGill University GenoZoom: Browsing the genome with Microsoft Biology
18.08.16 55:12
Session #3 NW-NLP Workshop
Full Paper Session 5:00 Yudong Liu, Gholamreza Haffar and Anoop Sarkar. Latent SVMs for Semantic Role Labeling using LTAG Derivation Trees 5:30 Nathan Bodenstab, Brian Roark and Keith Hall.
18.08.16 4:06
Hsiao-Wuen Hon introduces Microsoft Research Asia’s symposium marking 20 years of Microsoft Research
Hsiao-Wuen Hon, managing director of Microsoft Research Asia, welcomed the organization’s long-term collaborators as part of commemorating two decades of Microsoft Research.
18.08.16 1:48:13
Tutorial: Recent Progress in the Structure of Large-Treewidth Graphs and Some Applications
Tree decompositions and treewidth play a key role in the seminal work of Robertson and Seymour on graph minors.
18.08.16 45:34
The world's first urban, operational white-spaces network
In this lecture from Microsoft TechFest 2014, Victor Bahl, principal researcher and director of the Mobility and Networking Research Group, explains how Microsoft Research is building on its Redmond
18.08.16 2:25:34
Devices and Networking Summit - Tutorial 1, Wearable Health Monitoring
Presenters: Desney Tan, Microsoft Research; Ali Alvi, Microsoft and Shwetak Patel, University of Washington There is an emerging trend to instrument the world with sensors that provide insight and
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