Microsoft Research

330 тыс
50.4 млн
9 254
24 Окт 2008
17.08.16 56:35
Verifying Safety and Liveness Properties of a Kernelized Web Browser
We describe our in-progress efforts to verify safety and liveness properties of a kernelized web browser model (with as little effort as possible).
17.08.16 1:28:49
The successes and challenges of making low-data languages in online automatic translation portals
The majority of development work and deployment of machine translation (MT) technologies over the past several decades have been for international languages.
17.08.16 1:14:47
Optimal Auctions with Budget Constraints
We consider an environment where potential buyers of an indivisible good have liquidity constraints, in that they cannot pay more than their `budget' regardless of their valuation.
17.08.16 46:27
Proof of Aldous' spectral gap conjecture
A well known conjecture asserts that on any graph the random walk and the interchange process have the same spectral gap. I will present recent work in collaboration with T.M. Liggett and T.
17.08.16 1:20:56
Why Social Computing Is So Hard
Over the last 20 years, Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) has identified a base set of findings. These findings are taken almost as assumptions within the field.
17.08.16 36:57
Metastabiity and logarithmic energy barriers for a polymer dynamics
We consider the stochastic evolution of a (1 + 1)-dimensional polymer in the depinned regime.
17.08.16 2:03:15
Predicate Encryption; Structured Encryption and Controlled Disclosure; Cloud Cryptography
Predicate Encryption Emily Shen, MIT Predicate encryption is a new encryption paradigm which gives a master secret key owner fine-grained control over access to encrypted data.
17.08.16 1:01:21
Approximation Schemes for Optimization
How can we efficiently aggregate rankings, cut a graph into two parts with many edges between them, pack items into bins, cluster items using pairwise similarity information, route vehicles in the
17.08.16 1:01:03
All pairs shortest path in quadratic time with high probability
We present an all-pairs shortest path algorithm whose running time on a complete directed graph on $n$ vertices with edge weights chosen independently and uniformly at random from $[0,1]$ is
17.08.16 1:09:58
Steering and Capturing Human Insight for Large-Scale Learning of Visual Objects
An important factor determining our success on object recognition and image search problems is how machine learning algorithms solicit and exploit human knowledge.
17.08.16 1:54:38
Welcome and opening remarks; Point Obfuscation and Friends; Outsourcing Computation
Segment I 9:00 ΓÇô 10:50 am Welcome and remarks Point Obfuscation and Friends Ran Canetti, Tel Aviv University A point program is a program that accepts a single input and rejects all other inputs.
17.08.16 59:21
Laser Processing of Materials III
Laser Processing of Materials III - 'Laser Interactions with Materials' focuses on the materials science of laser processing including understanding ablation mechanisms, controlling the heat
17.08.16 1:00:50
Finding all min st-cuts in planar graphs
In 1961, Gomory and Hu observed that the minimum st-cuts in an edge-weighted, undirected graph, for all pairs of vertices, can be represented compactly by a tree: the GH-tree.
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17.08.16 31:35
GenoZoom:Browsing the genome with Microsoft Biology Foundation, DeepZoom and Silverlight
A key disadvantage of current genome browsers is the inability to support smooth navigation of data from high to low resolutions at rapid speed.
17.08.16 48:31
Laser Processing of Materials II
Laser Processing of Materials II - 'Laser System Overview' covers the key components of a laser system, and provides guidance on optimizing the configuration for particular materials processing
17.08.16 1:15:13
Robust Face Recognition Using Recognition-by-Parts, Boosting, and Transduction
One of the main challenges for computational intelligence is to understand how people detect and categorize objects in general, and process and recognize each other's face, in particular.
17.08.16 1:09:10
The double dimer model with quaternions
The 'dimer model' is the study of the set of perfect matchings (dimer coverings) of a graph. For planar graphs, it is possible to count the number of dimer coverings using determinants.
17.08.16 56:38
Robust High-dimensional Principal Component Analysis
The analysis of very high dimensional data - data sets where the dimensionality of each observation is comparable to or even larger than the number of observations - has drawn increasing attention
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17.08.16 1:02:33
FPGAs & Side Communication Channels - Black Hat Risks and White Hat Benefits
For several reasons, the flexibility and adaptability of FPGAs also make them more vulnerable to intended or unintended communication via side-channel mechanisms.
17.08.16 50:04
Laser Processing of Materials I
Laser Processing of Materials I - 'How Lasers Work' is a brief summary of the physics of laser beams - 'Anatomy of a CO2 Laser' introduces the critical components of the materials processing
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17.08.16 44:22
JSBench: Automatically Constructing Realistic JavaScript Benchmarks
While artificial benchmark suites such as SunSpider have become popular in recent years, recent work has shown that their behavior is unrepresentative of real JavaScript applications found in the
17.08.16 1:08:37
A Framework for the Sound Specification of Cryptographic Tasks
Nowadays it is widely accepted to formulate the security of a protocol carrying out a given task via the 'trusted-party paradigm,' where the protocol execution is compared with an ideal process
17.08.16 48:57
Keynote: Higher-Level Programming in Many-Cores
Modern GPUs and CPUs are massively parallel, many-core processors.
17.08.16 1:00:00
Invariance Principles in Theoretical Computer Science
In this talk I will give proofs of some 'invariance principles' in probability; the Central Limit Theorem, the Berry--Esseen Theorem, and multidimensional and higher-degree versions thereof.
17.08.16 1:02:08
Cloudy, Without a Chance of Data Loss - Implementation; Dynamic Symmetric Searchable Encryption ;
Cloudy, Without a Chance of Data Loss - Implementation Kevin Bowers, RSA Laboratories Cloud storage promises to provide consumers with cheap storage that can be accessed at any time, from anywhere.
17.08.16 1:17:26
Spectral Sparsification of Graphs and Approximations of Matrices
We introduce a notion of what it means for one graph to be a good spectral approximation of another.
17.08.16 1:08:20
Experiment-driven System Management
Experiment-driven management is an important and overlooked part of system administration that aims to automate the trial-and-error practices used to perform certain administrative tasks today.
17.08.16 56:13
Behind the Code with David Heckerman
From something as simple as a paperclip to far more complex machines such as computers, there are a wide variety of machines forming a regular part of our daily lives.
17.08.16 1:05:43
Enforcing File Robustness in the Cloud; Efficient Verification of Outsourced Data and Computations
Segment II 11:10 am ΓÇô 12:30 pm Writing on Wind and Water: Enforcing File Robustness in the Cloud Ari Juels, RSA Laboratories The Cloud abstracts away infrastructural complexity for the benefit of
17.08.16 1:14:40
On seeing stuff: the perception of materials and surfaces
Objects are 'things' but they are made of 'stuff.' In both human and machine vision, there has been much research on object recognition, but rather little on material perception.
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