Microsoft Research

331 тыс
50.4 млн
9 254
24 Окт 2008
17.08.16 56:42
Binary Descriptors for Efficient Matching and Retrieval in Large Image Databases
Over the last decade, feature point descriptors such as SIFT and similar methods have become indispensable tools in the computer vision community.
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17.08.16 2:48:01
2011 Design Expo
The Faculty Summit 2011 Design Expo showcases the best student design solutions related to this yearΓÇÖs theme: ΓÇ£Get Connected and Stay Connected.ΓÇ¥ Participating schools are University of
17.08.16 1:26:30
The Many Facets of Big Data
Roger Barga chairs this session at Faculty Summit 2011, which includes the following presentations.
17.08.16 1:11:33
Sho: Scientific Computing on .NET Steroids Tutorial
Sumit Basu of Microsoft Research presents this tutorial at Faculty Summit 2011.
17.08.16 52:41
Location Pairs: A Test Coverage Metric for Shared-Memory Concurrent Programs
We present a coverage metric targeted at shared memory concurrent programs: the Location Pairs (LP) coverage metric.
17.08.16 1:29:39
The Rise of Dynamic Languages for Scientific Computing
Jan Vitek chairs this session at Faculty Summit 2011, which includes the following presentations.
17.08.16 1:13:32
Medium Access Using Queues
Medium access control (MAC) resolves contention among simultaneously transmitting wireless nodes so as to utilize the wireless medium efficiently while mitigating interference.To be implementable
17.08.16 1:20:47
Kinect for Windows SDK Tutorial: Deep Dive
This is the second of two tutorial sessions about the Kinect for Windows SDK.
17.08.16 1:12:46
Natural User Interface: The Road Ahead (Panel)
Kristin Tolle chairs this panel at Faculty Summit 2011.
17.08.16 1:05:07
Charm: A Framework for Rapidly Prototyping Cryptosystems
Over the past decade the cryptographic research community has made impressive progress in developing new cryptographic protocols.
17.08.16 1:02:42
Medical Visualization: Medical Imaging on the Microsoft Platform
Rick Benge chairs this session at Faculty Summit 2011, which includes the following presentations.
17.08.16 1:22:37
Kinect for Windows SDK Tutorial: Introduction and Overview
This is the first of two tutorial sessions about the Kinect for Windows Software Development Kit (SDK).
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17.08.16 1:23:52
Vision-Based Natural User Interfaces Keynote
Although computer vision continues to be a formidable computing challenge, vision techniques are maturing rapidly and finding their way into many applicationsΓÇöincluding natural user interfaces
17.08.16 55:41
Future Social Experiences Keynote
Dennis Gannon chairs this keynote by Lili Cheng, Microsoft Research, at Faculty Summit 2011.
17.08.16 1:31:20
Leftover Hash Lemma, Revisited
The famous Leftover Hash Lemma (LHL) states that (almost) universal hash functions are good randomness extractors.
17.08.16 1:16:15
Refactoring with Roslyn Circus Comes to Town
Mike Barnett chairs this session at Faculty Summit 2011, which includes the following presentations.
17.08.16 1:30:45
Cloud Security and Privacy
Kristin Lauter chairs this session at Faculty Summit 2011, which includes the following presentations.
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17.08.16 1:08:10
Unbounded HIBE and Attribute-Based Encryption
We present HIBE and ABE schemes which are ``unbounded' in the sense that the public parameters do not impose additional limitations on the functionality of the systems.
17.08.16 1:14:45
Kinect for Windows SDK: Community Update and Next Steps
In this session at Faculty Summit 2011, Anoop Gupta describes the Kinect for Windows SDK, provides an overview of its functionality and applications, and introduces how you can get started
17.08.16 1:21:52
Reinventing Education
Donald Brinkman chairs this session at Faculty Summit 2011, which includes the following presentations.
17.08.16 1:25:50
Mobile Computing: Challenges and Opportunities
Arjmand Samuel chairs this session at Faculty Summit 2011, which includes the following presentations.
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17.08.16 48:12
What YOU Can Do to Recruit and Retain Undergraduate Women for Your Computing Programs
Jane Prey chairs this session at Faculty Summit 2011, which includes the following speakers: Maureen Biggers, Indiana University; Ann Quiroz Gates, University of Texas at El Paso; Ed Lazowska
17.08.16 1:16:22
Clone Detection via Structural Abstraction
Software clones are repeated fragments of code. They arise, for example, when one uses a copy-paste programming style and they create problems for software maintenance, clarity, and ownership.
17.08.16 1:16:31
Secure Computation with Sublinear Amortized Work
We present the first protocol for secure two-party computation that allows a client and a server to evaluate an arbitrary function f with an amortized poly-logarithmic computational overhead over
17.08.16 1:21:06
Fitting a Graph to Vector Data
In this talk, I will set forth a general approach to many of the major problems in Machine Learning, including classification, regression and clustering, based on ideas from spectral graph theory.
17.08.16 1:19:44
Analytical Methods of Sound Field Synthesis: Theory and Applications
In sound field synthesis, an ensemble of elementary sound sources is driven such that a sound field with specific desired physical properties evolves over an extended region.
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17.08.16 1:00:53
Using Extensions of Min-Entropy to Help with Key Agreement and Leakage Resilience
There are many different notions of information-theoretic entropy and its computational analogues. The right notion and a toolbox of lemmas can make for beautifully simple proofs.
17.08.16 8:06
Presentation of 2011 Microsoft Research Faculty Fellowship Awards
Senior VP Rick Rashid presents awards to 8 new Microsoft Research Faculty Fellows at Faculty Summit 2011.
17.08.16 1:01:25
Type-Directed Completion of Partial Expressions for API Discovery
Exploring unfamiliar APIs is often difficult and time-consuming as well as being a distraction from the flow of writing code.
17.08.16 49:06
Games for Learning in the 21st Century
With their vast popularity and singular ability to engage young people, digital games have been hailed as a new paradigm for education.
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