Microsoft Research

331 тыс
50.4 млн
9 254
24 Окт 2008
17.08.16 55:03
Minion: a Fast and Scalable Constraint Solver
This talk is part of the MEMOCODE conference taking place at Microsoft Research, Cambridge on Monday 11th - Wednesday 13th July 2011.
17.08.16 57:24
Beyond the Interface: Computing Transformed
The natural user interface (NUI) revolution is well underway, and exciting new technologies are transforming how we interact with computers, what they can do for us, and who can use them.
17.08.16 1:08:27
Algebraic technique of classifying languages in families
This talk is part of the MEMOCODE conference taking place at Microsoft Research, Cambridge on Monday 11th - Wednesday 13th July 2011.
17.08.16 1:07:12
Mini-course around Event-B and Rodin: hypervisor
Event-B is a method for the stepwise development of programs. The development is mostly top-down and gradually introduces details, rather than starting at the concrete level of writing code.
17.08.16 1:22:39
Semantic Segmentation using Higher-Order Markov Random Fields
Many scene understanding tasks are formulated as a labelling problem that tries to assign a label to each pixel of an image, that may correspond to different object classes such as car, grass or
4 043
17.08.16 1:01:15
The percolation phase transition in the Hamming cube
Consider percolation on the Hamming cube {0,1}^n at the critical probability p_c (at which the expected cluster size is 2^{n/3}).
17.08.16 47:33
Functional interfaces in higher-level synthesis
This talk is part of the MEMOCODE conference taking place at Microsoft Research, Cambridge on Monday 11th - Wednesday 13th July 2011.
17.08.16 48:01
Principles of Humanoid Locomotion Control
Understanding the control forces that drive humans and animals is fundamental to describing their movement. Good models of control would be informative for many fields.
17.08.16 55:27
Adaptive Graph-Based Algorithms for Online Semi-Supervised Learning & Conditional Anomaly Detection
We present graph-based methods for online semi-supervised learning and conditional anomaly detection.
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17.08.16 1:13:35
Beyond the Phone: How to Rock Harder Using Azure
With the release of both Windows Phone and Windows Azure the world has become an exciting place allowing developers to create scalable applications with relatively little effort.
17.08.16 54:24
Learning causality from textual data
It has been a long time quest of artificial intelligence to develop systems that can emulate human reasoning.
17.08.16 1:12:04
Constraints Driven Learning for Natural Language Understanding
Intelligent Information Access and Extraction suggest significant challenges for Natural Language analysis.
17.08.16 1:00:14
Rotation Averaging and Optimization on Manifolds
I will discuss averaging on manifolds, mainly the manifold SO3 of 3D rotations.
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17.08.16 1:16:31
Automated Malware Analysis
Malicious software (malware) is an important threat and root cause of many security problems on the Internet.
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17.08.16 45:20
17.08.16 46:14
Web Graph Models: Properties and Applications
In 1999 A. Barabasi and R. Albert suggested the idea of preferential attachment to explain the power law distribution of the vertex degrees in web graphs.
17.08.16 26:44
Welcome and Introduction
Tony Hey will welcome the attendees of Faculty Summit 2011 and provide a short overview of our collaboration with the research community.
17.08.16 54:22
Some recent developments in approximate inference: learning and control
I'll discuss two pieces of work on inference in probabilistic models: The first concerns a very general class of Bayesian Linear Models that are widely used in statistics and machine learning.
17.08.16 51:31
Fully Homomorphic Encryption over the Integers with Shorter Public Keys
At Eurocrypt 2010 van Dijk {\sl et al.} described a fully homomorphic encryption scheme over the integers. The main appeal of this scheme (compared to Gentry's) is its conceptual simplicity.
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17.08.16 1:07:54
Adding Domain Knowledge to Latent Topic Models
Around the turn of the century, a favorite pastime in machine learning was to inject various forms of domain knowledge into clustering.
17.08.16 1:09:30
Finding Incentives to Secure Internet Routing
Despite a decade of research, the problem of securing the global Internet's routing system is far from solved.
17.08.16 1:03:49
How to write a great research paper
Writing papers and giving talks are key skills for any researcher, but they arenΓÇÖt easy.
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17.08.16 57:49
Convergence of the Abelian sandpile
The Abelian sandpile growth model is a deterministic diffusion process for configurations of chips on the integer lattice.
1 368
17.08.16 56:46
Mini-course around Event-B and Rodin
Event-B is a method for the stepwise development of programs. The development is mostly top-down and gradually introduces details, rather than starting at the concrete level of writing code.
17.08.16 56:05
Learning Language from its Perceptual Context
Current systems that learn to process natural language require laboriously constructed human annotated training data.
17.08.16 50:27
Blue skies to ground truth: Machine learning for Kinect human motion capture
Kinect for XBox 360 is not just a new way of controlling computer games, it represents a fundamental change in the way humans can interact with machines.
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17.08.16 1:47:57
Create & Submit a WP App in 30 Minutes; WhatΓÇÖs New for Developers in Windows Phone Mango
These talks are part of the lecture series associated with the Hawaii Intern XAPFest app building contest.
17.08.16 44:22
Microsoft .NET Gadgeteer is a new prototyping platform that makes it easier to construct, program and shape new kinds of computing objects.
17.08.16 1:05:25
Developing cloud enabled applications for WP7 using Hawaii SDK
We will walk through building an interesting app that leverages one of the Hawaii services (OCR) on wp7. We will also introduce the other services in the SDK.
17.08.16 1:10:06
Butterfly Analysis: Adapting Dataflow Analysis to Dynamic Parallel Monitoring
Online program monitoring is an effective technique for detecting bugs and security attacks in running applications.
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