Microsoft Research

331 тыс
50.4 млн
9 256
24 Окт 2008
11.08.16 1:25:58
Future (Present?) of Machine Translation
It is quite easy to believe that the recently proposed approach to machine translation, called neural machine translation, is simply yet another approach to statistical machine translation.
8 243
11.08.16 1:05:07
Printed Electronics: A Disruptive Manufacturing Platform and an Enabler of Functional Surfaces
The conventional semiconductor and electronics assembly industry has relied on ever increasing densities of integration from high capital cost manufacturing and disparate supply chains and assembly
5 873
11.08.16 56:39
Transition-based Natural Language Processing
Transition-based models use a transition system, or abstract state machine, to model structured prediction problems, for example syntactic dependency parsing, as a sequence of actions.
1 693
11.08.16 1:10:55
High Throughput Functional Testing of Patient Derived Cancer Cells
To accelerate the development of more effective cancer therapies, we have developed and optimized a cancer drug target discovery platform that entails high throughput siRNA and focused small
11.08.16 57:13
Approximating the Nash Social Welfare with Indivisible Items
We study the problem of allocating a set of indivisible items among agents with additive valuations with the goal of maximizing the geometric mean of the agents' valuations, i.e., the Nash social
11.08.16 1:18:49
Enabling a Future of Perceptive Assistance [1/2]
In my vision for the future, wearable computing devices will interpret rich visual real-world environments in real-time, providing services to assist in our daily lives with Continuous
11.08.16 1:07:25
Can DRAM Do More Than Just Store Data? [1/7]
In my Ph.D. thesis, I propose mechanisms to address the inefficiency caused by existing memory abstractions, which manage and access memory at different granularities at different resources.
11.08.16 54:24
Efficient Zero-Knowledge Authenticated Data Structures
With the advent of cloud storage and computing, adopting cloud services to reduce operational, maintenance and storage costs, is becoming increasingly common --- both for individuals and corporations.
11.08.16 1:01:20
Designing Collaborative Visual Analytics Tools: From Supporting Experts to Engaging The Public
Due to the complexity of the problems, collaboration of people with different backgrounds and expertise is becoming increasingly necessary.
11.08.16 1:27:22
2nd-order Optimization for Neural Network Training
Neural networks have become the main workhorse of supervised learning, and their efficient training is an important technical challenge which has received a lot of attention.
4 842
11.08.16 51:01
Doubly Stochastic Primal-Dual Coordinate Method for Empirical Risk Minimization
We proposed a doubly stochastic primal-dual coordinate optimization algorithm for regularized empirical risk minimization that can be formulated as a saddle-point problem using convex conjugate
11.08.16 1:07:04
Minimizing Faulty Executions of Distributed Systems
When a bug is found in a long-running distributed system, developers typically start by identifying (i) which events in the execution caused their system to arrive at the unsafe state, and (ii)
11.08.16 1:12:13
Learning to Propagate Information Across Pixels
Natural images exhibit high information correlation across pixels. Bilateral filtering provide a simple yet powerful framework for information propagation across pixels.
11.08.16 1:05:32
From White Board to White Coats
This talk has two inter-twined aims.
11.08.16 1:09:42
Charles River Crypto Day: Three-Round Non-Malleable Commitment from Non-Malleable Codes
We present a new non-malleable commitment protocol. Our protocol has the following features: 1) The protocol has only three rounds of interaction.
11.08.16 53:38
TechFest Workshop - Theory Day - Session 1
Opening Keynote (Lunch talk): Bobby Kleinberg - Incentivizing Exploration We explore the misalignment of incentives in systems that use crowdsourced effort to solve large problems made up of smaller
11.08.16 1:03:24
Into the Mountains: The Extraordinary True Story of Survival in the Andes and its Aftermath
On October 13th 1972, a Uruguayan Air Force plane was lost without a trace in the Andes.
13 518
11.08.16 1:02:22
Optimizing Optimistic Concurrency Control
Transaction processing is a fundamental aspect of database design, and concurrency control has remained a key challenge in high performance transaction management.
1 437
11.08.16 1:02:27
Charles River Crypto Day: On the Power of Secure Two-Party Computation
Ishai, Kushilevitz, Ostrovsky and Sahai (STOC`07, SIAM JoC 2009) introduced the powerful ΓÇ£MPC-in-the-headΓÇ¥ technique that provided a general transformation of information-theoretic MPC protocols
11.08.16 58:10
Pony: Co-Designing a Type System and a Runtime
Pony is an actor-model, capabilities-secure, native programming language.
2 265
11.08.16 1:04:21
Charles River Crypto Day: Delegating RAM Computations
In the setting of cloud computing a user wishes to delegate its data, as well as computations over this data, to a cloud provider.
11.08.16 56:03
Information-Theoretic Bounded Rationality
In this talk I provide an overview of information-theoretic bounded-rationality for planning in sequential decision problems.
11.08.16 55:50
Parallel Inference and Learning with Deep Structured Distributions
Many problems in real-world applications involve predicting several random variables which are statistically related.
11.08.16 1:10:21
Charles River Crypto Day: Constant-Round Interactive-Proofs for Delegating Computations
Interactive proofs have had a dramatic impact on Complexity Theory and Cryptography.
11.08.16 1:01:11
Stamping Out Concurrency Bugs
The shift to multi-core architectures in the past ten years pushed developers to write concurrent software to leverage hardware parallelism.
11.08.16 55:58
Learning with N-Grams: From Massive Scales to Compressed Representations [1/3]
N-gram models are essential in any kind of text processing; they offer simple baselines that are surprisingly competitive with more complicated state
11.08.16 28:14
TechFest Workshop - Theory Day - Session 4
Miklos Racz - Sequence assembly from corrupted shotgun reads Reconstructing a sequence from its short substrings, called reads, is a central problem in DNA sequencing.
11.08.16 58:18
General-purpose representation learning from words to sentences
Real-valued vector representations of words (i.e. embeddings) that are trained on naturally occurring data by optimising general-purpose objectives are useful for a range of downstream language tasks.
11.08.16 1:01:48
Lab Tutorial: Multi-Objective Decision Making
Many real-world problems require making decisions that involve multiple possibly conflicting objectives.
4 279
11.08.16 30:08
TechFest Workshop - Theory Day - Session 2
Gireeja Ranade - A tiger by the tail: When multiplicative noise stymies control Consider an unstable discrete-time scalar linear system that is observed over a channel corrupted by continuous
1 408
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