TechFest Workshop - Theory Day - Session 1

Опубликовано 11 августа 2016, 7:48
Opening Keynote (Lunch talk): Bobby Kleinberg - Incentivizing Exploration We explore the misalignment of incentives in systems that use crowdsourced effort to solve large problems made up of smaller tasks, for example aggregating millions of reviews to create a system for recommending products or news articles. In most such systems one cannot directly assign tasks to workers, but can only observe a crowd going about their everyday activities. The system designer's motivation (to efficiently explore a space of alternatives) is thus in conflict with that of the crowd's individual members (to derive utility from the alternatives they personally select). We model this as a type of multi-armed bandit problem and present a full characterization of the trade-off between the principal's expected payments and the crowd's total reward. This is joint work with Peter Frazier, David Kempe, and Jon Kleinberg.