Microsoft Research

331 тыс
50.4 млн
9 256
24 Окт 2008
01.08.16 1:21:34
Programming Devices and Services with P - Lecture 2
P is a programming framework for design, implementation, and validation of event-driven asynchronous systems.
01.08.16 1:00:52
Practical Statically-checked Deterministic Parallelism
Reproducibility is important in computing, whether reproducing bug reports or scientific results.
01.08.16 1:11:19
Experiments in Indoor Localization and Vehicle Classification
Sensing, Computing and Communication are essential components of an IoT system.
01.08.16 54:18
Real-time Air Quality Monitoring Network Using Low-Cost Devices
India has the dubious distinction of having 10 out of the 20 most polluted cities in the world.
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01.08.16 1:44:15
Achieving Household Energy Breakdown at Scale
Energy breakdown: the process of breaking down a home's energy consumption into constituent appliances, is considered an important step towards energy saving in the residential setting.
01.08.16 1:06:02
Verifying Constant-Time Implementations
The constant-time programming discipline is an effective countermeasure against timing and cache-timing attacks, which can lead to complete breaks of otherwise secure systems.
28.07.16 2:06:36
Quantum Computation for Quantum Chemistry: Status, Challenges, and Prospects - Session 3
1:15 – 2:00PM Challenges of Electronic Structure Calculations on Quantum Computers Speaker: Sabre Kais, Purdue University and Qatar Environment and Energy Research Institute Abstract: The exact
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28.07.16 39:37
Asymptotic behavior of the Cheeger constant of super-critical percolation in the square lattice
Isoperimetry is a well-studied subject that have found many applications in geometric measure theory (e.g.
28.07.16 1:00:44
Recovering Washington’s Wolves & Preserving the Critical Link
For the last 20 years, Conservation Northwest has been leading the effort to help wolves return to Washington State.
28.07.16 1:04:14
The similarity distance on graphs and graphons
The similarity distance measures how "similar" two nodes in a dense graph are. Selecting an epsilon-net with respect to this metric is a useful tool in algorithms for very large graphs.
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28.07.16 1:03:21
Neural Acceleration for General-Purpose Approximate Programs
We are exploring a learning-based approach to the acceleration of approximate programs.
28.07.16 1:13:43
Snow Hydrology at the Scale of Mountain Ranges
Worldwide, a billion people—including those in western North America—depend on winter snowfall and subsequent spring melt for their water.
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28.07.16 59:16
Vote Privacy, Revisited: New Definitions, Tools and Constructions
Vote privacy is a central aspect of most of our elections. It is however not an absolute property: it will depend on the ballot format, tallying rules, voter turnout and preferences.
28.07.16 1:14:12
Dispelling an Old Myth about an Ancient Algorithm
Myth -- and grapevine -- has it that the Micali-Vazirani maximum matching algorithm is "too complicated".
28.07.16 36:07
Behavior Based Authentication using Gestures and Signatures
Research community has done a significant amount of work on authenticating users based upon their typing behavior.
28.07.16 59:32
Approximating the Expansion Profile and Almost Optimal Local Graph Clustering
In the "expansion profile" problem and the "small-set expander" problem we are interested in the following question: given a graph and a parameter k, find the subset of k or fewer vertices with the
28.07.16 55:14
Stochastic Dual Coordinate Ascent and its Proximal Extension for Regularized Loss Minimization
Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) has become popular for solving large scale supervised machine learning optimization problems such as SVM, due to their strong theoretical guarantees.
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28.07.16 44:13
A Practical Approach to Reduce the Power Consumption of LCD Displays
In this talk, I will show that it is possible to reduce the display power consumption of LCD-based devices by up to 35 to 40% with no noticeable impact on end user performance.
28.07.16 1:17:53
CryptDB: Processing Queries on an Encrypted Database
Online applications are vulnerable to theft of sensitive information because adversaries can exploit software bugs to gain access to private data, and because curious or malicious administrators may
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28.07.16 1:08:55
Performing Time, Space and Light
In this talk I will present some of my works as a media artist and researcher and show how, depending on the academic/social context, these can flip as a Necker cube between the realms of Media Art
28.07.16 1:19:15
Probabilistic Methods for Efficient Search & Statistical Learning in Extremely HighDimensional Data
"BigData: Probabilistic Methods for Efficient Search and Statistical Learning in Extremely High-Dimensional Data This talk will present a series of work on probabilistic hashing methods which
28.07.16 1:27:57
Quantum Computation for Quantum Chemistry: Status, Challenges, and Prospects - Session 4
3:45 – 4:30 PM Impacts of Quantum Information in Quantum Chemistry Speaker: Garnet Chan, Princeton University Abstract: I will describe recent intersections between quantum information and quantum
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28.07.16 1:33:44
Quantum Computation for Quantum Chemistry: Status, Challenges, and Prospects - Session 2
10:45 – 11:30 AM The Blurring Interface Between Quantum Computing and Quantum Chemistry Speaker: Jarrod McClean, Harvard University Abstract: Quantum computing offers promising new solutions to
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28.07.16 1:27:08
Quantum Computation for Quantum Chemistry: Status, Challenges, and Prospects - Session 1
9:00 – 9:15 AM Welcome and Introduction Speaker: Michael Freedman, Microsoft Station Q Bio: Michael Freedman is Director of Station Q, Microsoft’s Project on quantum physics and quantum computation
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28.07.16 48:20
Bug Finding Techniques for Programs with Infinitely Many States
I will introduce a bug finding technique for concurrent programs over a finitized data domain and a general framework for underapproximations arising from it.
28.07.16 1:17:21
MemCAD, A Modular Abstract Domain for Reasoning on Memory States
In this talk, we will present the MemCAD analyzer, which relies on a parametric abstract domain for the static analysis by abstract interpretation of programs which manipulate complex and
28.07.16 1:06:04
Intuitive proofs of Ergodic Theorems
Ergodic Theorems are widely used in dynamical systems and Probability Theory.
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28.07.16 1:11:42
Large Linear Classification when Data Cannot Fit In Memory
Linear classification is a useful tool for dealing with large-scale data in applications such as document classification and natural language processing.
28.07.16 37:48
TVAL+: Combining TVLA and Value Analyses
Effective static analyses have to deal with the approximation of the heap structure and the information about values.
28.07.16 48:11
TARDIS: Time and Remanence Decay in SRAM to Implement Secure Protocols
"TARDIS: Time and Remanence Decay in SRAM to Implement Secure Protocols in Embedded Devices without Clocks Lack of a locally trustworthy clock makes security protocols challenging to implement on
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