Recovering Washington’s Wolves & Preserving the Critical Link

Опубликовано 28 июля 2016, 23:16
For the last 20 years, Conservation Northwest has been leading the effort to help wolves return to Washington State. In 2008, our Citizen Monitoring Program documented the first breeding pack to return to the Cascades in nearly a century. Since then we've been addressing the many issues surrounding the wolves’ return: illegal killing, conflicts with livestock, and concerns from hunters. Jasmine Minbashian is Conservation Northwest’s wolf program Director and star of the BBC/Discovery documentary Land of the Lost Wolves which aired to an international audience this summer. The film chronicles an expedition team documenting the return of wolves to Washington's Cascades. Jasmine will share highlights from the film and talk about Conservation Northwest’s wolf recovery efforts. In order for Cascades wildlife to retain healthy populations of wolves and other wildlife, Conservation Northwest is purchasing conservation easements on strategic ranch lands. These easements are a critical piece of our plan to connect the wild lands of the Cascades to the lifeblood of the Rockies. While we still work for wilderness protection on public lands, we are feverishly working to preserve this connective link through private lands. Learn how Conservation Northwest is working to both protect these lands and recover Canada lynx populations.