Microsoft Research

331 тыс
50.4 млн
9 256
24 Окт 2008
27.07.16 1:17:04
The Promises and Pitfalls of Demographic Inference in Social Media
The composition of a group determines much of its behavior (are people old or young, PhDs or illiterate, artists or scientists?).
27.07.16 49:18
Probabilistic Elastic Part Model: A Pose-Invariant Representation for Real-world Face Recognition
One of the major visual complications confronting face recognition is pose variation. It is generally perceived that a part based representation for faces would be more robust to such pose variations.
27.07.16 1:05:47
Checking App Behavior Against App Descriptions
How do we know a program does what it claims to do? After clustering mined Android apps by their description topics, we identify outliers in each cluster with respect to their API usage.
27.07.16 52:43
Scalable learning of Bayesian network classifiers
I present our work on highly-scalable out-of-core techniques for learning well-calibrated Bayesian network classifiers.
27.07.16 50:33
Everything you always wanted to know about web-based device fingerprinting (but were afraid to ask)
Billions of users browse the web on a daily basis, and there are single websites that have reached over one billion user accounts.
13 721
27.07.16 1:21:48
Making Reusable Hardware Design IPs Usable: an NoC perspective
Reusable hardware design IPs have become increasingly parameterizable and even taken on the form of fully on-demand generators.
27.07.16 59:51
Lessons from Megaprojects: The Creators and Destroyers of Capital
Megaprojects continue to change the face of the world as we know it. Prof.
1 461
27.07.16 47:28
Unsupervised Transcription of Historical Documents
Printing-press era documents are difficult for OCR systems to transcribe because these documents are extremely noisy. However, the noise originates from processes that are causally understood.
27.07.16 1:16:05
Online Learning and Adaptation Over Networks
Adaptive networks consist of a collection of agents with local adaptation and learning abilities.
27.07.16 1:37:53
Easy Generation and Efficient Verification of Unsatisfiability Proofs
We present recent work on validating satisfiability refutations. Satis?ability (SAT) is considered as one of the most important core technologies in formal verification and related areas.
27.07.16 1:14:15
Learning to Understand Natural Language in Physically-Grounded Environments
We all want computers to understand natural language.
27.07.16 1:14:47
Frontiers of Accessibility: From the Body to the Mind, the Heart, and the Soul
Researchers over the past 40 years have developed significant technologies to assist individuals whose bodies are challenged.
27.07.16 1:23:37
Analyzing neurological disorders using functional and structural brain imaging data
In this talk we overview methodology for predicting and analyzing clinical outcomes, especially focusing on neurological disorders, using functional and structural brain imaging data.
1 323
27.07.16 1:22:38
Collaborative, Large-Scale Data Analytics and Visualization with Python
NumPy and recently Pandas have made Python ubiquitous for scientific computing and data analytics.
27.07.16 1:20:23
Gap Probabilities for Zeroes of Stationary Gaussian Functions
Gap Probabilities for Zeroes of Stationary Gaussian Functions & Rigidity of 3-Colorings of the d-Dimensional Discrete Torus TALK 1: SPEAKER: Naomi Feldheim TITLE: Gap probabilities for zeroes of
27.07.16 1:10:33
Random Walks on Groups and the Kaimanovich-Vershik Conjecture for Lamplighter Groups
Let G be an infinite group with a finite symmetric generating set S. The corresponding Cayley graph on G has an edge between x,y in G if their ratio xy^{-1} is in S.
1 161
27.07.16 59:42
Sensing without Sensors
This talk is about tapping the enormous amount of sensor data that we generate about ourselves every day.
27.07.16 50:50
Optimal Falsifications for Cyber-Physical Systems using Trajectory Splicing
In this talk, we address the problem of falsifying properties of complex cyber-physical sytems that model the interactions between a discrete controller and a continuous physical environment.
27.07.16 58:13
A Sensor Fusion Approach towards Gesture Recognition on the Wearable Ring Form Factor
Performing gesture recognition without infrastructure has been a long desired feature for seamless human computer interaction.
27.07.16 1:09:52
Digital Traces in Online Places: Methods, Software, and Applications for Social Behavioral Research
Much of our routine online activity leaves behind so-called "traces," or electronic records of those actions.
27.07.16 1:11:36
Stabilizer: Statistically Sound Performance Evaluation
Researchers and software developers require effective performance evaluation. Researchers must evaluate optimizations or measure overhead.
27.07.16 42:52
Revenue maximization and prophet inequalities
Consider the problem faced by a seller desiring to maximize revenue with m items, in a market with n unit-demand buyers (interested in buying at most one item).
27.07.16 54:03
On the Number of Matroids
I will talk about some recent results on upper bounding the number of matroids on a ground set of size n. The talk will consist of two parts.
27.07.16 45:03
RealTime Collaborative Analysis with (Almost) Pure SQL: A Case Study in Biogeochemical Oceanography
What would you do to help more than 40 scientists, coming together from all over the US for 2 days, extract high-level insights from a pile of loosely-linked spreadsheets?
27.07.16 1:02:37
Who is Afraid of Vectors�Optimizing Cryptography Using SSE, AVX, NEON, and Co.
Most computer architectures, for example, x86, AMD64 and ARMv7 support efficient operations on vectors of data.
27.07.16 1:21:51
Programming with People: Integrating Human-Based and Digital Computation
Humans can perform many tasks with ease that remain difficult or impossible for computers.
27.07.16 57:55
ISHI Connects Us: Social Gaming with the Skype Team
ISHI is a two-week experiment run in the Skype buildings on the Redmond campus. It is designed to foster health & well-being, collaboration, and communication through gameplay.
27.07.16 48:29
Monitoring the Snowpack in Remote, Ungauged Mountains from Satellite and Computers
The objective is to estimate seasonal snow volumes, relative to historical trends and extremes, in snow-dominated mountains that have austere infrastructure, sparse gauging, challenges of
27.07.16 1:17:38
A Logical Revolution
Mathematical logic was developed in an effort to provide formal foundations for mathematics.
27.07.16 1:03:28
Online Node-weighted Steiner Forest and Extensions
Consider a graph G=(V,E) with a weight value w(v) associated with each vertex v. A demand is a pair of vertices (s,t). A subgraph H satisfies the demand if s and t are connected in H.
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