Microsoft Research

331 тыс
50.4 млн
9 256
24 Окт 2008
27.07.16 1:27:58
New Abstractions for Responsible Data Management
Modern mobile and cloud technologies, which billions of users rely upon to access and host sensitive data, have become easy targets for theft, espionage, hacking, and legal attacks.
27.07.16 1:29:20
Deep Learning of Representations
The success of machine learning algorithms generally depends on data representation, and we hypothesize that this is because different representations can entangle and hide more or less the
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27.07.16 1:01:47
SAT-Based Decision Procedure for Analytic Sequent Calculi
We present a general reduction of the derivability problem in a given analytic sequent calculus to SAT.
27.07.16 56:44
Probabilistic aspects of minimum spanning trees
Give the edges of the complete graph K_n independent uniformly distributed edge weights, and let M_n be the resulting minimum spanning tree. What can be said about the structure of M_n?
27.07.16 1:00:56
Taming the Quantum Tiger
Quantum computation has taught us that a quantum system is best visualized as a wild tiger rather than a tame Schrodinger's cat.
27.07.16 28:31
Revisiting Lower and Upper Bounds for Selective Decommitments
The usual notion of security for commitment schemes says that a commitment scheme is secure if it is both binding and hiding. In [DNRS99, DNRS03], Dwork et al.
27.07.16 1:09:48
Models, Decisions, and Better Cyber-Physical Systems
Any system that integrates digital control in a physical environment is an instance of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS).
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27.07.16 1:19:56
Body Powered Sensor Systems for Health and Environment
Through nanotechnology research, ASSIST is building wearable sensor systems for the purpose of dramatically improving health and environment informatics.
27.07.16 1:01:46
An Appetite for Wonder
“How can we know whether the course of a life would have been changed by some particular alteration in its early history,” asks Dawkins in his illuminating new memoir, AN APPETITE FOR WONDER: The
27.07.16 1:28:06
The Dunhuang Heritage: Digital Preservations and Challenges
Discover the Buddhist caves of Dunhuang, a magnificent World Heritage site on the ancient Silk Road in northwest China.
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27.07.16 1:24:37
Efficient Global Methods for Robust Computer Vision
In many computer vision tasks, we have to explore a large set of possible patterns to find at least one that conforms to a model.
27.07.16 58:26
Clothing+ (Wearable Sensor Solutions)
Clothing+ is a Finnish company that has studied the combination of textiles and electronics for over 10 years.
27.07.16 44:39
Photo Sequencing
Dynamic events such as family gatherings, concerts or sports events are often captured by a group of people.
27.07.16 49:43
Fairness in Theorem Proving
Fairness is a fundamental concept that arises in many aspects of computing.
27.07.16 49:51
Hardness of Robust Graph Isomorphism, Lasserre Gaps, and Asymmetry of Random Graphs
Given two graphs which are almost isomorphic, is it possible to find a bijection which preserves most of the edges between the two?
27.07.16 1:18:13
Bridging Software Engineering Economics and Digital Business Strategy
"Bridging Software Engineering Economics and Digital Business Strategy: A Design Capital and Design Moves Perspective on Managing Software Products As software becomes integral to the products and
27.07.16 1:09:16
Dynamic Analysis for Smartphone Apps
Users are increasingly relying on smartphones for computational tasks, hence concerns such as app correctness, performance, and security become increasingly pressing.
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27.07.16 55:12
Intersection of two passions
In this talk, I will discuss how I, a pure mathematician, established the charity Hometown Education Foundation and how this program impacts on poor kids on their basic education and how it works to
27.07.16 1:15:36
Similarity for Shape Analysis
3D shape analysis aims at developing computational tools for reasoning about the properties of the object`s shape. It has numerous applications in computer graphics and computer vision.
27.07.16 0:59
Introducing Microsoft Pix – A Smarter Camera App
Get Microsoft Pix FREE today at Microsoft Pix is a smart camera app that automatically helps you take better photos without extra effort.
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27.07.16 1:16:16
Getting Ready for Change: Handling Concept Drift in Predictive Analytics
In the real world data often arrives in streams and evolves over time. Concept drift in supervised learning means that the relation between the input data and the target variable changes.
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27.07.16 1:12:03
The Lab as Studio: Stories from Microsoft Research's first visiting artist
The distinction between artists and scientists continues to blur. This talk reflects on my experiences as the inaugural artist in residence at Microsoft Research.
27.07.16 1:44:22
Distributed Optimization via Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers
Problems in areas such as machine learning and dynamic optimization on a large network lead to extremely large convex optimization problems, with problem data stored in a decentralized way, and
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27.07.16 59:48
Role of symbolic execution in software testing, debugging and repair
Software testing/debugging is extremely time consuming, and hence techniques to automate debugging or program repair are of value.
1 146
27.07.16 1:03:51
Can You Hide in an Internet Panopticon?
Many people have legitimate needs to avoid their online activities being tracked and linked to their real-world identities - from citizens of authoritarian regimes, to everyday victims of domestic
27.07.16 55:12
Intersection of two passions
In this talk, I will discuss how I, a pure mathematician, established the charity Hometown Education Foundation and how this program impacts on poor kids on their basic education and how it works to
27.07.16 59:08
Analysis of Boolean Functions: advances and challenges
Analysis of Boolean functions is a meeting point of combinatorics, probability theory, harmonic analysis, and the theory of computing.
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27.07.16 1:03:05
Two basic problems in finite stochastic optimization
I will present a new theoretical perspective on two basic problems arising in stochastic optimization.
27.07.16 1:17:33
Decision Learning: Learning with Strategic Decision Making
With the increasing ubiquity and power of mobile devices as well as the prevalence of social networks, more and more decisions and activities in our daily life are being recorded, tracked, and shared.
27.07.16 1:11:25
The CUBE: examples and research challenges in large scale interaction space
The CUBE at Queensland University of Technology, is an high resolution display and interaction system covering over 160m2.
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