Microsoft Research

331 тыс
50.4 млн
9 256
24 Окт 2008
27.07.16 1:15:52
From Contextual Search to Automatic Content Generation: Scaling Human Editorial Judgment
Systems that present people with information inescapably make editorial judgments in determining what information to show and how to show it.
27.07.16 50:16
Bound Analysis of Imperative Programs with the Size-change Abstraction
The size-change abstraction (SCA) is an important program abstraction for termination analysis, which has been successfully implemented in many tools for functional and logic programs.
27.07.16 37:09
A mobile context monitoring platform for dynamic mobile computing environments
In this talk, we present a new mobile platform to support emerging context-aware applications in a dynamic mobile computing environment.
27.07.16 1:11:15
Privacy Amplification and Non-Malleable Extractors Via Character Sums
In studying how to communicate over a public channel with an active adversary, Dodis and Wichs introduced the notion of a non-malleable extractor.
27.07.16 58:49
Visualization Clusters: from Tiled Displays to Remote Visualization
Distributed memory clusters dominate the Top500 list, providing unprecedented computing power and generating massive datasets.
27.07.16 1:09:10
The Median Hypothesis
ABSTRACT: A typical learning process begins with some prior beliefs about the target concept. These beliefs are refined using evidence, typically a sample.
27.07.16 1:15:37
Developing Natural Language-based Software Analyses & Tools to Expedite Software Maintenance
Today�s software is large and complex, with systems consisting of millions of lines of code.
27.07.16 1:08:47
Semi-Supervised Learning for Acoustic and Prosodic Modeling in Speech Recognition
Semi-supervised learning is a class of machine learning techniques that aims to use unlabeled data to improve the performance of models trained by labeled data only.
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27.07.16 1:26:35
Code Bubbles: Making the Vision Real
Our original work on the Code Bubbles programming environment demonstrated that the idea of a working-set based framework for software development had a lot of promise.
27.07.16 51:22
A novel framework of effective resource management for multi-hop wireless networks
Over the years, wireless networks have been widely applied to offer ubiquitous and inexpensive Internet access within a wide coverage.
27.07.16 1:09:04
Trajectories and the Extended User Experience
An emerging generation of artists is creating new forms of interactive experience that combine real and virtual worlds, and digital content with live action.
27.07.16 1:46:16
Programming Devices and Services with P - Lecture 1
Microsoft Research – 27 июля 2016, 23:00
27.07.16 48:29
Monitoring the Snowpack in Remote, Ungauged Mountains from Satellite and Computers
The objective is to estimate seasonal snow volumes, relative to historical trends and extremes, in snow-dominated mountains that have austere infrastructure, sparse gauging, challenges of
27.07.16 59:51
Self-Organizing Cellular Automata
Cellular automata display an extraordinary range of behavior, ranging from very simple to apparently chaotic, with many cases in between.
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27.07.16 57:18
Local Combinatorics, and Some Words on Local-to-Global Phenomena
Fix a (small) integer k and let G be a graph. For every set of k vertices in G we consider the subgraph induced by it. This distribution on k-vertex graphs is called the k-profile of G.
27.07.16 58:36
Hastings-Levitov aggregation in the small-particle limit
The talk will describe a model of planar aggregation which exhibits the widely-observed phenomenon of the growth of fingers, but which is simple enough that we can establish analytically, in the
27.07.16 1:16:45
Computing in K-12: radical change in the UK
Computer science is one of the richest, most exciting disciplines on the planet, yet any teenager will tell you that ICT (as it is called in UK schools – “information and communication technology”)
27.07.16 1:08:44
Modeling Systems from Logs of their Behavior
Logged messages are invaluable for debugging and diagnosing problems. Unfortunately, many execution logs are inscrutable in their raw form.
27.07.16 1:03:49
Optimizing Database-Backed Applications with Query Synthesis
Modern web applications are frequently built using object-relational mapping (ORM) frameworks.
27.07.16 58:03
Learning and testing submodular functions
Submodular functions capture the law of diminishing returns and can be viewed as a generalization of convexity to functions over the Boolean cube.
27.07.16 58:16
Entangling surfaces, tangibles, webs, clouds, and architectural spaces
Interactive surfaces, tangible interfaces, the web, cloud computing, and computationally mediated architectural spaces have long experienced vibrant activity in research and production contexts.
27.07.16 55:42
Emotion Detection from Speech Signals
Despite the great progress made in artificial intelligence, we are still far from having a natural interaction between man and machine, because the machine does not understand the emotional state of
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27.07.16 57:43
Privacy and Reliability in an Untrusted Cloud
The cloud offers unprecedented access to computation. However, if the underlying cloud may be malicious, ensuring the privacy and reliability of that computation remains a significant challenge.
27.07.16 1:06:01
The essence of language-integrated query
James Cheney, Sam Lindley, Philip Wadler. Draft paper, 1 December 2012, revised 29 March 2013.
27.07.16 56:44
Algorithms and Complexity for Quantum Computing
Are quantum computers more powerful than classical computers? To answer this question one must know the classical computational complexity.
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27.07.16 1:03:53
Contraction and Minor Graph Decomposition and Their Algorithmic Applications
As a powerful new result we present a new technique to split the edges or vertices of any graph into k pieces such that contracting or deleting any piece results in a graph of bounded treewidth.
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27.07.16 1:26:16
Automating Separation Logic Using SMT
Separation logic (SL) has gained widespread popularity because of its ability to succinctly express complex invariants of a program’s heap configurations.
27.07.16 45:41
Which side chooses in large random matching markets?
We analyze large random two-sided matching markets with different numbers of men and women.
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27.07.16 56:13
Efficient Inference and Learning for Structured Models
Sensors acquire an increasing amount of diverse information posing two challenges.
27.07.16 1:21:07
The Economics of Resource Sharing in the Cloud
A fundamental tradeoff in cloud computing lies between workload consolidation and performance.
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