A novel framework of effective resource management for multi-hop wireless networks

Опубликовано 27 июля 2016, 23:21
Over the years, wireless networks have been widely applied to offer ubiquitous and inexpensive Internet access within a wide coverage. However, there is a huge gap between diverse user/application requirements and limited network delivery capability. To minimize this gap and make wireless networks a more tractable environment to support quality of experience, my research proposes a novel framework of effective resource management for multi-hop wireless networks. This framework offers innovative globalized-local optimization which achieves competitive performance as global optimization, with much smaller search space, lower computational complexity and zero control-message passing. Furthermore, this framework offers a holistic method to effectively control network behaviors including: 1) dynamic interference and network conditions, 2) inter-path and intra-path interference, 3) correlated congestion and collisions, 4) co-existence of conflicts and wastes, and 5) multi-standard fairness criteria.