When You Realize You’re Not as Good as You Thought

272 556
87 дней – 85 84111:58
The Question You Should Ask Yourself
Опубликовано 28 декабря 2024, 15:00
When making something, does Adam start with the "hard" part or the "easy" part? How does someone (especially someone with ADHD) slow down and focus on improving technical skills? In this live stream excerpt Adam answers these questions from Tested members @9armid and @kirenprops, whom we thank for their support! Do you start with the hard part or the easy part when you're working on a project?

@bobbyfingers: Fabio and the Goose: youtu.be/2RIEPKEhE2s
@theslowmoguys: 75mph Bird to the Face: youtu.be/w9i9rwg1L_A

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Intro bumper by Abe Dieckman

Thanks for watching!