Microsoft Research

331 тыс
50.4 млн
9 256
24 Окт 2008
28.07.16 1:20:31
Abelard to Apple: The Fate of American Colleges and Universities
The vast majority of American college students attend two thousand or so private and public institutions that might be described as the Middle--reputable educational institutions, but not considered
28.07.16 56:15
Achieving information-theoretic limits in high-dimensional regression.
Problems in high-dimensional regression have been of immense interest lately. Examples include graphical model selection, multi-label prediction, computer vision, and in genomics.
28.07.16 1:22:16
Process Algebras for Quantum Compilation
In this talk I give an introduction to the use of process algebras in quantum computing, focusing particularly on their use as compiler tools for surface code topological quantum computing.
28.07.16 1:02:13
Numerical programs: from roundoff-error detection to accurate formula synthesis
Exact computations being in general not track able for computers, they are approximated by floating-point computations. This is the source of many errors in numerical programs.
28.07.16 1:25:00
Contagion, Affirmation and Lies: The Psychology of Social Media
Views of how social media can affect people are often over-generalized ("its ruining our conversational skills!" versus "its going to spark revolutions to rid the world of dictators!"), as is often
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28.07.16 1:12:27
Analyzing Investments in Innovation: Private and Public Perspectives
Software-based companies put extraordinary emphasis on being first to market, and all efforts are made to ensure that new products are launched as quickly as possible.
28.07.16 1:23:49
Managing data in your app
Current Event: Managing data in your app How do you manage the data in your app? In this talk, Jason will present strategies for managing the data on the phone.
27.07.16 47:27
A system for programming and verifying interacting state machines
We present a new development environment for programs composed of interacting state machines.
27.07.16 57:54
Inference and Learning in Structured-Output Models for Computer Vision
A large number of problems in computer vision involve predictions over exponentially (or infinitely) large structured-output spaces, e.g.
27.07.16 58:37
Accelerating Dynamic Software Analyses
Dynamic software analyses are powerful mechanisms for finding software errors. Unfortunately, their high performance overheads stymie their adoption.
27.07.16 1:01:41
SocialTFS: Augmenting Social Awareness in a Collaborative Development Environment
Global software teams usually rely on a Collaborative Development Environment (CDE) to cope with distance.
27.07.16 56:27
Coding for a Network Coded Fountain
Network coding can significantly improve the transmission rate of communication networks with packet loss compared with routing.
27.07.16 1:18:12
Experiences and Progresses on Binary Translation system for Loongson Processor
Chenggang Wu�s group started to research on Binary Translation (BT) technology since 2003. They try to provide a BT system for the China-made processor------Loongson.
27.07.16 47:13
Optimization Problems in Network Connectivity
Besides being one of the principal driving forces behind research in algorithmic theory for more than five decades, combinatorial optimization in graphs has assumed increased significance in recent
27.07.16 1:01:29
Gaussian Processes for Inference with Implicit Likelihoods
Complex deterministic and stochastic models are often used to describe dynamic systems in climate science, ecology and biology.
27.07.16 1:25:01
3D Object Tracking for Augmented Reality: Handling Multiple Objects, Motion-Blur, & Lack of Texture
Augmented Reality (AR) is implemented by superimposing virtual entities on the real scene so that they appear registered with the related real entities.
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27.07.16 1:06:48
Robust Shallow Semantic Parsing of Text
In this talk, I will focus on data-driven models for semantic structure prediction following frame semantics (Fillmore, 1982), a linguistic theory that describes predicate-argument relationships and
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27.07.16 1:09:55
Enabling Trustworthy Users
It is often said that the user is the weakest link in any secure system. Such arguments overstate the level of communication provided to users.
27.07.16 1:10:12
Video-based In Situ Tagging for Mobile Augmented Reality
In this talk, we introduce a novel approach for creating and overlaying annotations on real world objects.
27.07.16 59:28
Metric Learning and Manifolds: Preserving the Intrinsic Geometry
In recent years, manifold learning has become increasingly popular as a tool for performing non-linear dimensionality reduction.
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27.07.16 59:44
Making money with �free� apps
Agenda: 6:00 PM � Arrive, mingle, get food 6:30 PM � Presentation 7:30 PM � Mingle, Q&A, etc. 8:00 PM � Event ends We will have presentations on the second Thursday of every month.
27.07.16 1:13:11
Collecting a Heap of Shapes
This talk highlights results from an empirical study of the heap structures and sharing relations that appear in large real-world programs.
27.07.16 1:03:59
Automatically Assessing Personality from Speech
In this talk, we present results on applying a personality assessment paradigm to speech input, and compare human and automatic performance on this task.
27.07.16 1:35:09
Ten User Experience Best Practices for Windows Phone Application Development
Windows Phone applications that compel download and repetitive use, are those with great user experiences. User experiences that connect with consumers.
27.07.16 47:41
Generalization Bounds and Consistency for Latent-Structural Probit and Ramp Loss
Linear predictors are scale-insensitive --- the prediction does not change when the weight vector defining the predictor is scaled up or down.
27.07.16 1:25:45
Structured Prediction in NLP: Dual Decomposition and Structured Sparsity
In the first half of the talk, I will describe a new dual decomposition method for structured classification which is suitable for logically constrained problems, with applications in NLP.
27.07.16 1:20:07
High Availability for Database Systems in Cloud Computing Environments
Maintaining availability in the face of hardware failures is an important goal for any database system.
27.07.16 57:27
Batches: Unified and Efficient Access to RPC, WS, and SQL Services
Most large-scale applications integrate remote services and/or transactional databases.
27.07.16 1:08:59
Reliable Multithreading through Schedule Memoization
Multithreaded programs are difficult to write, analyze, test, and debug; a key reason is that different runs of a multithreaded program may show different behaviors, depending on how the threads
27.07.16 41:38
Generalized Oblivious Transfer (GOT)
In this paper, we introduce a primitive known as Verifiable Oblivious Transfer. It is similar to oblivious transfer except that the sender is committed to its input.
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