Microsoft Research

331 тыс
50.4 млн
9 256
24 Окт 2008
28.07.16 2:46:05
Hawaii Intern XAPfest - Intro Session #1
Hawaii Intern XAPfest - Intro Session #1: Silverlight for Windows Phone and Programming Language? Check. Platform? Check. Design language? Check. Speed?
28.07.16 1:03:23
Designing a Choice Architecture for Mobile Device Privacy and Security
Smartphones offer advanced hardware and software features that allow developers to design feature-rich applications.
28.07.16 56:35
Memory Abstractions for Parallel Programming
A memory abstraction is an abstraction layer between the program execution and the memory that provides a different "view" of a memory location depending on the execution context in which the memory
28.07.16 1:17:40
Making Genomic Data Analysis Faster and More Accurate
The Human Genome Project was completed almost a decade ago.
1 252
28.07.16 59:56
Logarithmic fluctuations from circularity
Starting with n particles at the origin in Z^d, let each particle in turn perform simple random walk until reaching an unoccupied site.
28.07.16 1:14:56
The Persistence of Passwords and Evaluating Authentication Alternatives
An overwhelming number of authentication technologies have been proposed to replace passwords over the past 20 years.
28.07.16 1:09:35
TouchDevelop - Create apps ON your phone!
TouchDevelop is a new a software development environment that runs on the Windows Phone itself, no separate PC or keyboard required.
28.07.16 1:16:13
Extensions of Bayesian Optimization for Real-World Applications
Bayesian Optimization (BO) is a popular approach in statistics and machine learning for the global optimization of expensive blackbox functions.
1 089
28.07.16 1:00:18
An overview of Multipath TCP and its applications
Networks have become multipath: mobile devices have multiple radio interfaces, datacenters have redundant paths and multihoming is the norm for big server farms.
7 139
28.07.16 47:08
Scale-Independent Relational Query Processing with PIQL
The rapid growth of data volumes has led many developers to abandon traditional relational databases in favor of distributed key/values stores and map/reduce programs.
28.07.16 1:05:51
Kitsune: Efficient, General-purpose Dynamic Software Updating for C
Dynamic software updating (DSU) systems allow programs to be updated while running, thereby allowing developers to add features and fix bugs without downtime.
28.07.16 1:03:03
Differentially Private Learning on Large, Online and High-dimensional Data
In this talk I will focus on two major aspects of differentially private learning: i) learning from high-dimensional data, and ii) learning from data sets where the samples arrive online.
28.07.16 1:06:42
A Brief Exposition Of Quadratic Forms In Two Variables Over The Integers
A Brief Exposition Of Quadratic Forms In Two Variables Over The Integers And A Theorem Of Manjul Bhargava Let p be a prime.
2 323
28.07.16 1:21:44
A Key Value Store that Supports Strict SLAs and the Applications that Need it
Emerging datacenter workloads differ from traditional e-commerce workloads in two ways. First, emerging big-science workloads can access networked storage thousands of times for 1 simulation.
28.07.16 1:40:57
Erasure Codes for Big Data over Hadoop and Large-scale Sparse PCA for Twitter Analysis
1). Erasure Codes for Big Data over Hadoop As big data grows faster than infrastructure, triple replication becomes prohibitively expensive for distributed storage systems.
28.07.16 1:23:20
The Convex Geometry of Inverse Problems
Deducing the state or structure of a system from partial, noisy measurements is a fundamental task throughout the sciences and engineering.
7 213
28.07.16 1:10:06
Rethinking the Interface to Solid-State Storage
Solid-state storage devices such as flash and phase-change memory have dramatically different properties than disks, yet are exposed in many systems as a generic block device.
28.07.16 1:05:18
Evolving GPUs into a Substrate for Cloud Computing
This talk will describe research on evolving general purpose graphics processor units (GPGPU) architecture towards more irregular parallel workloads.
28.07.16 1:36:31
Knowledge Infrastructure: Mechanism and Transformation in the Information Revolution
The information revolution has been unfolding for a few thousand years. The changes of the past half-century fit in; differences in degree become differences in kind.
28.07.16 2:24:04
GPU Ocelot Tutorial
GPU Ocelot is an open-source dynamic JIT compilation framework for GPU compute applications targeting a range of GPU and non-GPU execution targets.
1 609
28.07.16 1:24:41
From Plastic to Pixels: In Pursuit of Effective Touch-Typing on Touch Screens
Fast, accurate and satisfying text entry remains a significant challenge on touch screens.
28.07.16 1:24:51
World Lab: Inventing the Future Today
There are many urgent problems facing the planet: a degrading environment, a healthcare system in crisis, and educational systems that are inadequately training creative, innovative thinkers to
28.07.16 47:01
A Reliable Effective Terascale Linear Learning System
We present a system and a set of techniques for learning linear predictors with convex losses on terascale datasets, with trillions of features (the number of features here refers to the number of
28.07.16 1:00:32
Failures and Other Challenges of Big-Data Analytics
An important challenge faced by today's big-data analytics systems is fault-tolerance: When running a parallel query at large scale, some form of failure is likely to occur during execution.
28.07.16 1:11:23
Incremental SMT-based model checking of synchronous systems
This talk provides an overview of our current research on SMT-based model checking.
28.07.16 1:08:20
Digital Snowflakes
Six-sided ice crystals that fall to earth in ideal winter conditions, commonly known as snowflakes, have fascinated scientists for centuries.
28.07.16 1:10:06
Evolution from seeds in one-dimensional cellular automata
The talk will give an overview of recent results on simple one-dimensional rules started from seeds, i.e., from bounded perturbations of the quiescent state.
28.07.16 1:27:49
C++ AMP: Bringing Massive Parallelism to C++ Developers
Get introduced to C++ AMP: GPU computing in the next release of Windows and Visual Studio.
1 603
28.07.16 1:08:37
Advanced techniques for monetizing Windows Phone apps
Current Event: Advanced techniques for monetizing Windows Phone apps Learn how to increase the revenue of your Windows Phone 7 apps!
28.07.16 1:24:18
An introduction to probabilistic machine learning
His talk is an overview of the machine learning course I have just taught at Cambridge University (UK) during the Lent term (Jan to March) 2012.
7 809
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