C++ AMP: Bringing Massive Parallelism to C++ Developers

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Опубликовано 28 июля 2016, 0:18
Get introduced to C++ AMP: GPU computing in the next release of Windows and Visual Studio. Microsoft has recently announced C++ AMP (Accelerated Massive Parallelism), which is comprised of a C++ programming model, C++ language support, and developer tools. C++ AMP will be released in the next edition of Visual Studio and is currently available for experimentation through the Visual Studio 11 Developer Preview. Data-parallelism has become the dominant paradigm for harnessing ever multiplying silicon resources towards the acceleration of the next generation of smart and reactive applications, which employ algorithms such as recognition, synthesis and learning. C++ AMP allows any C++ developer to take advantage of the massive-parallelism tidal wave by offering a developer friendly, lightweight, and portable interface to massively parallel hardware.